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Quality of posts/threads

Les Henson

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To say to a new member 'go away and use the search button' comes across as rude.

I find the search facility almost useless as far too many tenuously related posts come up.Maybe I don't know how to use it properly.

The general quality of posting,and of moderation is very good.This is certainly the best such forum based in th U.K. :)

If I am in such a position I usually start my post with "Tried a search but didn't find what I was looking for" or something similar. I agree - sometimes the obvious search words (like "winch") are so common it turns up hundreds of irrelevant posts in which case it is fine to ask the question but always helps to show that you have at least tried to look. I think that what people get aggrieved about is somebody asking a question when the answer is quite clearly about ten posts down on the front page of the same forum in another current thread, as happens from time to time! In much the same vein, if you can type the obvious words into Google and the answer comes up ten times on the first page then whoever is asking the question obviously hasn't tried that hard.

I am probably grumpy but I also find the "My rover is broken" posts quite annoying where you are supposed to guess the type of vehicle, engine, transmission etc etc without any useful info at all :rolleyes:

I don't think that anybody could say the moderation is heavy handed - it certainly isn't in my forum, the vast majority of moderation tasks are mundane ones like approving posts from new users and then taking them off mod approval when they have shown they are sensible. I can't remember the last thing I did - I think it was changing a naughty word to something less offensive a few weeks ago. It's quite a while since I last deleted some spam - the new user validation process has got rid of 99% of that. I just looked in the secret rubbishbin that only us moderators can see and more or less all the posts in the front page there are either duplicate posts (where somebody has posted the same thing twice) or people being gratuitously stupid or obnoxious.

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Guest diesel_jim
I hope this isn't going to go the way of the mud-club forum.. which is moderated/ censored in way that the North Korean/ Zimbabwean/ Taliban governments would be proud of...

Well, to put the cat amongst the pigeons... some of the replies to this particular thread have been modd'd, i know because i wrote them and they've dissapeared.

OK1they might only have been "fun" (well, in my eyes they were) and silly replies to the original thread, but it's almost leaning toward heavy handedness

OK2, i agree that spam and general cr@p should be kept out,and i probably didn't help, buy hey, chill a bit! :lol::lol:

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having no "off topic" area is seroiusly restricting to any forum.

I have posted literally tens of thousands of times over various different Land Rover forums, and I'd say 90% of that is socialising on off topic subjects with people who share a common interest.... Land Rovers.

My lack of posts on this forum is pretty much entirely down to that reason, and therefore if I need technical advice, I'll ask on the forums I do frequent.

I hope nobody here finds that offensive in any way, but I'm registered on dozens of forums covering many different subjects and interests, and this is the only one I can think of that demands all conversation is related directly to the subject in question, which I find quite unwelcoming.

I'm surprised it's still so popular.

Just my opinion!

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Well, to put the cat amongst the pigeons... some of the replies to this particular thread have been modd'd, i know because i wrote them and they've dissapeared.

OK1they might only have been "fun" (well, in my eyes they were) and silly replies to the original thread, but it's almost leaning toward heavy handedness

OK2, i agree that spam and general cr@p should be kept out,and i probably didn't help, buy hey, chill a bit! :lol::lol:

Yes they have, I deleted some

...but you already know the reason why ;)

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having no "off topic" area is seroiusly restricting to any forum.

This website has grown day on day, week on week since it was created, I guess we are doing somethign right.

if I need technical advice, I'll ask on the forums I do frequent.

This is primarily a technical website :blink:

demands all conversation is related directly to the subject in question

It doesn't - we just control the quantity of it.

I'm surprised it's still so popular.

Then perhaps you are wrong or what you want isn't provided by this website?

Les :)

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I hadn't realised this forum was so serious.

Some people use landies for churning mud, some for seeing how many times they can be rolled before mashing them, some for farming, some for horses, some for just driving, some for disabled access, some for towing, some for business, some for mountain rescue, some for police, some for hunting.... don't think i need to go on.

Point is .. do you see the pattern ?

No ? .. Probably cos most landies lead a different life with very different people. That surely is what makes land rovers quite unique and interesting.

So why would a land rover forum want to stop this individualism?

As for searching for a topic .. I agree some items can be searched, but it should also be considered that some landie owners may of only just worked out what a computer is, and should not be kicked out of a forum for trying their best.

Why not just stick to ... If ya can't be bothered to answer someone then don't bother. But just leave them alone in case someone else wants to give them the benefit of the doubt and the time of day.

