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Screw in BHP..... and Torque...... and MPG

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More snake oil sir ………………..

£4 per pony .............. just screw it right in there .................@ £12 per plug for a 3.9 RV8 that equates to 3 ponies per plug............ 24bhp extra with these new fangled super duper left handed flugal valves .............. :lol:


Discuss………………the answer is obvious



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More powerful plugs? Does that mean if I use them in place of a 3 pin 13 amp plug on my desk lamp it'd be like replacing the 60W bulb with a 100W one?????

Surely if you've got your ignition set up correctly then all the defficiencies they mention with spark plugs are being compenstated for as everything they talk about should be predictable??? On the flip side I'm sure these'll be a hit with the electronic supercharger boys.

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More powerful plugs? Does that mean if I use them in place of a 3 pin 13 amp plug on my desk lamp it'd be like replacing the 60W bulb with a 100W one?????

Think of the energy used and carbon produced - you should really fit energy-saving plugs.

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is it actually possible that spark plugs can increase the spped of the propogation of the flame across the flame front? isn't that what the little v-spark plugs try and do?

i have no idea if these could possibly work or not

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So a standard spark plug wastes 999950 Watts per spark as heat? Forget nuclear fuel, we've just solved the energy the crisis - just pop a few spark plugs in the reactor space...

We've been barking up the wrong tree using these things to ignite petrol, too - we should be using them to power steam turbine cars. Best bit is you can still power them off an alternator so you don't need any fuel :)

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haahahahahahhahahahahhaha ....... what a load of cobblers. wonder how many they sell to the kevin tuning crowd...

Reminds me, I need to buy some more snake-oil, my resevoir is getting low...

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Apparently they will be soon, and orange,

Also excitingly I hear there will be a new and improved diesel version (again in orange) which are a combined Superinjectors and glowplugs giving a boost in BHP, Emmsions, start up time, and are fluffy bunny friendy and will also increase you manhood (or woman hood).

The MD of the company Colon Junksteel said in a press release

"Yeah, give us yer money and stop moaning about customer service alright ?"


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So a standard spark plug wastes 999950 Watts per spark as heat? Forget nuclear fuel, we've just solved the energy the crisis - just pop a few spark plugs in the reactor space...

F me no wonder V8s run pretty hot with just under 8 megawatts pouring out of the ignition system :lol:

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There is a big difference between peak energy and total energy, as they are completely different things. You can increase peak power by having the power applied over a shorter time span, but the total power will always be the same, as you can't create energy. As an example, I have a laser that can have a pulse time of milliseconds or nanoseconds. A focused milisecond pulse will burn a hole through paper, electrical tape and stuff like that. The focused nanosecond pulse will vaporise holes in thin metal, and even ionize air at the focal point. I imagine the difference is due to the temperature created. Could this make a difference in an engine, who knows? I imagine this plug has a hv capacitor which charges until it has the voltage needed to jump the gap. I would also hope it has very good electrodes as I imagine they will take a beating. When you deliver the same power over a shorter time span with the same voltage, current has to increase, so the peak current would have to be in the hundreds to thousands of amps, probably for nanoseconds for the claimed power. That has got to be hard on the electrodes.

Here are the plugs you need: http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=...p;products_id=5

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I imagine this plug has a hv capacitor which charges until it has the voltage needed to jump the gap.

Yes, I thought along the same lines when I first saw it ................. there is probably some inductance in there as well ................ its just like reinventing the wheel, capacitive discharge systems were one of the first electronic after market ignition systems many years ago .............. I guess like everything else, its just got smaller. However, although minimal, there will be time lag as the capacitor charges so the spark timing will be a little out ................

Which ever way you look at it ............... its still snake oil.........and the claims are on the wild side with little documentary evidence



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I can see that you may well be able to increase peak power output by discharging the power over a shorter space of time, but I can't see you managing to focus it enought to hit a million Watts. Even if you did, would it actually be beneficially to fire the spark for such a short space of time?

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It is actually easy to hit a million watts if you have a low inductance discharge path. I have no idea if it would help at all though.


Seem to remember from when I was at school doing fizzicks that 1 watt is 1 joule per second so if you have a million watts thats a whole lotta energy being released somewhere and if you are doing it in 0.00001 seconds or something then surely it is completely impossible because you are adding lots of noughts back in somewhere ? My fizzicks is a bit rusty after fifteen years but I can't see that the sums add up... i.e. what jimfoo was saying up there ^^^

Happy to be corrected though :)

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Seem to remember from when I was at school doing fizzicks that 1 watt is 1 joule per second so if you have a million watts thats a whole lotta energy being released somewhere and if you are doing it in 0.00001 seconds or something then surely it is completely impossible because you are adding lots of noughts back in somewhere ? My fizzicks is a bit rusty after fifteen years but I can't see that the sums add up... i.e. what jimfoo was saying up there ^^^

Happy to be corrected though :)

It's very easy to add some noughts, which is why it is easy to get that many watts.

http://www.sci-spot.com/Electronic/tealaser.htm shows the simple circuit needed to get nanoseconds pulses(.000000001)

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You lot are all so skeptical!

I wouldn't rule this out entirely! Assuming the plugs work, the principle is not that different to CDI ignition, common on bikes but as yet rare on cars because it is expensive for multi cylinder engines. I once played around with getting a bit more poke out of a single cylinder engine using a DIY CDI circuit - and it worked reasonably well.

If these actually do behave in the way they suggest then snake-oil they are not! How many people spend over £100 on Magnicore leads? just to get a stronger spark? Are they snake-oil too?


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