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Are bush wires road legal??

Jon White

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i always thought they weren't cos they aint pedestrian friendly, sayin that i see quite a few around

legal mmmm i had them once on a truck and no one said a word. Even when a copper was learning on them while talking to me (well rephase that doing me for being 16 days out of road tax). Always Once knew a copper in the club that had a rangie with them on

So can't that ilegal

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The real problem could be the use of this section of the RTA...

Section 40A Road Traffic Act 1988 as amended by the Road Traffic Act 1991 states: “a person is guilty of an offence if he uses, or causes or permits another to use, a motor vehicle.... on a road when.... the condition of the vehicle..., or of its accessories or equipment.... is such that the use of the motor vehicle.... involves a danger of injury to any person.”

This has been used several times to prosecute for dangerous vehicles and even things like people adding unsafe mascots to the bonnets of their cars.

New cars are covered under type approval and no new car would get away with bush wires.



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Guest diesel_jim
: “a person is guilty of an offence if he uses, or causes or permits another to use, a motor vehicle.... on a road when.... the condition of the vehicle..., or of its accessories or equipment.... is such that the use of the motor vehicle.... involves a danger of injury to any person.”

Crikey... the moment you get into the car and start the engine they could slap that one on you.... exhaust fumes killing people.....

then once you put it into gear and start moving..... heck, go get Bubba and the KY jelly.... you're going down boy!!!

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Why did front numberplates dissapear from motorbikes? Wasn't this a safety of pedestrians (head slicing) issue? Would bush wires pass the SVA test? I guess the answer to that would depend on the radius of them meeting the minimum spec...


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I think SVA is a 3mm radius on everything, you even have to put plastic dome caps on any bolt heads that are on the bodywork <_< I doubt bush-wires would pass the SVA as they & their fixings protrude and could harm a pedestrian.

Ignoring the SVA, I've never heard anyone get into trouble for having them on, all the camels have them, and if you manage to damage someone with the bush wires without them having hit any other part of the car then you're doing pretty well.

I think the issue with sharp mascots on bonnets is that it makes a relatively smooth/friendly vehicle much more likely to do damage, whereas with a landy it's not really adding anything to the equation, as BogMonster pointed out so very eloquently :lol:

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At any speed a bush wire will behave more like a cheese wire. IMHO.


Exellant! Anti-rambler device anyone????

So it looks like then no-ones really sure if they're legal or not then, but nobody has ever heard of anyone getting into trouble for running them! I think the best thing to do then is make them fairly easily removable.

Anyone got any clever designs for them then, or got any better sources of parts than the local B+Q? I noticed they did steel wire, and the turnbuckles and U clamps the other day!

I think if possible I'd prefer to get the loops crimped and use ickle shackles etc so the local yacht chandlers may be a better bet. Might be able to get stainless wire too!


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Have run with brush guards for many years, and yes they are illegal in this country (According to a mate, of a mate, who's a traffic cop) But dispite being pulled several times for various other offences have never been questioned or quizzed about them.

I think this due to the fact thety had to many other things to moan about :lol::lol::lol:

However, In Europe they take a very serious veiw on this, and we ahve been fined in Austria for running them. So we always remove them when were abroad.

Not a concrete yes or no, but i hope it helps a little.

Jim :)

Ps: Don't use less than 8mm it's pointless, and make sure there anchored firmly :lol:

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Just because there fitted to a Camel don't for a second think there leagle..in the UK

The camels are built for countries that don't have much in the way of road law as most of the time the off road.

The old bill have far more intresting/pointless ways of extracting money from us law abiding citizens than some rusty old wires from wing to roof.

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Sta-lock do swageless fittings, they are an easy and neat way of terminating wire rope, they're from the marine industry so well up to living outside.

they use a compression joint with an insert to create a very strong join.

Can't find a website, but i've got their catalogue at home.

Sta-Lok Terminals Ltd

Tel: 01206 391509

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i had bushwires for about 2 years, never a comment from mot or police. well there was one, but the copper was just asking what they where for.

B&Q near here do steel wire, but their fittings are carp i was tearing eyebolts apart & snaping tensioners all the time with 3mm wire.

i got rid of my wires when i sold the roofrack, id only put them on to keep branches from getting under the rack.

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