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Transporting bulkhead

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I need to look out for a "new" bulkhead for The Beastie. I am clearly going to need to transport it even if I manage to find one locally (very unlikely).

I have no idea of the weight involved - so how many people to shift it, and whether I would need a trailer or could put in back of a 90.

Any suggestions would be very helpful in order to help me formulate a plan!



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You'd only need one man to lift a bare bulkhead. And I think one would fit between the wheelboxes in a 90, but you'd need to keep the rear door open.

On the otherhand if it has pedal boxes and steering columns and the like it can weigh quite a bit more!

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I bought an S3 bulkhead with steering column, brake servo, dash, pedals and so on still attached and did not feel uncomfortable transporting it in the back of an S3 SWB. The door was partly open (about 18") and kept 'closed' against the bulkhead by the means of a couple of bungie cords but the bulkhead was firmly restrained by a couple of ratchet straps. I was comfortable lifting it myself (I'm no Hulk) but if your truck is pretty and vulnerable inside then you may worry about cosmetic damage - I wouldn't try it in my Defender which is a bit of a tart.

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