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Plumbing for Safari Equip Fuel Tanks

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So I have an extended range main tank (200TDI) from Safari Equip and a Right wheel arch aux tank. They came with a pile of fittings but no directions at all and they are refusing to provide directions. Does anyone know what is supposed to connect where on these tanks?

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Reading the above link it would seem that the Disco owner had the same issues with Safari Equippe. I must say, having spent that much money I'd be VERY upset at getting no fitting instructions or guidance :o

Why would a company NOT want to help it's customers?

Hope you get it sorted.

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Same for me, though my garage fitted it anyway, then wondered why there was an extra hole in the bottom of the new tank that wasn't connected to anything. :unsure:

Whenever I have talked to Safari Equip on the phone ( and that was many more times that I should have needed to ) they have always been friendly and polite, but I got the impression that a drinking session in a brewery would be a tricky thing for them to organise.

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Issues so far:

There is no pipe to connect the two tanks together included with the tanks.

The filler pipe and the overflow filler into the main tank do not line up even remotely closely.

There are no swaybar spacers included.

Has anyone else had those parts included? The website says all tanks come with all the required parts to install, but clearly this is not the case.

What legal recourse do I have at this point?

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Complain a lot on the internet.

Have a beer.

Fix it yourself.

Unfortunately, in my experience, less than a third of all UK vendors (actually any vendors anywhere these days) have any clue what service means. The world has gone to pot.

Maybe you could post some pictures. Who knows, maybe someone can help with a solution.

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Aaargh, this night just keeps getting better and better. I got as much of the tank fitted as I can, had to re-drill to move it forward since I forgot there's usually those rubber bits at the back and I'm building from scratch so I don't have those so I had it about an inch further back than it was supposed to be, which is why the fillers did not line up.

On top of this I went to line up the rear quarter panel plating and ... Paddocks sent me TWO LEFT HAND ONES! Arrgh.

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  • 4 months later...

Hey guys,

The same happened to me. I bought a long range fuel tank, side fuel tank and wheel carrier from Safari Equip and too didn't get a single scrap a paper with instructions. Considering the amount of cash I spend you would expect some paperwork. And this was last year (2009) around May ... so it seems that nothing has changed!

My local Land Rover shop had to chase/beg Safari for instructions after a fair few phone calls. I now have issues with my wheel carrier and have "successfully" gotten through to Lesley (reception) and Tom (workshop) who gave me their email address (which bounced). This has been going on for about a month now trying to get a Techie there to contact me. Lesley promised me this morning that someone will call definately today.

It's a joke. They are very happy to take your money ... and that's where the relationship ends.

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Hey All

I have had a main long range tank, wheel arch overflow tank, and two side tanks.

Yep no instructions, but it is not as complicated as it looks.

Personally I did not even look too hard in the box that they provided of stuff as some of it was all good, but the majority of it was kinda cheep quality being perfectly honest...

The tanks are great though.

On the side arch overflow tank, it does fit like how the mantec one goes, the weird bracket goes from the base to the rear crossmember I think I have pictures somewhere I could post up.

Mine was even more confusing as I needed to plumb in the side tank into the breather too. Anyhow pictures would help, I have put some in a post by someone else, can't find it though?

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I had the same dire support from Safari Equip, though I've found the products are well made.

HOWEVER. If you have bought a tank from them which is supposed to be stainless steel then CHECK THAT IT IS STAINLESS.

I bought two 130 tanks one for water and one for fuel. I ordered and paid for stainless steel. One was made in mild steel!!! Because they were black powder coated I had no idea.

'Fortunately' the mild steel was the one I used for the water, and soon the water turned brown. If I had used that side for the fuel I may never have known. You can test with a magnet as stainless is not magnetic.

SE were apologetic and I got compensation in the form of a new water filter and some bumperettes made to order. Thats not the point though - I couldn't believe that such a basic error could be made. I met them at Peterborough and handed them the rusty tank there and a new stainless one was delivered soon after.

The tanks originally came with the wrong fitting kits, not enough bolts etc etc. Similar tales to the others here. Nice people, good products but unbelievably bad management and organisation.


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  • 3 months later...

I'm about to install one of these rear wing aux tanks, and of course don't have all the right parts. My tank does not have a drain hole, so I will have to drill one. Problem is, I don't have the proper pipe fitting for the tank end for the balance pipe. Anyone know what is this part called, so I can source one? I don't have a Safari Equip, but a FrontRunner tank, and they call it a "Balance Fitting", but I have a suspicion that is not the correct term.

