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Just in case anyone was considering.... electric superchargers


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Hehe yeah, I don't really think any of us thought it would work, just look at that "compressor wheel" the heater blower on an old Series moves ten times the air of that piece of bend-up tin! However, It makes me wonder though.. Why doesn't someone make a decent electric supercharger? using a proper compressor wheel and housing. Now I'm not stupid, I know that it is waaay inefficient to drive a compressor via electricity, but for those boy racers that only ever need it at every tenth traffic light, they would actually get something that they could feel pulling them along. And installation would be just as simple

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I saw that vid a while back and was thinking about using one in conjunction with a spare heater matrix that I have to put more warm air in the cab, if ever I can find the time to figure out plumbing without air locking it that is :)

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I looked into it and the proper job has three motors driving the super charger through a bull gear.

I was considering the mini supercharger driven with a winch motor, which is an internal 'gear up' to a turbine, just like a turbo compressor's turbine. In the end I gave up and went with the customers original idea of the mini supercharger driven by an air con clutch. The clutch stops the parasitic load when the turbo is spooled up. And as usual it involved dropping wodges or cash on specialist parts and I've not heard if they got it working properly?

The great thing about a big turbo and an electric-turbo combo is that it takes no engine load at low rev, especially if you drop the alternator field at the same time. The bad news is that you'll probably bust the crank :(

The question was asked "why not nitrous"? Why not both :)

I still think the electric supercharger/turbo would be good offroad on the TD5, so the lag goes away.

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Go on admit it.....................you all bought one didntcha ? Go on fess up :i-m_so_happy:

You would need one powerful electric run a proper one on full bore, and a mighty big alternator to sap all the power to keep up with it.

And being that nothing mechanical or electic is 100% efficient, would surely mean a net loss ? Or a dead loss ?

Also, the guy on the right in the vid...............are they his real teeth ?

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I wouldn't write off electric superchargers just yet. In the coming year, every F1 car will have an e-turbo, this means that the turbo is not only driven in the conventional way, but electrically as well, to reduce turbo lag. it is also possible to play tunes with this, for example use the turbo to charge the KERS battery.

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How about.... when you brake, it fires up a compressor, compresses air, and then fires this into the engine when you apply the throttle to stop turbo lag?

Should be quite easy to test in a DIY manner.

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That is excellent watching :)

FridgeFreezer; Yeah, I can see VNT fixes it, and a small turbo, like the family transit vans. (got 2).

There must still be some lag, and once you go BIG-turbo its a lot worse. A big intercooler is also against you on turbo lag.

Controlled Power technologies do an electric turbo, and you can see the downside immediately. It's 5kW and a test showed over 200A running hard, and over 300A start-up when accelerating. ( I guess I wasn't far off with winch motor drive ). Assuming your bottom end can stand it, you would gain some serious bottom end torque with one of these. It would be like starting off with the turbo already spooled up!

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