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Mo Murphy

Long Term Forum Financial Supporter
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Everything posted by Mo Murphy

  1. Loads of amber beacons and light bars, these are de riguer for the aspiring responder along with rigger boots, camo trousers and a leather aussie bush hat. Get these and you'll fit in just fine 👍 Mo
  2. I've a new windscreen going in next week. I'm going to replace the seal at the same time. Any recommendations on a supplier of good reputation based on your experience ? Mo
  3. As someone who looked into it before, it isn't worth the expense and effort. Mud makes the brushes stick normally, easy to clean out and cheap and an easy job to replace if necessary. HTH Mo
  4. It does look very professional polarblair ! Would be nice to see a Fuel filler version. Mo
  5. I had a set of injectors done by diesel bob in the summer, Mav, the tick over speed on mine increased on fitting and I just adjusted it back to where it should have been. It runs much better at lower revs such as on laning. Mo
  6. Sorry Stephen, cash only, I'll give it to you when you deliver it 👍 Mo
  7. What was it were supposed to remember ? I've forgotten 😬 Mo
  8. Just had a listen Stephen and I think you're doomed ! I'll give you a tenner for the 90 and take a chance on it 🤔 Mo
  9. Wow, fcuk ! Just had to do a marathon catch up from before Christmas! Hope you're recovering well, old chap 👍 Mo
  10. I have an ongoing jobs list on a note on my phone, that I can tick/Cross off as I do the jobs. Mo
  11. Good luck Ralph, I really hope it works for you. Having experienced GKN overdrives first hand, I won't hold my breath though. Mo
  12. I just watched the new Bond film. How marvellous to watch the Pretenders getting smashed up by a Jap 4x4. Respect, Mr. Bond. Mo
  13. It's all about the tyres. How well those 4 palm sized contact patches transmit drive. Mo
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