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Have you any SNOW!


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none here either - just a garage full of cellulose based red mist from my spraying the new back door I acquired !

rumour has it there was some white stuff coming down earlier but it didnt settle..

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Snow here in central france... I had started to strip out the swivel out of my 90 to get it ready for a retest on tuesday as the sun was blazing, when half way through down came the white stuff. Its mostly melted and not stuck, so hopefully it will be back together tomorrow before the proper fall comes along...

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Its been a really wierd dat in Bedford! Keeps starting to snow, then it just stops and goes overcast, then the sun comes out and it all looks really nice & warm, then 15 minutes later it all happens again!

Snow never settled tho, however......here is a picture of what it WOULD look like!!


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Guest mortus

its white over here, only came at like 7pm

i went in the workshop to do some welding at like 6.40 and it was clear and not snowy, then came out at 7.10 and it was white, it really confused me...

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