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Simon Smith

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Everything posted by Simon Smith

  1. The only way to know for sure is to ask the Landowner. Normally they will be signposted at the end and all the ones round here are signed as "permissive footpath" or "permissive bridleway".
  2. 84000 isn't even run in yet. I use anything from 10w/40 to 20w/50 and it's quite happy. I tend to use semi synth as I think it survives the heat of the turbo better, but I do get it cheap and wouldn't bother otherwise.
  3. I took the freewheel hubs off my old S3 and binned them, I had the accellerated wear problem on the prop sliding joint, the swivel bushes wore out quickly without the splash feed, and they were always disengaged when I needed them engaged in a downpour. Waste of space in my opinion, and I noticed no difference in economy or performance either.
  4. And it's about time you got one on the road again, had some great days out so far this year !!
  5. Or replace the bulbs in the high level lights with LED's, the flasher unit shouldn't then "see" them as a trailer.
  6. Pre SVA all you had to do is prove ownership of the parts, the reason the points system came in with SVA is because a lot of people abused the old system. Yes you were "supposed" to get a Q plate if you didn't use the donor chassis, but it was always down to the individual inspector at your licensing office. Generally if you had a log book for the donor, even if you used very little from it, you would get it MOT'd, insured and taxed on that registration number, change the chassis number in the log book and in my case take the car to Guildford with a wad of receipts and the log book. He would thumb through the receipts and take the log book from you, and a week or two later you got a new log book with all the details changed. I even changed the Make and Model on my Marlin log book so nothing agreed with the original details and still got it approved. You could find things like a Suzuki chassis with a ford engine registered as a Jago on the ford registration number!
  7. If it's pre SVA then it is perfectly legal, we all did this in the kitcar world and they only needed receipts to prove you owned all the parts.
  8. Squirt some wd40 or similar on the column UJ's. 99 times out of 100 these are the cause of notchy steering, and though the WD40 is only a temporary fix, it should confirm whether this is the cause or not. Mine was the same, worse with the engine hot (not sure why) but perfectly ok if it was pissing down with rain, or just cold.
  9. As they admit it was built so recently, it would indeed not be legal. But sometimes you have to be careful with build dates, if it was built before SVA came in it would be perfectly legal, I was involved in the building of many kit cars in the '80's and then you got a Q plate most of the time, but provided the man from the licensing centre was happy you could register it on the number of the donor vehicle, even if you didn't use all the mechanics from it. I still think you would have struggled to get this through without a Q plate though.
  10. Did you get the inner wheel bearing fully seated? If it's very tight you may not have got it fully home. I drive mine in with a hammer and one of the old races and you can hear the note change when it's seated.
  11. I may be wrong, but I thought the transfer box on the 4x2 Series Landrovers only had high range gears in them, as using low in 2wd would break things. I think you need to use the whole transfer box from a 4x4 version.
  12. Yes, that's a scroll compressor, and it works just as you suggest. Quite common in commercial refrigeration, but I didn't know they were used in car AC systems. I would say it's better than a piston compressor for use without oil, less to sieze up and no reed valves to rust away. What is it off? Ok just read the first post properly, P38. Wonder what else has them.
  13. You could just fit the sealed beam units that defenders used to have. When I had them you couldn't dazzle an effing mole. You also couldn't see where you were going of course.
  14. When I had the old 110 Someone gave me one of those strong magnets you put on the fuel line for improved economy, It came in very useful for somewhere to hold small screws when working under the bonnet.
  15. The only slight similarity this product has to anything of any use is this. A similar, but probably not that similar product was fitted in the tanks of WW2 aircraft to enable them to use unleaded fuel in certain areas. I have no idea if it actually worked or not.
  16. I had the same once, and it was a broken earth on the rear sidelight. Most strange lighting effects are earth related, though a blown bulb can do the same if the filament breaks and shorts to the other one. For example I had a blown headlamp bulb, which appeared to work fine, but on main beam the driving lights came on (as they should) but then stayed on when you dipped the headlights unless you quickly switched the headlights completely off and on again. the shorted filament was enough to energise the relay for the extra lights!
  17. The statement regarding Kent Police was on the TV news a month or so back, prbably Meridian News, I can't remember. I have also been told the same thing by Surrey officers that I talk to on a weekly basis. You may not see it in print, but that doesn't make it untrue! At the end of the day reports of metal theft, particularly cable from railways has reduced (source Network Rail Spokesman on BBC news) so they WILL be looking elsewhere to make money.
  18. Apparently since the change in the law regarding scrap metal, Kent police have reported an increase in theft of dogs for the reward money. and believe it to be the same people. So yes the change does mean they will steal something else instead. Though it didn't stop them clearing out our scrap at work last weekend.
  19. I'm relying on the "big barky dog and twelve bore" deterrent for the time being.
  20. My Mantec one doesn't use the collar, plenty on that auction site or from tractor spares suppliers, just get one the right diameter as they are available pretty much any size.
  21. Round here they seem to scramble the helecopter if you fart too loudly.
  22. I did once think of painting the reg number on the roof, viisible to the police helicopter but probably the last place a thief would look until they started stripping it.
  23. And they tried to take mine on Tuesday night, but I'm certain it was saved by E-Eng
  24. Mine was the same, you could have screwed it right through with no effort at all. I found a very large washer, about one inch I think, and welded it to the face of the plug so you could still get a tool into the square. Now you can do it up tight
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