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Forum South West Challenge 3 (FSWC3)


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Excellent event yet again, only problem is being set over 3 sites I can't take pictures of everything thats going on at once :D

60 of the 280 that I took are up here, if anyone wants full size ones let me know.

A few from that lot...



















Jim coaxes Tim over the hill :lol:




Ouch :blink:



Invisible tyres...


... or completely invisible!










And the winners...



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Very nice piccys Dicky, that new lens saw some action I see!

Mrs SiWhite and I had a great day, really good to see everyone and meet a load of new folk.

Thanks to Ian for bringing the temp guage - nice piece of mind for the return journey!

I was a bit of a portent of doom for those competing - SimonR's unscheduled descent was first off;


My fave bit is Simon's commentary - "It's bits of slack in the rope - just carry on" a second before Graham's near death experience.

Then I was spectating Paul Wightman on a section when disaster struck;

My First Roll

As soon as Piggy was upright again Paul sparks up "Right, which punch is next then?" Classic, and great sport.

Also good to see Paul's awesome winch in action;

Twin Motor 8274

Fabulous bit of engineering IMHO.

Great event and hats off to James for organising everything. I'll be competing next time!

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Well most seemed to enjoy it which is good news, and all the punches found!

Thank you to all the Marshalls for your superb work the event can't happen without these guys and their help is truly appreciated.

good to see no cards accidently came off as well, so i will take it then new card regime works well?

Competitors, thank you for coming and competing in the spirit of the event, the owner is happy therefore so am i am so future events are still on. (although always on the look out for more venues)

results - i will email these to all competitors (that i have email address for!)


1st Lynne (CSW team) 1850

2nd DSN + Sticky 1650

3rd Russell and Lewis 583 (retired early about 1030!)

4th Paul Radofrd 450 (after -220 for bieng upto 10mins late)

5th Ian + Scott 267 (winch worked well, brakes and rope not quite there yet!) Retired early.


1st OFarmer and Steve90 1558 (All punches and finsihed 1610hrs)

2nd Paul and Dan Wightman 1371

3rd Ciderman and Lardy 1258

4th White90 + Mike 856

5th TAZ90 766

6th VogueRogue + Guy 702

7th TJ101 + Victor (post lunch (due to medical) TJ101 + Trailer destroyer)

8th Rocker + Big Si 389

9th Treebloke + Dawn 253

10 Julain Vardy 214 (Retired Early)

11th Dave + Gavin 44 (Retired v early)

A good turn out and some good driving which makes the event even more the worth while.

By the way where Lardy and Paul rolled was punch 13!

There are also some other potential event sponsors in the winds so things are on the up, when do you want the next one then?

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Sorry need to see the misses! was out all day today, plus don't think everyone else would be up for it!

Forgot to mention Jim - thanks for the loan of a drill and the fish & chips................even if you were late........................

i dont have OFarmers email plus a few others, so if you dont have the results by email now then drop me a line and i will reply with them.

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We had a good time and the weather was just right, rained on fri and warm and bright on sat.

We did'nt do a punch on the afternoon due to half shaft and winch problems but half an hour on the spanners and hammers this morning and its sorted.

Thanks to James and the marshalls (sounds like pop group) it was a real friendly, lighthearted day.

See you next time.

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There are also some other potential event sponsors in the winds so things are on the up, when do you want the next one then?

Well what about another one before or even on Christmas.

BTW we found a couple of markers that led to a cardboard cut out of a deer up in section A , It was a bit confusing as Lardy was convinced it was an SS and spent some time looking for punches . :lol:

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We had a good time and the weather was just right, rained on fri and warm and bright on sat.

NO! Ideal weather would have meant that James and I did not get wet while setting out on the Friday! :) ...and that I did not get stuck and need winching on the access track to site A. :D


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a couple of the pics i got:


Lardy lowering in. (3rd Modified)


Lardy a min or so before he rolled on punch 13, with Jase saying STOP!!!!!


Mike and White90 playing in the mud. (4th Modified)


Event sponsors just before the rope snapped again.


