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Were the hell do they keep going

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Hi as a fully paid up member of the landrover community I bluddy love the things,I myself have a 200tdi defender a 300tdi defender challenge truck and a old disco 300 and ATM am absolutely s#*ting myself about them going missing I'm in the Sheffield area and of late there going mad for them last week a friend had both his 200 defenders taken 500 yards down the road a 300 defender was taken along with 4 puma bonnets and 3 spare boost alloys from the rear doors of the pumas this all happened in one night and less than half a mile from my house it's beyond a joke all the police say is there trying there best to find them but iv only ever heard of 2 been returned!! Were can these thieves be keeping them 3 landrovers broken up = lots of parts and the way there dropping someone has a very large unit of parts if I was ever to hear anyone moving mine I will openly admit I have a 12guage and I will use it I don't work to let scum reek the profits...............rant ova

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Just after WW2 there was a judge in London, probably the Old Bailey, who always handed down maximum sentences to anyone convicted of receiving, on (his) assumption that if there were no receivers there would be no thieves :wacko: The problem is that there are far too many people ready to hand over their cash for parts just as long as they are cheap. Perhaps as members of the Land Rover community themselves owners should be more willing to question the scource, as one day it may be parts from their own pride & joy on the 'market' :(

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... and if the seller says 'bought it for a project that I didn't finish/start' you still don't know. I'm sure lots of people on here have abandoned projects or had them change direction part way through, or even just been caught by the 'twould be handy syndrome when at a show etc.

All I'm saying is it can be a nightmare trying to check the legitimacy of second hand private sale parts :( Some are obviously suspicious but others you'd never know. That's not to say that we shouldn't try, just that it is not the clear cut solution that the Old Bailey Judge thought it was.

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Hi as a fully paid up member of the landrover community I bluddy love the things,I myself have a 200tdi defender a 300tdi defender challenge truck and a old disco 300 and ATM am absolutely s#*ting myself about them going missing I'm in the Sheffield area and of late there going mad for them last week a friend had both his 200 defenders taken 500 yards down the road a 300 defender was taken along with 4 puma bonnets and 3 spare boost alloys from the rear doors of the pumas this all happened in one night and less than half a mile from my house it's beyond a joke all the police say is there trying there best to find them but iv only ever heard of 2 been returned!! Were can these thieves be keeping them 3 landrovers broken up = lots of parts and the way there dropping someone has a very large unit of parts if I was ever to hear anyone moving mine I will openly admit I have a 12guage and I will use it I don't work to let scum reek the profits...............rant ova

Just trying to keep track of things in the Sheffield area - were all these in this last week?

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Damn! - we (over on Landywatch) thought it had gone quieter this last week.

I've lost count, but in the last two months, there must be something like 12 gone in the sheffield and NE derbyshire area.

We suspect there's a chop shop somewhere to the east of sheffield (can't say more on an open forum).

Lincolnshire and Humberside are also risky.

It seems quite conceivable there's a professional containerisation-and-export business operating in the area; it's not just a rise in opportunist drive-aways (though it's probably fearless rascals that remove the vehicle for a fee,, there's probably organised crime behind the scenes)

Oh, and we suspect they do read some of these forums.

Ordinary factory measures are surely not much deterrence, so extra measures, including combinations of standard and non-standard defences (which still have to be legal!) are advisable.

That said, there are only so many ways, overt and covert, to disable a Land rover - and the villains probably know most of them better than we do.

It's really a case of putting enough obstacles in their way to encourage them to move on; the downside is that they are obstacles in your way!

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Admitting on a public forum you have a 12-bore and will use it is a good way of getting in trouble.

Apart from making sure yours is out of sight & as secure as possible, I'd say CCTV of some sort (cheapo cameras with SD cards & motion-detection are ~£50 on eBay etc.) will help greatly with catching people if not stopping yours being nicked.

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"they" say that eBay is a Mecca for stolen parts but I would have though anyone selling on there leaves a footprint even mr bean could trace.

I'd say most of them end up in containers , we're supposed to be a country in lockdown but stolen plant, cars and parts seem to travel about freely enough

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"they" say that eBay is a Mecca for stolen parts but I would have though anyone selling on there leaves a footprint even mr bean could trace.

i dont think its all that, what 'they' are doing now is buying cr@p defenders and swapping bits over and selling them on for a clean(to them!) easy profit.

i was thinking, security ground anchors!! surly that would work? something up to the job of course! firmly concreted in so they cant drag it out and use a tight chain (nothing from tesco's!! ;) ) so the vehicle cant get momentum. :glare:

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That's what I'll be doing when we build the new garage... concreted-in/bolt-down ring in the concrete with a hefty chain and padlock. It'll probably only need to go around the tow bar supports. If anybody does try to drag it off the driveway it'll make a hell of a bang and stop them dead in their tracks. Hopefully that would be enough to make them scarpa!!

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yup, any serious thief won't be detered that easily, use an axle instead.

That said, I did once know a bloke who put 20' of chain around the back axle of his disco round an rsj that was well concreted in, the theives took off with it until the chain pulled tight, he got in a lot of trouble for the injuries they sustained.

Any theif who really wants your motor is going to have it whatever you do, they always seem to be one step ahead.

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