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Erm....HFH DIY Bench Wire Wheel "Machine" - A H&S special

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I just found this little gem, OMG, what were you thinking???

I spent an evening removing the little steel spikes from my cheeks after a session with a now aging wire wheel on my 4 1/2" grinder, that thing will spit them right through you I think :blink::o:o

Please be careful when using it, the forum needs to know about your misfortunes, difficult to type without fingers!!!

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I just found this little gem, OMG, what were you thinking???

I spent an evening removing the little steel spikes from my cheeks after a session with a now aging wire wheel on my 4 1/2" grinder, that thing will spit them right through you I think :blink::o:o

Please be careful when using it, the forum needs to know about your misfortunes, difficult to type without fingers!!!

Your 4 1/2" grinder will be running at least 3 times the speed of this. You will end up with more wires stuck in you from your grinder than this 'tool'

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Oh dear Nige, didn't I see a post around a year ago that had a catalogue of accidents and injuries in it?

Are you not missing a tool rest for it, and a section of perspex to collect the dislodged wires?

Oh!... I found it... the power of "search", that one made me laugh too

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but I had to do a brief today to my team, about a man who was killed by a 115mm grinder and wire wheel, the wheel caught his snood around his neck and pulled it so tight it strangled him.

I've got some some good sized holes in t shirts from similar incidents.

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i agree it probably is "technically" safer than a 115mm grinder due to its operating speed.

Be wary about using old tired or cheap chinese wire wheels they can be lethal.

I remember getting a safety post through in work the other year that a contractor at another company had died from using one. He was using a crappy old wheel and didnt have his overalls done up so the wires were hitting and getting stuck on the front of his t-shirt. He went home fine from work once he had removed all the spikes from his clothing and died during the night. apparently a wire had hit him straight on penetrated the skin and worked its way to his heart where it reaked havoc!!!!

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Bludy Hell !

To be very honest this kit scares the bejeezus out of me, I tend to put layers on, welding gloves hat glasses and lean away from it,

thus I am probably safer than most times in my inventing shed :D

However, the chances of me using the "Woundmaker Mk1 " a la "kit off birthday suit - dingle dangle all hang out" mode is "Kin Unlikley"



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