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Thank god. My only reason for having a TV is back B) :D

(P.S. Having been to see Top Gear filmed, Clarkson is actually quite a down to earth amiable guy, chatting to everyone etc. ... Hamster as you might of guessed is most amusing :) ).

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In case I get carried away with grinders and things in the lab, does anyone fancy offering to record & upload it?

Actually, forget that, it's bound to be all over Google Video and YouTube for weeks :D

I have loads of stuff on Sky + but I don't know how to get if off the sky box I will record it for you but how do you get if off.

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clarkson ; ego tw*t

It is interesting that he HAS to win all of the top gear challenges when he's up against the other two, but always loses against members of the public. The one which annoyed me most was the one where James was flying the light aircraft. As a pilot myself, I could see what a sham it was - they started by flying south to go around the mountains. They were in a Cessna 182, which could easily have stuck on full power and gone over the top - straight towards the UK. What's all this tosh about not being able to fly at night, as well? He had an instructor with him (doing the filming) and he should have had an IR, which would have meant that it was eas - point at the nearest airfield and go.

All I'm trying to say is that I think that Jeremy is a right laugh on the screen, but he must have an ego the size of Italy to have to have everything biased his way.

Can't wait for Sunday though - have already cleared my evening. Sad, or what?

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I have loads of stuff on Sky + but I don't know how to get if off the sky box I will record it for you but how do you get if off.

Jules - I've just bought the latest Samsung DVD recorder that connects to Sky+ via a SCART socket.

I've burned about a dozen disks so far - without a problem.

Best part - £90 delivered, I forget who from, but I can dig out the details

John - I can do you a disk

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Clarkson makes his living from being an arrogant misinformed prat, I personally can't stand him.

But I don't see why that should stand in the way of my viewing pleasure. Just don't let him on Scrap Heap Challenge as an expert!!!

(He called me a womble and I took it VERY personally)

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Ah the only reason for paying my tv license, so long that is that the powers that be here in wales don't decide to do their usual trick and reschedule it like a couple of years back :angry: . Have already written the ranting letter just in case

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Clarkson makes his living from being an arrogant misinformed prat,

Sure does and that's why I love the guy...... his books are brilliant, well worth a read, if not least to correct some of the misinformation that goes around about him.

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Careful Fi, a Mod might decide on a change of title!! :lol:


As long as I'm Alderney and not Madam Cholet I don't mind! :D

Technically he called all Highways Agency Traffic Officers Wombles, He said we're just glorified litter pickers.

I'm hoping to meet him on a wet, cold day when an HGV has clipped his car and caused an accident. Obviously being just a litter picker I won't know how to stop the motorway to keep him safe from oncoming traffic, I won't be able to drag his vehicle out of the carriageway, or arrange for recovery, call his studio when his phone battery goes, offer him safety advice or a waterproof coat.

Ok rant over - and you did ask!

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jeremy clarkson has my vote,

think he is a top guy, arrogance isn't a bad thing i don't think, has got him to where he is know so can't be that bad,

shall be good to see the hamster again,

however i personally can't wait to see them take a Case Quadrat out in a village, they hired it from my local dealer where my best mate works, they hired a tiny little case as well as well as a 20 tonne grain trailer and 26 tonne muck spreader,

feel it may be a good one!! hehe,

Me xxx

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