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Everything posted by lansalot

  1. Bit of aluminium plate, reversed, and gone over with a scouring pad on the drill. Some cheap switches from Maplins, a grind out with the dremel and hey presto ! Completely unintelligible to anyone but me
  2. I got my Stauns direct from Australia from this lot, and it was cheaper than buying in this country, even with postage. http://stores.ebay.com.au/Wild-Earth-Austr...8QQftidZ2QQtZkm wildearth-australia
  3. http://www.jetex.co.uk/website/custom_part...mp;dia=2.5+inch And so on...
  4. Yeah, but you'll have the last laugh when they all die of heart disease !
  5. Stick welding = pull MIG welding = push (into the gas flow, you are holding the torch at an angle remember, so push "into" the gas pool) Also, check out: http://www.mig-welding.co.uk "How-to" section, especially http://www.mig-welding.co.uk/wire-speed.htm Hope this helps
  6. Tried this lot ? http://www.realsteel.co.uk/
  7. In the spirit of "less to break off", instead of a dongle have you considered a card instead ? http://shop.ebay.co.uk/?_from=R40&_trk...luetooth+pcmcia (As long as your laptop takes PCMCIA cards of course, most do...)
  8. http://www.paddockspares.com/pp/OFF_ROAD/P...over_axles.html I've a couple of those. Front one needed a bit of warming and hammering to fit. Does the job well though
  9. Incidentally, I'm here because I recognise it as an excellent resource for the hobby I'm interested in. If someone writes a post I'm not interested in, then I don't read it. If it's relevant to me, then I do. If I don't care for certain topics or subjects, then I stay away in full knowledge that someone else will find it relevant/amusing/interesting or whatever. Everyone is different - and I'm really struggling to see what all the fuss is about here. Hence my above comment, designed to purely point out the absurdity (well, the absurdity that I see, anyway...). Bottom line must surely be: do you find the forum useful and interesting ? I do, and that's why I'm here. Simple enough, surely.
  10. Thanks Pugwash. I was aware that in making such a post, someone would be bound to play the PC "aghast-on-behalf-of" card. Heartening to recognise that some people do actually know what a joke is, and also more importantly understand that to make light of a subject does not mean you take that you take the subject lightly. Well played, Sir !
  11. Apologies in advance if this offends anyone, but whenever I see an argument on a forum, the following always springs to mind: "Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics - it doesn't matter if you win, you're still retarded." Sorry, and I'll get my coat !
  12. The missus went to bed saying she was expecting a good 6 inches last night. She was sadly disappointed....
  13. Into the dumpster at your local carpet megastore, get some underlay and apply liberally to cabin. Does it work ? Not as much as I'd hoped. But then my exhaust has holes in it and hey, it didn't cost me anything
  14. For what it's worth, I cut a section out as well as I had the same problem getting at the bolts for the bucket seats. But I braced up the edges alongside with some spare sheet I had lying about to put some of the strength back, in case I get a fat passenger Just stick a couple of lengths running the height of the box, vertically either side of the hole, to beef it up again. Seems to be OK so far, and anyway if it all comes on top, I'm the one who's driving so I'll be OK
  15. No program available to flash bios from within windows ? (guessing not by sound of its age...)
  16. I call mine "Money Pit" - not sure what sex that would be. Shagging it's the last thing on my mind - but if it wants to barter for fixing the halfshafts and crown wheel I broke then fine...
  17. Safety first: always fix your kinetic rope to a strong body mount, free from rust and corrosion.
  18. Lol, fair enough. I'd try ubuntu in the meantime, just for component validation. Ubuntu will also have memtest on it, so you can run that to soak-test the memory subsystem.
  19. Err. Think I'm getting closer to the cause of the problem here..... Download Ubuntu and see if the machine will boot and load that - that will rule out any underlying hardware problems. No install necessary.
  20. Best advice going: if you can, beg, bribe or borrow a mate who knows loads about them to come along with you. Save you buying a rotbox or disaster. If you don't know anyone, try begging on here for a local member to come and help you have a look
  21. IIRC, you can't F6 a driver in from a USB floppy on XP SP1 - USB isn't supported until XP SP2 (though a slipstreamed SP2/3 disk will work fine). Can't remember what order the driver is loaded either, so if it isn't until after the USB module has loaded then XP won't see the USB disk. Good luck with that though ! (Though as I said, you shouldn't even be messing with RAID yet - see if you can install to a single HD first)
  22. http://www.av-comparatives.org/ Bottom line: none of them are perfect (as if we didn't already know that ) http://www.av-comparatives.org/seiten/ergebnisse_2008_08.php That's just the August report, remember AV hunting is always a moving game and the league may change on a daily basis (well, almost - you get the idea I hope) ps. got an executable you'd like to run through a load of AV before you run it ? Upload it to http://www.virustotal.com (and remember a clean bill of health there does not guarantee 100% safety - but it's a good starting point). Also, for the more technical user, upload the executable here: http://cwsandbox.org/ and see what happens when it is ran (processes spawned, network connections made, registry entries created, files downloaded etc).
  23. If you understand the risks and acknowledge that you are running them, then fair enough Just wanted to point the above out for the benefit of any users who aren't perhaps as IT savvy - in my years I've heard a lot of "well I've never done that and I've always been fine". Usually the person saying that is standing next to his ashen-faced friend as he listens to the hard disk heads ploughing their way through his family photos and other un-backed-up collectibles while I explain just what the impact of such a situation is... That it never happened to their friend never tends to be of much consolation... edit: fwiw, Windows Defender is very limited in its scope. I think it's a bit of a waste of time to be honest... Most users are running as local admins on their PC, and a vulnerabillity ran as admin will shut off things like that pretty quick.
  24. I take it you have on occasion used your computer to browse the internet, or perhaps use - for example - an email client to read your emails ? Sample scenario internet explorer, or firefox, or outlook, or windows aren't patched up to date flaw found and exploit created for one of these programs you visit infected website that exploits that, err, exploit, or are sent a spam email containing malformed content that goes for the jugular you downloaded nothing in either case (though in saying "download", you are more likely referring to insecure executables etc, rather than the temporary nature of www page content for example), and through no action of your own you are now infected Keyword: "yet" Further research: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drive-by_download
  25. Back to basics. Everthing out of the case. Plug one HD, one memory stick, one optical and one gfx card in. Power it up on the desk. See what happens. It can be a slow process, but it's the only way to work through it. Even if you don't want to run the likes of ubuntu etc right now, you can download and run memtest86 to (hopefully) rule out the memory being a problem.
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