DSN mucking about with no rear shock. (2nd std class)

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Many thanks to James/Chris and the other marshals

we had a great day, which started out with a stroke of luck, getting lost on the entrance to section B which left Rogue Vogue (Nick) and Tree bloke to take the lead into the section

only to sink in a mud bog :) luckily we all helped each other through and proceeded to get some punches, number 24 necessitated digging a decent depth hole for the front wheel of a 90 to drop in this was the only way we could reach the punch.

first punch saw a tree rip a spot lamp off :(

we moved onto section A and got a fair amount of punches here

number 7 or 8 (can't remember the same one with the southdown 90 in a previous pic) saw a full length winch pull when we were about to crest the ridge PaulW appeared and let me know the tree we were anchoring to was coming out of the ground... A bit of a shocker luckily it remained so we could re rig and lower out safely.

best mods to the 90 are:

Ashcroft CV's repeated full throttle low 2nd all lockers engaged launches up slopes, not a moments concern

Gigglepin main shaft and larger 8274 brake pads, the winch was at work for long periods pulling and lowering and worked faultlessly as did the single XP motors fitted to the 8274 and Husky.

We did snap the rope in the end dragging it across a crest of a steep climb, with little time to re splice we carried on and got another punch before the end of the event.

lastly removing the rear door this meant no body damage, easy manouvering and easy axs to the gear in the back, this was a real bonus and made a fair bit of difference for us.

good to see a decent entry list for this excellent event, well run.

PS thanks to Jim for the Fish and chips they were superb..

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James, cracking event! Congratulations for laying on a challenge with a good selection of punches requiring a fair mix of driving and winching.

Thanks to Chris for his part in setting out and of course all the marshals and Pugwash for lunch.

Our day didn’t get off to a good start, if you change anything on your vehicle test it before entering an event! Hydraulic assist steering ram fixed to top of axle directly under oil filter, thinks to self, loads of clearance. Wrong, front axle compression punches a hole in the oil filter!

We are in the quarry so get a lift back to base, pick up oil and filter, back to quarry, modify filter with hammer to clear ram bracket.

Two punches later and the filter has turned into a sprinkler again. Change filter again, this time with serious beating from Mr hammer and a piece of rag over the brackets sharp corner. This cost us an hour but the bodge lasted the rest of the event.

So punch 13 was the one to roll on then?

Problem was I had an audience. Drove into the section with no problem, drop down past the punch, turn round, drive to punch and punch card. Drop back down, floor it past the punch, up the bank, round the tree. So far so good but I hesitated on the bank as I couldn’t remember if it was left of right of the tree in front of me, Piggy decided to have a little lie down while I made my mind up.

Thanks to Lawrence for the recovery.

Roll on the next one.

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Yep a great event and cheers to James and all the marshalls etc for setting up/running it etc. Worth the trip down from the Midlands.

Cheers to Tony for the loan of a damper for the return journey. Probably saved a roll on a roundabout on the way home when a big campervan decided to turn right from the left lane as I was going straight on. :o Had to do a rather rapid right turn at about 40mph on mud tyres and soggy suspension which was certainly interesting. Must have looked spectacular from outside. Without the damper I think we would definitely have scraped the wing mirror on the floor (although that one is now bust after Saturday!). Tyre lugs now missing a few chunks after that.

Guess I should now focus on house move seeing as it may happen next week!

See you all at the next event I guess!

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Sound day (50mins of it at least). Was good to watch others and generally take the piff !

Good use of land for punch's nice variation just miffed that head gasket blew so early on.

Got back and ripped out engine pm sat and with help from Lewis put in 1600 engine just got to get it running!

Thanks to all involved Russell

Roll on the next one!

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thank you for the invite to come along and watch, I had a very useful day(learning) and found it totally exciting...

Although I don’t have roll cage, sliders or rear winch yet it has made me more determined to fit them as I realise this sport is me.

Sod the standard class.....

I would like to gain a better understanding and therefore wish to know what is required for me to marshal at an event?

Once again many thanks


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Are you going to post your photos (or was it your friend taking pix? I was a bit busy & can't quite remember!)


hi, yes will post as soon as have time to sort it as took nearly 100 and need to process and resize them

then try to remember how to post them, but will do ASAP got a few of you, can email if you have b/band as are

large file size.. pm me your email if this is quicker..

As stated had a good day now cant wait to get stuck in myself...



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good to see you there, sorry i could chat much a bit busy it seemed for most of the day, glad you enjoyed it and hopefully it will give you some ideas for your wagon if that's the way you are going to go.

watch this space for the next event.

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