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Is this a crack in the stainless steel?


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Just under the 110 and noticed there was a bit of soot where the pipe joins the back of the centre silencer on my stainless exhaust system. Cleaned up it looks like this




There wasn't a lot of soot and it doesn't feel like it's blowing, but I think it is cracked along the edge of the weld. Will this just need a run of weld to seal it up? I presume I can't do it with my mig?

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As said. I have extensively modified my Stainless system (from a Disco to a 110) just by using a few bought angles and straights and simply welding them on with a mild steel MIG. Welds perfectly well and after 3 years still looks like new on the joins I did.

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Just s thought - is it still within a warranty period, with some having lifetime guarantees ?

And if it is under warranty you might break the waranty if you zip it with the mig, might be worth a phone call.

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It has a lifetime warranty so they will probably fix it FOC. Trouble is they are in Ashford, Kent (same place HfH had his done) near my parents and i am north of London. I think i will give them a shout as suggested and see if they mind me migging it, otherwise i will have to arrange a Saturday when i am visiting mum and dad for them to zap it up themselves.

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