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Mo Murphy

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Everything posted by Mo Murphy

  1. Just had a listen Stephen and I think you're doomed ! I'll give you a tenner for the 90 and take a chance on it 🤔 Mo
  2. Wow, fcuk ! Just had to do a marathon catch up from before Christmas! Hope you're recovering well, old chap 👍 Mo
  3. I have an ongoing jobs list on a note on my phone, that I can tick/Cross off as I do the jobs. Mo
  4. Good luck Ralph, I really hope it works for you. Having experienced GKN overdrives first hand, I won't hold my breath though. Mo
  5. I just watched the new Bond film. How marvellous to watch the Pretenders getting smashed up by a Jap 4x4. Respect, Mr. Bond. Mo
  6. It's all about the tyres. How well those 4 palm sized contact patches transmit drive. Mo
  7. Yup, the rope is style crime. And Sam is right, at 70k he got done ! Mo
  8. Fingers crossed Mav, that's a big investment ! Mo
  9. @Peaklander no, we don't do convoy trips either. That was a group of friends on a trip 😬👍 Mo
  10. We were chased out of a forest clearing in Spain one morning by a Park Ranger in a 90 after wild camping there 🤣 We were mid cooked breakfast ! Lots of threats of Big fines ! Pikey wrote an entertaining account of it here on James Trembaths site https://www.4x4adventures.co.uk/_main/_reports13/portugal1.htm We made our excuses and left promptly. Mo
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