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having no "off topic" area is seroiusly restricting to any forum.

I have posted literally tens of thousands of times over various different Land Rover forums, and I'd say 90% of that is socialising on off topic subjects with people who share a common interest.... Land Rovers.

My lack of posts on this forum is pretty much entirely down to that reason, and therefore if I need technical advice, I'll ask on the forums I do frequent.

I hope nobody here finds that offensive in any way, but I'm registered on dozens of forums covering many different subjects and interests, and this is the only one I can think of that demands all conversation is related directly to the subject in question, which I find quite unwelcoming.

I'm surprised it's still so popular.

Just my opinion!

your welcome to it

if it isn't for you there are loads out there that may be.

keeping the crapometer down is what makes this place great and that is why we have enough funds from the members alone to carry on for a fair few years yet!

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I have a modding button, and I'm not afraid to use it :P


I Think there are some very valid replies here from many, I would ask all to consider :

  • There are many LR Forums on the www both UK and worldwide.
  • Some have OT areas
  • Some are very "Chat Roomy" and Anything goes
  • Variety is the spice of life (that and a good curry :lol:)
  • LR4x4 was born out of stupidity of the "Owners" & a desire to offer something "Special"

  • I was on the "Old Forum"
  • I loved it to start with and it was useful and Tech
  • It then got political, bitchy and the then Mods and Admins had a nightmare of Piggy in the middle

LR4x4 started, it was "Different & Special" as it was a TECHNICAL Forum

Friendly yes definately but the main rasion detra was friendly, informative and LR based

LR based but not exclusively - 4x4 related and tech is fine

Friendly yes absolutely, not too dry (take a look a say www.msefi.com - hi tech and NOTHING MORE - outstanding..... but a tad 'dry' :) )

Friendly Yes absolutely but not 'silly chit chat txt speak posters' with absolutely zero value but their own egos and nonsense

OT - we can and do tolerate OT often via a amusing comment, quip or something similar,

it helps reduce the pure and total dryness of pure tech maybe - but it a little and small, the main here is Tech and LR 4x4 related questions queries how to advice and help for requests.

Its not a pure mud pluggers site, we have Getting out and Competting forum, for sale and wanted internations Tools and Fab, model specific forums and more, ..........but a OT forum 'NO', ...........as that is not what LR4x4 is about

There are other sites that have OT Forums,

as Les has has a start of a slippery slope if we try to be all things to all members,

the forum charter outlines what we are all about and members have to fit in with it each other and the greater good of the forum.

The number of posts you make mean ziltch here, its the quality, some members only contribute now and then but when they do the input from some of the quieter ones is fantastic and knowledgeable

I will leave you with why I am a mod on T&F *(er yeah good question :lol:) and why I like LR4x4 as my "Chosen Forum"

(I bearly even now bother with other other than Pirate 4x4 )

  • Its different
  • Friendly
  • Diverse but ON TOPIC
  • No drivelly chatroom cr*p from muppets
  • I like what LR4x4 stands for and its what I wnat

Without LR4x4 I would :

  • Not have my V8 Megasquirted
  • Not have some of the kit I have (DBL Rims Suspension mods On Board GPS Sat Nav Engine Diagnostics - and other bits)
  • Not be on a forum with such Like minded individuals Inc Mods Admin and Members alike

If you want at OT Chat room, LR4x4 is not for you.

If you want a friendly easy going tyechnical forum to expand your knowledge and help others do the same in a solid robust and growing forum LR4x4 is. I have said it before and it may not be popular with a few - We will not alter this forusm charter so an individual gets what he or she wnats at the cost of the forum or the membership, each member has to fit in with the forum and its membership and its charter. We grow month on Month and go from strength to strength and many like and enjoy the format and fit right in easily

As Les said we haven't upped the rules, or get heavy handed, but from time to time the influs of new people (some are plain daft it seems at times and will argue black is white and they are right and everyone else is wrong - you don't see the half of it...) and we have to just point out when things are going OT

Its happened before, I am sure it will happen agin, no few people are going to ruin this forum and drag it to the mediocrity of the routes others have gone, the Mods and Admin all feel the same over this. We (Mods and Admin) give our time freely, we get no reward and often more abuse than anything else, however I have found that this forum, it membership, the info I get and hopefully give, and some friends I have made from here as a result outset the odd muppet or 3.

