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LRDirect are not that direct!!!


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OK it's rant time....

My PAS pump is leaking fairly badly as it turns out, looking round I found a non BP one on LRDirect, I have not used them before and will not be using them again...

I expected my parts to turn up today, but nothing so I gave them a call.

To get "Sorry you missed our 3pm cut off so you won't get your parts until tomorrow" OK not what I expected but as I am working today it's not such a problem "so tomorrow is Saturday it will be here on Saturday?" "Oh no that means it won't be there until Monday" "OK so let me understand this, I missed the cut off on Wednesday, but you didn't send it yesterday instead you will send it out today!!" "Yes because you missed the 3pm cut off, and we are busy!!"

Now I can accept the order was late in the day, but nowhere does it mention this magical 3pm and yes I have read their T&C's

Also nowhere does it mention that they will take 24 hours to "process" the order before they even pick and pack it, before sending it off by the 3pm courier!!! There is no reason the order could not have been dispatched yesterday.

So I said "I guess there is nothing I can do then?" "No" "Well I am never going to order anything from you again" "that's fine" came the answer!!!

Great customer service there...

It does make me wonder how some of these companies stay in business.


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I ordered some items last Thursday.

The email said allow up to 5 day for dispatch, so Fri, Mon, Tues and on Wed I get an email and notification from Interlink express about delivery. I postponed the delivery to today and got a text from Interlink saying your parcel will be delivered between 10 and 11 and It was delivered at 10:40.

So although maybe a little slower than say Paddocks, I got my stuff!


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The email I received said they will dispatch the parts the next working day from placing the order, I placed the order on the Wednesday so they should have been shipped on the Thursday, however this does not appear to matter if you place your order after 3pm!!! No mention of this on the email, I would have cancelled my order if I had not read the T&C's which say you can't although I am not sure how legal this is I agreed to the T&C's so I am stuck with it.

As I wanted to check out things I also read that if their courier looses the order it will be your fault until they can claim back the money, and you should place another order with them for the missing parts!!! Shocking customer service, our agent looses your goods but it's your fault!!


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Well it looks as if I have spoken to soon, and they may have changed their game. I have just got off the phone to a guy called Sam who I think said he was the parts manager, as well as writing this I sent them an email detailing the same and expressing my feelings on the subject...

He couldn't apologise enough, he has gone and collected my order from the warehouse and is going to get it sent for a Saturday delivery they normally don't do this but as I needed the part and they had not made the delivery delay clear and I needed the pump. He also said that if I did decide to order from them again and need it in a hurry then I should call them first ask for Sam and he will do his best to make sure I get my bits on time.

So fair enough, maybe I flew off the handle a bit but which is not normal for me but the attitude of the person I spoke to really wound me up, maybe they have improved their service, their response to this seems to show that they are trying to improve things. I also made comment to Sam about this magical 3pm cut off time and that they should make this clear on their website, he said that they are working to improve the site and would take delivery times into consideration.

We shall see if my package arrives in the morning, and I will keep you posted.


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RE. your right to cancel... you do have one. It would fall under the mandatory 'distance selling' ruling that says you can return an item (albeit at your expense) within 7 days for a refund. Many companies claim a restocking fee, which I believe it also unlawful.

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That's what I thought but there T&C's say different, and their restocking fee appears to be 15%. Does accepting their T&C's upon placing an order negate your other rights or would this be covered under the "special order" clause in the distance selling rules?


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What about refusal when delivered? My understanding, but I could be wrong, was that if you had an issue like this you advised the company you wish to cancel the order, even if its in transit, and just refuse delivery if it arrives. That way the courier company will just return it at no cost to yourself.

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If your old pump is leaking, given how expensive a new pump is, I would recommend changing the oil seal, I know you've order a new pump now but at least then you'll have a spare. I changed the seal and bearings on mine after reading a thread on here somewhere, wasn't a difficult to do as you might think.

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What about refusal when delivered? My understanding, but I could be wrong, was that if you had an issue like this you advised the company you wish to cancel the order, even if its in transit, and just refuse delivery if it arrives. That way the courier company will just return it at no cost to yourself.

I did consider that but as they now appeared to have sorted the issue and I will get my pump tomorrow it shouldn't be an issue.

If your old pump is leaking, given how expensive a new pump is, I would recommend changing the oil seal, I know you've order a new pump now but at least then you'll have a spare. I changed the seal and bearings on mine after reading a thread on here somewhere, wasn't a difficult to do as you might think.

I looked up about fixing the pump but the popular view seemed to be it was not worth it, the box yes worth having a go, but the pump not, I do have a spare pump here from the replacement engine but I am off to Norway in February which will put a strain on most bits so I want to do it properly and have no doubts.


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That's what I thought but there T&C's say different, and their restocking fee appears to be 15%. Does accepting their T&C's upon placing an order negate your other rights or would this be covered under the "special order" clause in the distance selling rules?


I didn't think that T&C's could override your statutory rights.

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I paid brand new £315 next day delivery direct from Adwest with new drop arm. Did you get a better deal for the hassle? :-)

I would have gone to Adwest if it had been the box as they are just down the road but it is the Pump that is leaking not the box, I think it must have received a bash when I changed the engine and is leaking from the shaft.


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I didn't think that T&C's could override your statutory rights.

This sets out the law:


They cannot charge you for restocking. They can make you pay for the return costs.

Their T&Cs cannot over-ride your statutory rights, and under some circumstances it is a criminal offence for the vendor to attempt to force you to agree to their terms.


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They can make you pay for the return costs.

...but only if that is made clear at or before the time of ordering, if it is not mentioned then they have to pay for return postage.

It sounds like LRDirect T+Cs are a load of BS to me, you should report them to Consumer Direct as they are clearly misleading ref. missing goods, restocking charges etc.


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Credit where credit is due, my PAS pump and other bits turned up this morning at 09:15 I guess the mark of a good company is their ability to stick to their word and sort things out when they make a mistake.

Sam did say they were working hard to improve service, and I believe him. I will be ordering from them again it's a pity that there business improvements don't stretch to the staff answering the phone.


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I ordered some parts from them last Sunday, there were some genuine parts that needed ordering which it said took three days, I'm still waiting now for them to come. I've ordered from all the big compAnies in the last month or so, I've found rimmers by far the best it's just a shame they don't stock everything

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