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Forum green lane weekend anyone?


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V8 Freak and Ruperb YH Booked

It's actually Rupert... But he usually answers to most things. :)

He does occasionally frequent the boad under the guise of "Bogstandard"

Whatever, maps here tomorrow, 16th afternoon booked off so we can sit in traffic in daylight as well as in dark.. Sounds like a plan.


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Do to the unfortunate late pull-out of the Gurner, I now have a spare twin bed in a nice warm YH in November if any campers are interested, James? Not fussed about splitting the cost necessarily, and if no takers, then I get a nice quiet, warm room to myself. ^_^

In fact I have a spare seat in the car for the laning as well if any late comers wish to join this gig?

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Cheers Graham, we are already booked up though!!! will see what he whose Motor we are using says! camping gets my vote anyway, just camped all this week for TReK event and again this weekend for AWDC so will be used to it by then

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We'll be paddling with you as well Geoff....

I've been conditioning the truck so that now it can go near puddles without the engine spluttering and there is no hesitation at the mention of water now... I recon another few sessions and I'll be able to go through a puddle instead of round it!


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We'll be paddling with you as well Geoff....

I've been conditioning the truck so that now it can go near puddles without the engine spluttering and there is no hesitation at the mention of water now... I recon another few sessions and I'll be able to go through a puddle instead of round it!


Megasquirt - you know it's answer :)

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Excellent :D I'll get a pair ordered today. No snorkel on the discovery yet, and absolutely no prospect of having one for this weekend, so that rules me out of anything more than paddling.

Okay, this is daft - these ought to be easy to find on the supplier websites :angry: Does anyone have a part number?

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You shouldn't need plugs unless it tips down, the rivers are pretty low up here and most of the routes do not require wading. Only one I have suggested is Breasthigh Road, where there is a ford at the end, but it's only wheel deep at present so no problem for a normal vehicle, we had a group through there a couple of weeks ago and no plugs in as far as I know.


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So what's the deal for meeting up, routes, etc.?

I know Chris has said he doesn't want to be saddled with all the planning and navigation - not sure how many people have maps and up-to-date route information? Is the plan to meet up somewhere and plan together, or maybe those at the YH sit down together and cook something up?

When is everyone getting there? We'll be arriving late on Friday evening, so unlikely to catch up with anyone else until Saturday morning. Where are we going to meet? YH car park is quite long an narrow, so they might not appreciate the rest of us turning up there and blocking everything up.

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Due to problems at work I can't make this. I am really gutted but work has to come first as they pay me for this stuff.

See my post in the international forum for those who are camping. Bargains galore!!!


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So what's the deal for meeting up, routes, etc.?

I know Chris has said he doesn't want to be saddled with all the planning and navigation - not sure how many people have maps and up-to-date route information? Is the plan to meet up somewhere and plan together, or maybe those at the YH sit down together and cook something up?

When is everyone getting there? We'll be arriving late on Friday evening, so unlikely to catch up with anyone else until Saturday morning. Where are we going to meet? YH car park is quite long an narrow, so they might not appreciate the rest of us turning up there and blocking everything up.

We are planning to be in the area of the youth hostel from lunch time on friday.

I have new maps but no routes planned and no knowledge of the area.


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Well. I have some maps, some route information, and some MM overlays. I plan to be in a pub close to the YH on Friday and Saturday evenings and anyone wishing to copy from my maps etc. is most welcome to do so. If anyone wants MMap overlays and info on some lanes outside the LDNP, send me your email address and I will pass details on. The LDNP website has all the ins and outs of what, where and when you can and cannot within the LDNP.

If you want or need to find me on Friday/Saturday evening, my mobile number is 07973 319241 - assuming it works there.


Ivan, sorry to hear about work. :( Perhaps next time.


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We are going to have to try and arrange this weekend again sometime in the new year. his time I will make sure work doesn't interfere at the last minute. I was really looking forward to meeting you lot and putting some faces to names.



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Ok, so the winch has been rewired, the heater works (well, I've got a supply of spare fuses) and the radio has a new aerial. Also got a blingy new power inverter from Maplin to keep phones charged etc.

Les is still grumbling about the general tip that is the state of the inside and outside of my truck...

The words that spring to mind right now are "erewego erewego erewego" - can you tell I'm looking forward to this? If not the 6-7 hour drive with Henson...

See you all tomorrow, find you in a pub somewhere?

Drive safely,


mob.07767 482 465

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So has anyone got any suggestions for a Saturday morning meeting point, for the benefit of those of us unlikely to make it to the pub on Friday night?

I guess it would also be worth nominating a channel for those with CBs* to be on.

* - which will hopefully include me, if I get it installed and working tomorrow...

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