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Not wanting to sound like a fly in the ointment, but give their local trading standards a shout. Trading standards can and should make them provide the instructions. They are selling a product not of merchantable quality. What happens if you cock it up and want to return to your standard fuel system? Yes you would need a new main tank but at some point in the whole process they are responsible for providing you with the fitting instructions. They then become responsible for putting everything right!!! They would argue that you should have consulted them so make sure every call is time and dated with every thing said written down verbatim.

Good luck


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I've said this before and I'll say it again! biggrin.gif -If I have a problem with someone's stuff I buy(ie a commercial buy) and I don't get some sort of satisfaction after a phone call/e-mail, then I visit them, I did it before when a so called car dealer was trying to get out of the 3 months warranty he promised on, I turned up at his house-where I bought the 110 from!, and had a quiet word in his ear, which after talking to his mechanic seemed to be the only way to deal with him as he took the mick out of a lot of people quite a lot of the time- I got what i wanted and got it sorted out.

A lot of people won't go through with this as they can't/won't be bothered doing it that way, they think that you have to be nice when dealing with companies that sell us as a community parts for our vehicles, that is not how they should be and when you spend money like you lot have on parts then you deserve to be kept happy after all it's good business practice to do so-ie: repeat sales!,there is only so far I would be willing to go before I'd visit and I would'nt be irate but put my point across bluntly, I am after all a paying customer and could cause a lot of damage to they're reputation as a provider of land rover parts within forums etc etc I would use the truth when doing so and document all of any e-mails, Phone calls etc with times and dates, take notes and basically make sure I had a tight case to use if nessacary against them if they did'nt give me what I wanted to use for the trading standards

Safari Equip should give you and everyone else everything that comes in the kit's for these tanks-this includes the instructions, otherwise the kit is'nt complete as without the instructions you may aswell throw your money away as what you buy is'nt worth much apart from scrap value(unless you don't need to use instructions that is!)

Sorry for ranting on but it's got to a stage now where I'm sick and tired of companies taking the mick out of the public-taking they're money but failing to provide good quality goods, Obviously there are some very good companies out there that do provide good customer service that will go above and beyond to provide this which is absolutely how it should be, Unfortunately they're getting few and far between these days


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  • 2 months later...

Just thought I'd share my safari equip story..

I ordered a rhs tank for my 90, delivery took an unbelievable 5 months, with all the shaggy dog stories.. lost in post, making up a batch next week.. etc etc .. non-returned phone calls, unanswered emails.. It was such a farce they became a standing joke !

Of course when the tank did turn up, no instructions, parts that didn't fit, in short a nightmare.

Since then the dashboard switch gear has, quite literally, fallen to pieces and the tank filler is down to the bare metal ( rust ) the powder coat was so poor.... ( I can't bring myself to check the condition of the tank !!!! )

I've got used to replacing fuses as the fuel transfer motor blows them regularly, but today on a run across Scotland, when I was relying on the extra tank, the motor gave up altogether ( which as it's been used perhaps 2 dozen times is, basically, total carp.

Fortunately there was an open garage and little snow, but it could easily have been a case of very bad weather and no fuel, potentially very threatening to my passenger and myself, especially in the highlands.

Given that Safari Equip, as the name implies, is happy to outfit travelers whose health and safety actually depend on their kit, I'd suggest they either get their collective act together or take up another trade, perhaps farming, where they would be more closely regulated.

So as a customer I'm unhappy to report a satisfaction of 0 / 10

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yup, wheel carrier and receiver hitch. got a diagram with the first and the second one didn't really need any explaining or instruction.

They both came with all the bits, although I used longer bolts on the hitch as they didn't really accommodate a spreader plate, and both were well finished.

They used to supply scorpion racing and possibly some others, so i think they are more of a fabrication company. They also go, or went, under the name of wva holdings or something to that effect as a fabrication company, which maybe explains why guidance and customer service is lacking.

I was very happy with the quality of the stuff I got and it was significantly cheaper from them than scorpion (and whoever their successor company is) for the same product. That being said, the items were not particularly complicated and given the stories above, i might be inclined to avoid items which are more complex than big bits of metal welded together.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quick update on my Safari Equip tank ....

With a hours in service record of about... oh 25 minutes I'm disappointed to report the transfer fuel pump is dead. I've ordered another from Safari-equip.. if it turns up ( here's hoping ) I'll be sure to let you know if it manages to last a week ! At least having the tank in parts gave me the opportunity to respray all the ( powder coated ) supplied parts that had rusted ...

If this set up fails I thought I'd give my daughter a go at building a tank, she's 19 and at art school, which is as good a guarantee that she'll do a better job than safari equip that you can get !

Oh, and on behalf of British engineers across the globe I'd like to apologise for Safari-equip.. they're not typical.. really.. honest.. they're just stuck in the '70's working at British Leyland in a time warp..

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