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Snowy winter driving


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Definitely! To driving in it, that is :i-m_so_happy:

As for the newspaper scaremongering - ignore it, it's the usual BS.

There was an excellent programme on BBC2 the other evening, with Kate Humble (steady lad :o ) and some fellow, from the Met Office?.

Will it snow - who knows. All I will say is that the Sparrows have been really stocking up from my bird feeders this autumn... :)

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There was an excellent programme on BBC2 the other evening, with Kate Humble (steady lad :o ) and some fellow, from the Met Office?.

Thats the program that got me thinking! Summary of the program being that after 5 days you had little idea what would happen, although Tesco still pay to be given long range forecasts, they said snow end of November?! Not looking like it so far!

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Definitely looking forward to it, didn't get to have much fun last winter as I was having engine troubles (my coolant can now handle -30°C, safe side and all :D).

I checked a forecast earlier today that said light snow the 29th of November, let's hope that is the case.

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Little video made last year. Lets hope we get some similar conditions this year

Good video, really shows the difference the right tyres make. Wonder if the UK will ever have the laws like Germany were you have to fit winter tyres?

Weather still very mild where I am!

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Here's some from on the penines a couple of years ago. Sorry for the rubbish quality:

Yes that snow drift is higher than the bonnet:


Here are the after pics:



That was a fun night. Hope my landy is ready in time for the snow and that we get more like this.

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The 10 day forecast says 10 days of mild weather, so much for all the snow in November!

Anyones guess what December will be like...

How can you trust people who clams to be able to forecast the weather the next 10, 30 days og 50 years for that matter (global warming), if they can not make a correct forecast for the next 3 days..........


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Good video, really shows the difference the right tyres make. Wonder if the UK will ever have the laws like Germany were you have to fit winter tyres?

Weather still very mild where I am!

God I hope not - the fact is the Brits are useless at driving in snow - and most of them admit this and refuse to drive in snow because they just don't have the skills or experience*. That's not to say 'winter' tyres aren't without merits, in fact they make a helluva difference. But we really do not need them in this country.

Am looking forward to some snow though....but I suspect putting one's faith in long-term forecasts/Daily Mail headlines might lead to disappointment.

*By Brits, I mean soft southerners, of course - before you 'ard Northerners and/or Scots start getting upset ;)

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The year when I took those pictures of the drifts higher than the bonnet we had some drifts that engulfed an entire bus. When the road was cleared enough to enable them to recover it they towed it out and it left a nearly perfect tunnel where the snow had drifted around the bus and then frozen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the guy off that program 'Will it Snow' is James Madden of exactaweather.com He's been in the news a lot recently regarding his winter forecast - cold like last December but more prolonged. He even says he wouldn't be surprised if records are broken!

Of course a lot of other forecasters are saying it'll be a mild one so I guess we'll see... But... It appears Mr Madden could be correct as his summer forecast was pretty accurate and he did predict the snow in October, which is actually quite impressive when you take into account NI haven't had snow before bonfire night for many, many years.

Also there are the 'old wives tales' such as; the more berries/fruit on trees, the more severe the winter will be - if this is true then looking at the small tree at the bottom of my garden it's going to be a cold one. The branches are almost vertical because of the weight! I have also heard that the later the trees lose their leaves, the colder it will be. And then there is the saying mild November means a cold December...

I've got a lot of stick at work for my new found interest in the weather, but hopefully someone here will read this and actually find it as interesting as I have!

It's funny, since I got myself the Land Rover, the winter's have suddenly got quite a bit harsher and for some (sick?) reason I hope this will continue!

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I think the guy off that program 'Will it Snow' is James Madden of exactaweather.com He's been in the news a lot recently regarding his winter forecast - cold like last December but more prolonged. He even says he wouldn't be surprised if records are broken!

Of course a lot of other forecasters are saying it'll be a mild one so I guess we'll see... But... It appears Mr Madden could be correct as his summer forecast was pretty accurate and he did predict the snow in October, which is actually quite impressive when you take into account NI haven't had snow before bonfire night for many, many years.

Also there are the 'old wives tales' such as; the more berries/fruit on trees, the more severe the winter will be - if this is true then looking at the small tree at the bottom of my garden it's going to be a cold one. The branches are almost vertical because of the weight! I have also heard that the later the trees lose their leaves, the colder it will be. And then there is the saying mild November means a cold December...

I've got a lot of stick at work for my new found interest in the weather, but hopefully someone here will read this and actually find it as interesting as I have!

It's funny, since I got myself the Land Rover, the winter's have suddenly got quite a bit harsher and for some (sick?) reason I hope this will continue!

I'm the same, I've taken a greater interest in the weather. But all I seem to find out is you can't forecast far into the future :D

Still, fingers crossed for at least a few snowy days.

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I'm the same, I've taken a greater interest in the weather. But all I seem to find out is you can't forecast far into the future :D

Still, fingers crossed for at least a few snowy days.

Lol I too am the same :)

Welcome to weather geeks anonymous...... 'Hi, I have a weather obsession, it all started when I bought a Land Rover..... can you help me?' ;)

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