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Mo Murphy

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Everything posted by Mo Murphy

  1. You youngsters, we used to put a farthing in the meter and wait 3 weeks for the page to load. Mo
  2. I saw my sticker last year when going through boxes of paper LR carp. Mo
  3. I use gasket and RTV on all the water joints. I put a new water pump and bolts on this time as well. Mo
  4. Nothing really to report hurbie, I changed the belt in August so a few weeks late. Some wear again on the front edge again but not really any worse than last time. I'm not unduly concerned and I expect the new belt will be the same when I change it in 2026. Mo
  5. A vote for bearmach seals here. Good fit and seal. Mo
  6. I missed this. Great job and fantastic to see it saved, bravo ! Mo
  7. Did you ever get those extra fingers taken off, Ross ? Mo 😉👐
  8. I don't do complicated or elaborate. That's why I have a 200 Tdi 😁 Mo
  9. That's the one I use John, it's design is suitably agricultural to fit in with the 200tdi 😁 Mo
  10. We'll have to pay for one ? That's a bit rum, I wanted a free one ! Dreams dashed again by this cruel world ☹ Mo
  11. John, For comparison purposes, my 200 tdi. Aftermarket fuel pin Boost maximum 1.2 bar Allisport big intercooler Standard turbo 1.4 transfer gearing with 33" MT tyres Standard genuine thermostat Standard FIP timing New timing belt done by myself so I know its spot on (as mentioned above, I always take the radiator out so I can see what I'm doing) Normal running temp. 92-94°C EGT @ steady 60-65mph, 400-500°C, 0.5 bar boost approx on the flat Fuel economy at above, 26-27 mpg Doesn't slow significantly for hills. HTH Mo
  12. Go to Hatfield or Welwyn Garden City then Rich. Mo
  13. I certainly think there is now a case for some control of the press in certain circumstances. I first thought so during the start of the covid epidemic and their creation and whipping up of hysteria during this fuel crisis further reinforces that belief. I find this behaviour reprehensible and irresponsible. This will continually repeat itself now as each media outlet fights to sell advertising space by creating and developing new "crises" from which they will hope to line their pockets. They need to be controlled now or this will be the just the latest installment in a series of life disrupting events contrived for profit. @reb78 fuel stations in North Herts, Beds and North Bucks all seem to have calmed down now so you shouldn't have any trouble getting fuel. Mo
  14. ... and those stations that have diesel have shoved the price up ! Mo
  15. I have a brukit too, getting on for 5 years old now and still doing sterling service, used on every laning trip and foreign adventure. We even cooked for 2 on it for a week in Holland a couple of years ago when I forgot the flat stoves 🤭 No connection to Alpkit just a happy camper ! Mo
  16. Indeed, their website won't sell any, it's dire ! I think they underestimate the value of a good clear website. Mo
  17. Well I've fitted them, the brakes work and they don't rattle. All is well. Mo
  18. It's God's punishment for you putting SVO in the 110 😁😇 Mo
  19. Aha so they replace the coil springs on the retaining pins then. Thanks chaps, much appreciated 👍 Mo
  20. Morning all, any one know how the the clips in the photo in the link fit ? https://rimmerbros.com/Item--i-STC2952 TIA Mo
  21. Lots of wild dangerous predators around the British coastline, good job you're going with a roof tent. 😉😊 Mo
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