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Mind you they can generally drive much better than we canon the snow, ever seen a Mum in Britain driving kids to school opposite locking the Volvo round every corner !!

You haven't met my mother, have you...?

About three inches in the West Midlands - not enough to worry an ordinary car, and all the major roads were cleared well anyway. Didn't stop them shutting all the schools though (yesterday, before a flake of snow had fallen...they're staying closed tomorrow, too) and the bin men obviously decided that picking up the rubbish was a non-essential journey and took a free holiday :rolleyes:

Most of the neighbours' cars obviously hadn't moved when I got home, but everyone was in at work.

It's a totally different attitude down south to Aberdeenshire where I grew up - nobody would bat an eyelid at this amount of snow up there.

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Well,south yorkshire missed out AGAIN :( .went to work this morning with about 1/4 of an inch,snowed all day none stop but was thawing all the time,now got about half an inch

News said "worst snow for years,dont travel unless absolutely necessary"

Well i am still waiting :blink:

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Nice one

and as per posted eleswhere by Reads90

"And then at times like this they want people with 4x4s to help but the rest of the year you are related to the devil and should be cursed at every point"

Would love to know how many tree Sh@gg3rs in their Prius's had to be recovered by somebody in a Landie......respect I say. My Corolla t-sport is carp in snow......God knows what a Prius is like.

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Spoke to my Sis last night (your yeaterday morning) and was talking to her about parking cost in richmond as she lives there.

She told me that their 1.6 ltr car which i am lead to belive is some sort of Renult espace sort of thing. But knowing here it will be the ford version of (But Jules will know what car it is , cause funny enough she is his sis too :D )

But anyway she was telling me they have told her that she will have to pay the 300 pounds a year to park their car out side thier house even though they don't have a 4x4. But becase of the size of the car.

mmm interesting i thought it was to target 4x4 and gas guzzlers. So what car does mean you can only pay normal parking fees then. Or is this another charge that they can get in under the green issue again. Which from where i am sitting and what i hear they seem to be doing alot of in the Uk at the moment , with success

BTW just to show how things are differant from place to place. In Aus if you have a car on lease you get taxed for it (benfit tax) but if you have a 4x4 you don't . Before you ask Can't find out why but you don't have to pay benifit tax where as you do on cars, cool eh

And somthing esle. She was talking to me as she was walking her kid down to play school and she said she was having to tell mums how to drive thier 4x4's in the snow. After all my sis may be 5' nothing but her first car was a S3 landy county. She found it very funny :)

The one io kncakered after she sold it to me . mmmm some things never change

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It's because of how it was portrayed in the media that you will think the big hike in chargers was to hit 4x4's and the like. The media slant was so towards being anti 4x4 that the real hit was missed off i.e. target anything that isn't a Smart car!!

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It is NOTHING to do with environmental issues! It is all about raising more money by the councils and the government.

Give you an example, the UK government (our friend Gordon) has increased the Airline Passenger Tax by a Billion pounds. (There are very serious questions about the legality of this but that is a diffrent point) His arguement was that it would reduce environmental impact of air travel. Strangely enough all airlines/transport group/environmentalist state that it will have ZERO impact on the environment.

But it will have a MASSIVE increase in Gordon's back pocket!



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Another good example is biodiesel. It is carbon neutral yet there is so much tax on it that it is as expensive as mineral diesel - why? Recently the EU ended the right to use red diesel in pleasure boats. Since there was, IIRC, 3ppl tax payable on bio-diesel for use in non-road applications this seemed the obvious answer - that is until the government added more tax to make bio-diesel in non-road applications the same as in road applications. So now there is not incentive to use, and therefor for anyone to make, carbon neutral bio-fuel. And the government claims to be tackling carbon emissions? Bullsh1t, it is raising tax. I wonder how much duty the government is loosing as more and more people give up smoking and if the hole is being filled anywhere else without raising income tax and VAT?


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I still find this massivly funny that all these people that think thay have won a victory against 4x4 will end up paying through the nose for a tax they fort for.....due to there own ignorance

Gordon is laughing all the way to the bank


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I wonder how much duty the government is loosing as more and more people give up smoking and if the hole is being filled anywhere else without raising income tax and VAT?


agree i have always said the goverment has had to seen to stop people from smoking but if everyone quit over night they would be in sh*t with a big hole where the money used to be

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agree i have always said the goverment has had to seen to stop people from smoking but if everyone quit over night they would be in sh*t with a big hole where the money used to be

There is a lot said about smokers costing the NHS money. When I was a smoker I heard a statistic that during a lifetime of smoking the average smoker pays for any costs his smoking may be responsible for 4 times over just in tax. That is going to leave quite a gap in NHS funding if it is true.

What is the tax on 20 cigarettes these days? There is VAT added on top of that!


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I so I enjoy posting photos etc of where I have been with my Land Rovers.

I really enjoy looking at pictures of places people have visited in their Land Rover and I liked the ones you (Leeds) posted of Northern Spain at Christmas.

I'm driving to Portugal again this year in my P38 and shall be driving through the areas of Northen Spain in your photos, I would love to visit some of them.


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