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Everything posted by Arjan

  1. Right..... Just got these pics. What are we looking at ? Seller thinks it is mated to a LT77... Should come complete with everything to make it run.
  2. Thanks you all very much. Eagerly awaiting further info. I'd like to have a bit more power than the 300 Tdi can deliver and ideally I'd fit a Mazda again but they are not easy to find these days.. I really, really miss my 110 CSW with the Mazda and ZF ......
  3. Swop for a Mazda..... You know I love the Mazda's.... Not sure what type it is - I hope to get more info this weekend. Size wise, being a 6-pot, how difficult are they to fit in a 110 ? Interesting, interesting... Please guys, keep the comments & info coming
  4. Bonjour All, I have been offered a totally rotten rolling 110 chassis with a Nissan 6 Cyl diesel engine & LT77 gearbox attached to it. Having had the Mazda 3.5 Tdi in the past, I like engine conversions but Nissan is new to me. Please, tell me about this as I'm sure people on this great forum will know more ! Thanks. Arjan
  5. Wiring..... Don't we love it Yes, that is garden hose. Yes, that is unusual. Yes, it works fine. No, I don't mind people telling me it is ..... different. I crimp the connectors etc. Tape where needed and loads of cable ties make it all sit nice and tidy. The cables have various numbers (001 - 837), a computer database tells me where the number stands for what. Over 75 fuses are fitted and conventional lights are used outside through 18 relays. Remote controls - custom coded - for doors, winch, alarms etc. 2 FB Batteries make for all the power I need en route. Diesel cooker, Webasto night heater and a huge Canadian heater in the pass. footwell are a few of the things fitted. We run loads of earth cables, aswell as earth through the body / chassis. Relays in sockets and a different dash. GPS, Brantz etx. are all behind voltage stabilizers and surge protectors. 50 mm. cable to the startermotor and Husky winch and several manual cut-out switches. Most cables are 4 mm2 and run directly from fusepanel to consumer. Have been using this system for 35 years in many different (abused) vehicles and it works very, very well.
  6. It is an option in several countries - CH & FR I'm sure. However, before getting carried away, make sure you are legal as it takes you into a different world..
  7. Will be passing again this Winter when we do the Nordkapp run. It is a long, long drive. But well worth it. Have Fun !
  8. Basically, any old GPS unit will have a screen where the speed is always shown. Some will hide it when you have it working on guiding you. But borrowing one to make sure what is shown when should also work well..
  9. Causeway - Bridgewater. Know their stuff. Say "Hi" to Clive from France..
  10. They are somewhat strict on mods.. But normally not a real issue..
  11. Sorry. A bit of an Urban Myth. We spent a lot of time making sure we're legal.. But you're most welcome for some Laning here. Usu. we do about 6-7 hrs a day off Tarmac. We have "The Mother Of All Greenlaning Trips" where we do a 1,600 miles one-way trip from us to Portugal. 4 Weeks of solid Laning... Not for the faint hearted I must say... Also. we're a lot in the Alps. Lybia is at a hold. Don't think I'll be going there soon...
  12. Auvergne - the very hearth of France. 200 miles South of Paris - or 8 hrs. motorway from Calais.. It is getting more and more difficult to Greenlane legally as loads of abuse happens and the French reply is simply to close by order the lanes. But we have plenty left for the moment. Enjoy while they last but be very careful - cars are simply crushed if caught.
  13. Don't we love rules & regulations.... We have some nice plates near the towballs that clearly state 3500 kgs. max. - usu. quite enough the Police / Gendarme to convince, together with all the paperwork, we're legal. Having our own 3-axle trailers also helps. We stopped renting stuff here as it is nothing but problems, they don't like you taking things abroad, etc.. The 110 got somewhere in the process a MTW that requires a HGV licence - which we have - to drive so that will be used to tow everything...
  14. Talk about a simple question and complicated answers... Having had the same vehicle immatricultated in 3 different countries (UK / NL / FR) gave 3 different sets of ECW / MAM / MTW over the past 30 years gave me some insight how these things work and in short: they don't. Depending on where you live, how the vehicle is immatriculated, what tow bar is fitted, what engine you have makes all the difference. Below some scan from the Series III Owners Handbook and it makes interesting reading - hope this helps. Here in France, our SWB diesel Series has a MTW (Max. Allowed Trainweight (Vehicle + trailer) 4.646 kgs. - leaving 3.500 kgs. for the trailer if fitted with overrun brakes. Regardless of the fact that LR themselves state in the handbook that 3.000 kgs. is max. Regarding "type approval" for towbars. Depending on where you live, how the vehicle is registered and in what year you may - or may not - fit anything with a 50 mm. ball. Or jaw in certain countries. But the questions is, obviously, if towing 3.5 tonnes with a Series Three 2.25 diesel is wise in modern traffic..
  15. Some of the cheapest ones options come from caravans... Usu. 3-way and used to traveling. We have used Indisit in thepast and worked well for us. Nowadays, we use Minus 40. Heavy and somewhat old fashioned but works for us. Good hunting.
  16. Yes - you got that right.... Think it has to do with load ratings. Have seen some without and some with.. Heavy small objects obviously require a different floor than a heavy pallet..
  17. Ours have been removed decades ago. Never problems.
  18. I have seen some pics of treesliders / doorlock combination for 90's. Interesting as the doorlocks on a LR and not really that, are they.. So, question for you all is : - who makes them for a 110 HT ? - who has them and is willing to tell me about them ? - did anybody make something like that themselves ? Thank You !
  19. Well done ! Always good to see the rebuild of another one..
  20. Didn't say anything about landmines, poisonous gas & other minor deterrents...... Not to mention we are allowed to shoot trespassers here... As long as we have the gun(s) legally.
  21. Yes. We can only try to slow them down. If they want it - they'll take it. Hidden switch is needed for the fuel solenoid - and a remote controlled fuel line valve will see the guy running out of fuel after bout 300 mtrs... I hope it will die and be left behind. Did consider a remote controlled C4 package...
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