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Dad, can I have one of these for Christmas?


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It is the first vehicle of its kind to be used by a police force in the UK.

Constructed using some of the world's most advanced technology it can withstand gunfire, grenades and bomb blasts.

Now Hampshire police has unveiled a £120,000 armoured Land Rover as its latest tool in the fight against crime.

The four-tonne vehicle will replace the force's outdated current armoured car, which was bought on the recommendation of the Home Office following the Hungerford shootings in August 1987.

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£120k WHAT !! I guess bona-fidi Brit Tax payers are paying for this tank .

What a waste .

Plenty of them left over from N ireland , could of used one of them .

to true, as to when will hampshire police need a full on assault prepped vehicle. When they could have just got the one they had upgraded :unsure:
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Mmmm....when did Hampshire become crime capital of the UK?

Nice truck - but seems a bit excessive. Maybe they know something we don't? Police state? Marshal law?


Don't forget Leigh Park and portsmouth are in Hampshire :rolleyes::ph34r::lol:

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God what waste of cash... Why would the police need somthing like this and like said there is plenty left over from the troubles. just seems like toys for the boys

and you wonder why your council tax has gone up by so much :lol::lol::lol:

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quick vote me in to power......

i think we should get a lot us together and call ourselves the "protectors"...

once we are in we will need a few lambogini's...a few farrari's...... a few fast jets, a mansion each..

and the people we protect can pay for the lot .... ;)

what a waiste of money that is....maybe they need it because they are planning the above and think the people of hampshire might start a riot :angry:

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yeah thats right, give the police something like that, and let our boys run around helmand province in unarmoured snatch landrovers!

Chris, I couldn't agree more!

caught a bit on the BBC news last night about Land Rover usage over there and how the servicemen hate the snatch Land Rover. It's hardly a fair state of play when their American counterparts are running round in armoured Humvees - then you see something like this where the local bobbies are gearing up for WW3, there's something not right in government thinking surely!



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