Right, far too sensible for me, I will now go, normal service will resume as soon as this medication has worn off :)


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The point is best illustrated with statistics. The admins may be able to confirm an exact figure but barring brand new users I would guess there are probably about six people on this website who have earned themselves the privilege of being on indefinite moderator approval for a variety of reasons - out of several hundred regulars and over 7000 registered users. That is a fair indication of the number of pillocks versus the number of well behaved users.

Some of them have been this way for some time and there are some new ones. This is the reason for the subject being raised now so that posting tripe remains the exception and does not become the rule.

The vast majority of users behave just fine.

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Some people use landies for churning mud, some for seeing how many times they can be rolled before mashing them, some for farming, some for horses, some for just driving, some for disabled access, some for towing, some for business, some for mountain rescue, some for police, some for hunting.... don't think i need to go on.

Point is .. do you see the pattern ?

No ? .. Probably cos most landies lead a different life with very different people. That surely is what makes land rovers quite unique and interesting.

So why would a land rover forum want to stop this individualism?

Erm - we're not :blink:

No ? .. Probably cos most landies lead a different life with very different people. That surely is what makes land rovers quite unique and interesting.

Yes it does, which is why we are here.

So why would a land rover forum want to stop this individualism?

We're not.

On a personal note - I have never advised anyone to use the search facility. I have probably answered the same question many times and it doesn't bother me at all - other people are obviously different. Perhaps I should mention that this thread is about excessive off-topic posts and nothing else.

Things that get my goat-

"I've sent you a pm"

"Got it and replied"

"Recieved, thanks - pm sent"

"yes it will fit/look cool/smell good" (when it doesn't)

"It probaly will" (WTF!)

"I don't know" (WTF!)

"This has been asked before"

"Someone who knows the answer will be along shortly"

I really like technical stuff that is straight to the point - "how do I do this?" - "you do it this way". You ask the question and you get the answer you want, and that's great - time and money saved in a very short space of time.

The reason I post threads in the Tech archive is for that very reason - it's 'real life' repairs, warts an' all. If you want to know about your L/R, how to fix it, how to modify it, what it takes to make x fit to y - then this is possibly one of the best websites where you can get that information without any BS. The long-standing members/moderators/admins, keep it the way it has always been, and we will always keep it that way.

Les. (group hug)

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Erm - we're not :blink:

Yes it does, which is why we are here.

We're not.

On a personal note - I have never advised anyone to use the search facility. I have probably answered the same question many times and it doesn't bother me at all - other people are obviously different. Perhaps I should mention that this thread is about excessive off-topic posts and nothing else.

Things that get my goat-

"I've sent you a pm"

"Got it and replied"

"Recieved, thanks - pm sent"

"yes it will fit/look cool/smell good" (when it doesn't)

"It probaly will" (WTF!)

"I don't know" (WTF!)

"This has been asked before"

"Someone who knows the answer will be along shortly"

I really like technical stuff that is straight to the point - "how do I do this?" - "you do it this way". You ask the question and you get the answer you want, and that's great - time and money saved in a very short space of time.

The reason I post threads in the Tech archive is for that very reason - it's 'real life' repairs, warts an' all. If you want to know about your L/R, how to fix it, how to modify it, what it takes to make x fit to y - then this is possibly one of the best websites where you can get that information without any BS. The long-standing members/moderators/admins, keep it the way it has always been, and we will always keep it that way.

Les. (group hug)

Sorry .. I totally read something else into this. Totally get where you are coming from now.

Best just to tell me to STFU. :rolleyes:

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What happened to the reply with the 'smiley dropping his pants'? I thought that was so appropriate i went into fits of laughter and was thinking of a witty reply, like 'I wish i could use this at work' .... But by the time i got back on the forum it was gone! Whoever posted it pls pm the smiley as i do plan to use it carefully at work. Hopefully it will not offend too many people around the world.

Anyway, i do tend to agree with Les, some OT's have drifted too far away. I also think telling people to go do a search is something other sites do all too often and it can alienate people from our friendly community. Sometimes people want to explain their problem and get a more personal reply than 'search is your best friend'. As Les says, he is usually good at answering the same Q many times.

Hopefully OT's of a 'technical' nature will be allowed. Example: I think I once posted 'any plumbers about?' thread and thankfully somone replied and saved me from an expensive call out. This forum is still the best community for LR related dialog and long may it stay that way.


