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Just got back. Spent an absolute fortune. Got a Mantec RAI for the Puma so will befitting that before I leave on Fri. Er indoors purchased new lead, collar, water bowl, harness and bed for the dog. Almost as much as I spent ;) .

Strangest thing. When on the Devon4x4 stand I got approached by 1 of the staff, introduced himself and it was a mate from when I joined the Army 21 yrs ago. We'd both gone different ways and lost touch. So an hour later I then had to hunt for er indoors, and I was in the doghouse :( .

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So who did the advanced course, and how many cleared it, without a tow? Saw at least 7 having a tug out of the "American Dips", and one broke a rear diff. Apparently, that was the fourth that day (Saturday). Quite a few had problems with the Camel Humps too, mainly V8s with their water affinity.

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So who did the advanced course, and how many cleared it, without a tow? Saw at least 7 having a tug out of the "American Dips", and one broke a rear diff. Apparently, that was the fourth that day (Saturday). Quite a few had problems with the Camel Humps too, mainly V8s with their water affinity.

did it sunday it was not that bad all six cleard in discos did have to pull a 90 out tho hehehehehehehe

mind you it is our local mud even tho we not alowed on the tracks

to be honist there are harder green lanes if you look hard enuff


you cant beat the sound of a misfire on a wet v8 :P

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This was my first "big" show as a Shire's committee member. I was impressed, especially the weather - although I do resemble a lobster at the moment <_< . We managed to get 8 vehicles on the stand for Saturday, and squeezed in a latecomer on Sunday.

We had a team entered into the scrap yard challenge again. This year they disabled two Discoverys (a 200 and a 300 tdi) in a number of ways and hid the ignition key. We had to get it running, with all of the bits they had removed, start it with the key, drive forward across the arena and back up. We won our first heat in a time of 2 mins 57 secs - a time not beaten all weekend B)

The semi-final was this morning against the Series 2 club, and we managed to win that in a time of 6 mins something. This then put us in the final against the Camel Trophy Owners Club. There was a bit of a score to settle here as we lost to them in the final last year. Unfortunately they pipped us to the post by what probably would have been about 30 secs. Both teams struggled to find the ignition keys, but our undoing was a starter relay in the wrong plug under the dash :angry:

We weren't bitter... <_< But Chairman Dan (V8bertha) did run off with their trophy at one point :lol:

I'm told there were less people than usual this year, and there were a few traders noticeable by their absence. Possibly a sign of things to come in all things Land Rovery with the economy/fuel prices as they are? :(

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and there were a few traders noticeable by their absence. Possibly a sign of things to come in all things Land Rovery with the economy/fuel prices as they are? :(

I would have gone, were it not for it being Sarah's 40th birthday party. 24h later - i'm still feeling hung over!

Last year with the Shire club was brilliant and even if I don't go as a trader next year - I'll be ther with the Shires!


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Just having a quick look through the many photos I have taken this weekend (well I do have a new camera!) - and I thought I'd better post this one.

Some of you may know Guy Shepherd our Returning Officer. He normally looks something like this:


He has been known to drive a Land Rover or two, and if you were at Eastnor this weekend, he was presiding over a skills challenge while dutifully sacrificing his own Range Rover.

Yesterday evening, he happened to be passing and spied our vacant twist off-ramp-style thingy...


Ain't ETC a wonderful thing? :lol:

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Yeah - it was an excellent weekend B)

It's always been my favourite show as its in a stunning setting (I always make sure I get up as the suns coming up and take a wander around the site), always seems to get good weather and with the Camels and NTMKLRC it's always a sparkly weekend of beer/wine and chocolate :)

Took me a while to find the autojumble, but I was glad I did. Managed to get a few bits and pieces for George (Dave if you decide you can't fit those wings in the workshop let me know ;):lol:) which made me *very* happy. also got some contacts for some ellusive bits.

Scrapheap was as usual, the adrenalin filled stress fest it should be. Shires did brilliantly and I was so glad it was a Shires/Camel final again. I noted they'd put the Disco's on the opposite sides of the arena so we couldn't have the big bundle we had last year! :lol: Excellent effort by both teams - same time next year chaps? :lol::ph34r:

Next year I'll be there with George and hopefully we can have some leafs represented in the twist off :lol:

Only regret was I didn't have a chance to get to the driving Challenge guy sorted out :( But the Scrapheap took up most of Sunday.

Looking forward to next year, be good to see you there Si, [ whisper ] glad you had a good weekend [ /whisper ] ;):lol:

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We had a superb weekend as usual with Tango and entourage as house guests..well for food anyway ;)

its the only show I go to, the setting is superb and has a relaxed feel that you don't get at any other show IMHO

Picked up a few bits from the traders as you do :lol:

Be there next year, My boy so wanted to go round the off road route, Nick chickned out, and I was told there was no way I was taking HER Disco round...full stop :blink:

Still the Hybrid might :unsure: be finished by next year

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I had a top weekend with the Challenge South West guys- far too hot and now in need of some serious aftersun... Got a fair amount of p1ss taking at work today :blush:

Really enjoyed the show- and managed not to spend too much which was a bonus... unlike the bloke with the portal axled disco running the huge boggers who managed to blow two axles just driving over a couple of cars in the arena... that may cost a bit to sort out...

Overall we drank too much- ate too much -had too much sun- not enough sleep... perfect weekend really!

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I had a top weekend with the Challenge South West guys- far too hot and now in need of some serious aftersun... Got a fair amount of p1ss taking at work today :blush:

Really enjoyed the show- and managed not to spend too much which was a bonus... unlike the bloke with the portal axled disco running the huge boggers who managed to blow two axles just driving over a couple of cars in the arena... that may cost a bit to sort out...

Overall we drank too much- ate too much -had too much sun- not enough sleep... perfect weekend really!

was that disco the one that was on the cover of LRO a couple of months ago? lmao!

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There seemed to be a lot of evening noise from this area

But when I walked the dog past at 6am it seemed to be very quiet , Strange that , Well actually not so quiet , I swear I could hear Frank snoring

Yay- that would be us then... Noisy us??? :ph34r:

Franks snoring has been best described so far as 'a rhino being murdered with a chainsaw'...

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