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Body type change - Pickup to CSW


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Guys, i looking for some guidance.

I'm trying to gather info on the technicalities of changing a land rover body type.

In particular i'm wondering what the issues might be with trying to rebody a 110 pickup into a CSW.

Is it just a paper work exercise with the dvla, or can it get a lot more messy?

I'm sure some ones had experience of this, and can tell me if its even worth considering.

Thanks for advance


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As I understand it before the LEZ came in to being you just asked the DVLA nicely and they did, however after the LEZ came in they didn't like the number of requests. So if your Defender was produced after 1998 (I think) they would do it only if you had a letter from Land Rover stating that it left the factory as the type you wanted it changed to, if older than 1998 they wouldn't change it.

Which I think is madness, you have to tell them if you change the colour but if you change the body type they don't want to know.

There are always exceptions as the DVLA is apparently staffed by humans and each decision is subject to their understanding of the rules. ;)

Now I now you are saying a petrol which the LEZ doesn't apply to but I doubt the DVLA will care ....

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Some v5's of vehicles I've owned have not explicitly stated the body type - my current 90 just states "land rover", so perhaps all is not lost

A lot don't Lewis. Which is really only a problem if it's diesel you are unfortunate enough to have to travel into London.

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If it's a commercial vehicle and you don't meet the emissions standards (anything pre TD5 iirc) then you have to pay £100 a day to drive inside the LEZ. If it's a private vehicle you don't have to pay, however the commercial/private is based on the V5 and not on the use of the vehicle.

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As I understand it before the LEZ came in to being you just asked the DVLA nicely and they did, however after the LEZ came in they didn't like the number of requests. So if your Defender was produced after 1998 (I think) they would do it only if you had a letter from Land Rover stating that it left the factory as the type you wanted it changed to, if older than 1998 they wouldn't change it.

I think that only applies if you are trying to change the designation - most land rovers are registered as '4x4 Light Utility' which is a commercial designation, and therefore subject to the LEZ. A factory CSW would likely be registered as something like '4x4 Estate', which is a private designation so not bound by the LEZ. If you try and change a car from 4x4 Light Utility to Estate they make you jump through hoops as they think you are trying to dodge the LEZ fees - but if you changed from pick up to light utility or just changed the number of seats it would likely be a load easier as the LEZ status wouldn't change..

I had a simolar issue with an imported Toyota Surf Diesel - the V5 said 4x4 Light Utility and they wouldn't change it without a written letter from Toyota saying that it was a passenger vehicle, which Toyota wouldn't provide as it was a grey import...

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with LR the original SW are designated as such by the VIN 7th character IIRC , depending on age of vehicle and seatbelt requirements at original registration , may cause you headaches as well. LR dont list a chassis for sw , just variations based on engine . There are brackets specific to SW tho . Probably cost effective wise starting with a CSW would be better , due the large amount of CSW special parts needed to get there from any other model especially with a 110 more so than 90 . JMHO

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The CSW bit is easy. The C is for County trim. For that you just need to buy the trim bits.

As for changing the body to a STATION wagon. As said you need certain chassis parts, one being the station wagon cross member that's in front of the rear wheels. Depending on the year you'll also need chassis to body seat belt mounts for the rear belts.

As an aside up to and including the 300Tdi, there were more station wagons made without the County trim. Now more people have CSW's than Land Rover made.

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Ignoring for a moment the niceties of the LEZ and DVLA (basically, if it’s an 1980s-era 110, the information on your V5 will be suitably vague and therefore you won’t have to change anything, not that the DVLA would let you anyway!). Just expand on James’ comment somewhat

The basic 110 chassis is the same, all the SW-specific brackets just bolt on.


Parts site Linky

I bought all of the bracketry from various websites new, and it came to £120, IIRC. I then had them galvanised. You can just see it in the centre between the chassis rails
5768075651_e9b1ca1b2e_s.jpgChassis After Galving! by udderlyoffroad, on Flickr

What you might struggle with however is the SW body tub, pillars and doors. They are commanding a premium now, as many folk (myself included), buy a hard top (van) or pickup and then realise they need to transport more than 2 people, in order to be able to justify the LR to their partners! Best bet is to keep an eye on Ebay for stuff local to you. Or, go to the Newbury sort-out early and cut a deal with someone.


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Which way are you trying to change - Diesel to Petrol or vice versa?

I don't think it's impossible - although it may be more difficult if you are going Diesel to Petrol which makes you LEZ exempt - you may need receipts / engineers report etc.

I've wondered what would happen if you had Petrol on the V5 and a diesel engine fitted - if you got stopped in the LEZ what (if any) the offence would be..

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