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Les is correct that people need to be reminded of what this forum is about.

random drivel is dull and useless.

the only time i have been unhappy recently is when i have been censored for talking about a Landcruiser. Personally this forum is more 4x4 than LR related for me- there is a reason why Jez's trucks are so popular on here- people love them even though they have almost ZERO lr content. I dont think we should censor people for going away from landrovers if the question sticks with off roading, modding of 4x4s or is generally relevant. People like Night Train, Jez, Paul W etc etc should be welcomed as you never know what pearls of wisdom they might come out with.

This is a place to learn after all!

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People like Night Train, Jez, Paul W etc etc should be welcomed as you never know what pearls of wisdom they might come out with.

Might? You mean you think I might have something useful to say? :lol:

Well, maybe one day. :P

But yes, the forum is fine I was just concerned that things might suddenly get stricter.

As an aside, I am Aspergers and I find that I am generally very to the point, on topic and find it difficult to waste time with pointless banter in real life but I am able to chat, banter and have a joke when on line. Odd really.

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And while we're at it I notice a few big pictorial type tag-lines appearing. Nothing turns me off reading a post quicker than trying to spot the one line of useful text in a half page of quotes, taglines and silly pictorial add-ons below the post (don't even know their technical names!)..... makes me soooo angry.

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I've watched the thread grow from a couple of posts to 40 posts, and several times I've thought of throwing something in, then decided against it.

Having now read the more recent posts from the different Moderators I think they have clarified everything for me, and I'm more than happy for them to maintain the policies they have outlined.

If I had a personal wish it would be to disable emoticons completely. My view is they are just an additional unecessary source of misunderstanding, but I'll happily lose that point, and keep the Forum standards as described, PROVIDING the Moderators can maintain the enthusiasm to keep tight to the line they have described.

BogMonster brought up the subject of numbers. I've noted the Membership numbers go over 8,500, but I have wondered how many different individuals visit the Forum in any 7 day period. Obviously any answer will be approximate, but it might just help people get a grip on reality if they realised they should be writing as though a thousand people will read the post, instead of aiming the content at a close circle of people, with the shorthand and 'private jokiness' that goes with a small group (almost wrote clique).

So, stick to your guns, and thanks for displaying more restraint than I would, if I was mistakenly in your shoes!!


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Cheers David

just for the record Trev(LR90) posted some stats up in the Admin section

apparently LR4x4.com was viewed in 143 countries around the globe in 10days recently.

So for the "it's not for me" crowd that is fine to.

We have only banned 2 or 3 members in all the time the forum has existed

and there are approx 6-10 on mod approval, generally for posting tripe or swearing constantly.

The large influx of TXT speak has also been a pain of late, the majority don't want/like it and I for one agree.

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I agree entirely with what the mods are trying to achieve... (thanks for all the hard work guys :D)

They are not saying that anything is suddenly changing or indeed changing at all- they are just looking to maintain the status quo with the vast majority of posts being on topic and useful... Keeping the forum clear of pointless or unintelligable posts is surely in all of our interests.

Yes we all make spelling and grammatical mistakes and these are generally allowed to go by the by- text speak or simply making no sense at all should be removed for all our sanity... Assuming that I am still sane??? :huh:

Top forum... lets keep it that way!

Now bout dis new truck I is bildin... :banned:

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This website has grown day on day, week on week since it was created, I guess we are doing somethign right.

Just think how much bigger it might be if there was an off topic section added then....... without exception, all of the other forums I use have more posts in the off topic section than any other.

Then perhaps you are wrong or what you want isn't provided by this website?

Les :)

Thats the point I was trying to make, what I want isn't provided by this website because there doesnt appear to be an area where we can chat about anything and everything and get to know eachother.

Please don't take this as criticism, it's purely my opinion, and I do still browse these boards which are full of excellent information, as you say, you must be doing something right! ;)

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My 2p worth. If you want to chat then phone someone up and chat. After all that's what telephones are for. I am very happy with this forum as it is. If a topic doesn't interest me I simply don't read it. I have learnt an awful lot since being on this forum and got to know a few people as well. I even have the confidence to try and reply to some posts, which I could not do 3 years ago as my knowledge was practically nil (probably not far from that now :P ). I was going to write an awful lot of other stuff but found myself just ranting over the people who just want to chat and get to know each other, so I'll not bother. This isn't really a chat forum I am sure there are plenty of others you can go to to get your fix.

Sorry rant over.


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