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Are Scorpion at it again


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A good way to eat brake pads Tim? Off road give me a plain disk any day!

How's the truck going BTW? When's the finish date?

300, I can see the point you're trying to make and, yes, all companies want to make a healthy profit. However, the "rape and pillage" approach that this company employs isn't smart in what's a small market – a cat only has 9 lives. It’s a free country but, my advice to potential customers is 'Caveat Emptor' and to potential suppliers is keep well away! I know of people who've been happy with them but they seem to be in a minority.

As other's have said, the law is an ass. The likelihood of any legal action like this is it'll be long and drawn out with little chance of receiving any sort of compensation.


Not bothered about hand brakes at all just joining in! Hand brake is only applied stationary so muck eating pads is debatable.

I would never not run grooved discs elsewhere, helps the pads get rid of gas and minimise fade.

Truck will be finished before yours!! (not starting another pi**ing contest, just playing!!!) Seriously will be finished and out later this summer.


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Just my two cents worth-

I speak as I find.

Rang Scorpion last Saturday - hello I'm looking for a Mountney 15" leather wheel - (I can't locate one anywhere, but that's another story).

Sorry we don't have one but I can check on Tuesday after the bank holiday re ordering one. Give me your details inc. email and we'll contact you then and let you know whats happening.

Did I get an email?????

Did I get a phone call?????

Did I F.............

I was prepared to give them a go (mainly out of desperation in trying to locate the wheel I am after).

Certainly won't bother again - companies only get one chance for me to spend my money with them.

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unless you are some crony here on behalf of Scrapiron developmentsbunchofcopyingcheatsideaanddodgybuinessethics I can't for the life of me see how you think what they do is a good idea/business practice.

then again we've seen a few already here in the past they come and go when they realise the vast majority of the members here see them for what they are.

If you are a stooge on their behalf best look elsewhere to post.

as all to soon it will come out as it always does.

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Thought you meant I would never finish! It has been a long time.

Then I realised what you meant :D

Yes, 'twas at Will not at you dear boy!

I think we met briefly at Billing, I was with Jez et al admiring your creation and trying not to look at the yellow abomination from SFS :ph34r:

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Yes, 'twas at Will not at you dear boy!

I think we met briefly at Billing, I was with Jez et al admiring your creation and trying not to look at the yellow abomination from SFS :ph34r:

Mmmmmm SFS. No angle iron on my buggy!!!!!

Billing? Were you in a kilt? :D drinking something dubious????

I might even be able to drive the creation soon.


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My two penneth;

I work my n*ts off for my salary. What little I can spend on the Landy these days has to fulfil a number of roles...

1. Fix or improve what ever is most in need on my wagon

2. Assure me that if said part ever fails or is no good or needs modifying, help is a phone call away

3. Be certain that I am getting the best value for money

4. Give me a nice warm fuzzy feeling that my hard-earned is helping an individual or firm who I believe deserve help

In summary, I'd rather help some nice, helpful, decent and honest bloke pay off his mortgage than help a dishonest rip-off merchant pay for a seedy villa in Spain.

I think my Signature sums up my feelings rather well......

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Am i pleased to report, I have on offer:

Dark Choco-hobnobs - end of packet, been out of the (full) biccy-box perhaps a little too long

Milk Choco-hobnobs - Brand new packet, crisp as you like, quite simply a proper biscuit

Choc chip cookie - the slightly smaller own-brand variety, though with a decent chip:cookie ratio, no skimping allowed

Jaffa Cakes - just broken into a 3x12 packet, so plenty going

Those marshmallow tea cake things - nothing to do with me, the girlfriend likes them but i'm sure she won't mind.

Super Extreme Orange wrappers available for all, shall we say, ummmm £50?

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One thing that seams to be missing from this thread is much reference to Scorpions shocking customer service.

I have bought from them (must be nearly 5 years ago) and found them to be the rudest and most unpleasant people in the Landrover world...

They do sell some good gear, but all they are is a retail outfit, they have no proper knowledge or experience, and from what I've seen they employ a couple of monkeys in there fitting bays...

Anyone who saw that ridiculous BMW X5 they built for the Dakar raid thingy should know not to trust them with anything...

i've also run a small business (like X-Eng) and been stiched up by the big boys, so given the option I wouldn't like to support any one who I knew behaved like that.. I know its only business, and it happens every day... but it doesn't have to be funded by my wages..

I work in engineering, and we don't by our nuts and bolts from Homebase, so why would i buy my 4x4 gear from the homebase of the 4x4 world....

Anyone who hasn't experienced Scrapiron rudeness at first hand, phone them up and ask for a bit of advice, you'll soon realise they are a bunch of 'clucking bunts'

nuff said.

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Not bothered about hand brakes at all just joining in! Hand brake is only applied stationary so muck eating pads is debatable.

I would never not run grooved discs elsewhere, helps the pads get rid of gas and minimise fade.

Truck will be finished before yours!! (not starting another pi**ing contest, just playing!!!) Seriously will be finished and out later this summer.


Ah Gawd, teccy argument of grooves vs plain :D

Glad to hear its coming along! Sounds like the race is on. However, mine will only be a 90 I'm afraid. I may go 100" at some point but I've got all the bits to get it back together as a 90 so that's how its going to be for now.

Re the North London Company, I'm sure plenty's been said on the subject and you pay your money you make your choice. I'm sure Mr. 300 has done his homework and, if so, I doubt he's seen anything new in this thread.

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As for my own experience, well I have spoken to Scorpion Racing several times on the phone over the years and they have for the most part proven very helpful. I also know several people who have dealt with them with no problem at all.

Have I actually bought anything from them? No.

Interesting, Mr 300... Oh, Sorry,..Colin.

When you find them so helpful that you do finally end up buying something, don't bother coming here with the post-sales horror story... We'll be busy eating HobNobs and Jaffa Cakes! :P


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try simonites bradford 01274 833351

Cheers but this is one of the places I've tried - not in stock and not sure when they wil be.

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I feel a bit sorry for Mr 300bhp!

He's not really said anything that bad - and you nasty lot (thanks for the support though :) ) have all ganged up on him! ;)

Here, Mr 300, have one of my e-Hobnobs.


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