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Everything posted by mike4444244

  1. i have one and totally recommend it, thieving pikeys got into mine and trashed it but didnt nick it because of the meck lock! mike
  2. 92% trying to remember physics from school did make my brain ache though... still, looks like i could go into orthopaedics after all mike
  3. lol if you want to cover miles fast then you need slayer, machine head, throwdown, lamb of god etc... also kendal mint cake, ibuprofen and red bull help! :) mike
  4. ok LR content.... I need somewhere to work on it Hi We need to sell my grans house along with its large garage and drive, i am consequently losing my workshop space, we have managed to get space off a local farmer but its very overpriced for what it is and he is a grumpy sod businessman... We are renting here cos its the only place we have managed to find, any ideas where we can try to get a better unit? Its got to get all the cars in my sig in and a sankey... Has anyone got suitable space in cheshire or merseyside/wirral? Ta Mike
  5. lol or in my case measure twice cut once, realise that back of the chassis is on stands, say bug**r, cut again, bend and re weld! britpart was cheap but was thinner gauge steel and i had to reweld some of it as i wasnt really happy, also if your towing a lot or off roading then you'll probably want to weld proper crush tubes in, hth mike
  6. Hi same thing happened to me.... i ended up taking the head off to get it out. Mike
  7. Make : Portamig Model : 181 How Long have you had it / How old is it : 6 months Typical Current Price : Approx £500 Maximum Welding Current (AMPS) : 181 Output at 60% Duty Cycle : Unsure Welding Wire range in mm : 0.6-1, not used any bigger personally Small Large or BOTH re Wire Spools : Both Euro Torch (Yes / No ) : Yes Argosheild Bottle - max Size that will fit : Full Size Weight : Unsure... but liftable by 1 person! What is the most typical things you weld with it - thicknesses etc : 18g bodywork through to 6mm plate Other standard Features : Coarse and fine volt adjustments, Infinite adjustability wire speed Good Points : Super well made, warranty, service from dealer, ease of use, wire feed mechanism. Bad Points : None that i have managed to find... er cost maybe? also requires 16A feed at full whack. On a scale of 1 to 10 1 being very unhappy with it, and 10 being "Its perfect for me" rate it : 10, absolutely fantastic welder, IMHO the best serious DIY/Light Pro mig available, I would recommend it to anyone!
  8. hi yes exmoor trim do fold up seats with integral belts, unfortunately at the sum of £550 they would represent 50% of the entire value of the car, or exactly the same as the original purchase price
  9. lol if they made it transparent there really would be lots of birds dipping in the water
  10. lol when i had a loud cracks in the back of my 110 it turned out to be the tub/roof shifting as it held the chassis together on cornering Mike
  11. do a search, but, in a nutshell its an easy job, took me and my wife 2 days to do not working particularly quickly, just make sure you have some mates round at the lifting off/on stage as its heavy! Mike
  12. that bike is an absolute masterpiece! btw i'll echo all of above about the foam.... dont do it! mike
  13. the trailer test is an absolute fortune too, its about 60-70% of the cost of just doing the class c test! been looking into it as i have a post 97 licence, however at least it gives me an excuse to make my dad do all the long trips with the transporter mike
  14. sounds like a load of bol**cks to me, never heard of a belt slipping cos of a tow start, plus surely its likely you would see damage to the teeth on the belt where it slipped? push rods are usually the weakest link, if they are straight and the claerances are set ok and it runs ok then its probably ok! Either way its their fault if the timing was out, and still their fault if the tensioner was loose, i would get a letter off a qualified diesel engineer if i was you. Mike
  15. Hi echo the above!, also engine oil will turn black within 30 miles in a normal engine, but should be cleaner in a rebuilt engine!!! if its been apart and cleaned properly the oil should stay syrup colour for a while... sounds like its been cleaned up on the outside and sold on.. Mike
  16. ok i found the answer by talking to the nice guy at sodbury with the enamel stand, turns out its best to thin 5% with white spirit and spray at 30-35psi if its any use to anyone else? mike
  17. hi for now couldnt you just refit stock carbs/manifold so you can use your car while you source a new carb or join the MS generation, or even better fit a diesel mike
  18. its fine as long as you remember that it dosent take much of a shove to tip them off!
  19. Its a good idea to have the pit longer than the vehicle, that way if it catches fire you can run the other way, it doesnt bear thinking about being trapped in a pit under a burning car! mike
  20. Hi Guys just bought the synthetic enamel from paddocks, could anybody shed some light as to how to apply, i'm spraying it, what does the panel think about thinning it 75% paint 25% white spirit and about 45 psi? I should mention that i'm not respraying in a different colour, i'm only 'freshening' up the limestone with maybe 1 or 2 coats over the top, as the cars been stood a while all the panels are a different shade of limestone! Finally, is it sufficient to flat the existing paint with 600g and spray the colour? when its dry is it a good idea to wax it to protect it? Ta Mike
  21. Hi shot blasting will leave you with a matt finish, if you want it to stay shiney underneath you can get it dipped professionally? they use far nastier chemicals than those that are available to the public! mike
  22. fixed your link for you! Southdown mike
  23. Hi Steve yup got it in one! theres no way 2 childseats and an adult will fit in the front unfortunately, due to the new laws all the childseats on the market have these wing type fat sides on them making them about 43-45 cm wide... I think i'm going to have to cut the wheel box but shouldnt be too bad as its in bits at the mo anyway while the chassis is being blasted Mike
  24. Hi Guys Need a few ideas for my sisters 109 3 door ht.... she wants to go camping in it with her 2 toddlers, due to the new kid seat laws i need to put a seat in the back which is not a prob for me however it does eat into the space available, she doesnt need to use it every day so it will be fitted out permanently for camping, by this i mean going wild camping for long weekends tops so it doesnt need expedition preparing! Questions are... whats the best way to arrange 1 adult and 2 kid beds in the back? bunkbeds? is it likely to be a massive faff to remove a section of wheelarch to provide legroom for a seat in the back ie to enable it to be mounted as near to the side as poss? She doesnt want a cooker or anything inside (thinking of mounting in box on inside of back door like mine) but a fridge would prob be useful... any ideas as to where to put it? i'm thinking a cupboard built in the back between the pass seat and the opposite wheelbox which could have a folding top to turn into a bed? Any ideas Mike
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