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3 years old,, (well nearly)


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Well, in a few weeks the forum will be 3 year old,,

I know it has been mentioned a few times previously, But i for one would be interested in how the accounts are going,,

yes i know the standard answer,, speak to TC and pop over and take a look sometime !!

Is it time a set was made available, by e-mail for argument sake, to all members that requested a copy ??

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Tony is away until the 21st (I think). I'm sure that anyone that wants to know can get that information from him. A short while ago we considered making a post asking that for now - no more money is required, but it was decided that it might not be wise to do so - because of a recent thread concerning the financial difficulties of another website. We have been investigated by paypal due to the amount of transactions related to this website ( but nothing dodgy was going on - honest). Tony posts on the A&M forum every three months on the state of the forum funds, and they have always been excellent. When he comes back he will no doubt respond to this thread.


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Tony is away until the 21st (I think). I'm sure that anyone that wants to know can get that information from him. A short while ago we considered making a post asking that for now - no more money is required, but it was decided that it might not be wise to do so - because of a recent thread concerning the financial difficulties of another website. We have been investigated by paypal due to the amount of transactions related to this website ( but nothing dodgy was going on - honest). Tony posts on the A&M forum every three months on the state of the forum funds, and they have always been excellent. When he comes back he will no doubt respond to this thread.


If Tony only lets the "committee" know about the accounts that's like only letting the board of directors know how a company is getting on. Without letting the shareholders know. Tat is wrong, whenever the subject is brought up all we get is pop over Tony's and have a look. I live fairly close but I wouldn't travel for 2 1/2 hrs to look at a set of books. If a forum member asks to see the books then a set should be mailed to them without question or prejudice.

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I wouldn't for one second think that Tony hasn't done everything absolutely by the books and would in my opinion be utterly beyond reproach but I'd be curious to see how we stand financially.


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One must remember that this is a public forum so I'm not sure it's best to post any great details of banking-related matters on the internet - remember the treasurer's e-mail (paypal) address is public knowledge so could provide a target for PayPal hackers.

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I can see this from both sides, but as someone who uses the forum, and has contributed financially to its upkeep it would be interesting to see the financial affairs without having to drive over to Tony's.

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I never asked for the records to be made public. Just e-mailed to the members that asked. Or a hard copy passed via a forum relay to reach members further away. Don't want to waste the Gin fund on postage.

Mo Totaly agree. Tony does a brilliant job that not a lot of people get to see about. But we as members/contributors have a right to see, but a long drive to Tony's is out of the question. As nice as it is where he lives, a cup of tea and a biscuit don't make the journey worthwhile

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Honestly, I'd be happy to know that the forum is comfortable and let the admins/mods/treasurer get on with it, why I should need to know the specifics of what this site costs to run and the bank balance is somewhat beyond my reckoning atm -but then it is still early!

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Could we just not have a public declaration of how the forum is doing ? E.g.

Income +X

Server Rental -Y

Tony's Gin Fund -Z :P


No need to give out bank details etc.



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My point stands whether you publish a number or complete accounts, I didn't think anyone would be posting actual bank details anyway as that would be really daft.

If you publish a number, people then know just how much is passing through the PayPal account and could decide to target it. e-mails to those who request it seems a safer bet.

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I agree - I think publishing anything related to the finances is dangerous if the money is kept in the paypal account - it woudl be less so if the monies were kept in a bank account (not the next Northern Rock - or BCCI - (for those old enough to remember) though :lol: ). I am also not convinced emailing it is the wisest of ways forward. All I want to know is if we have a financial problem coming down the road. I trust the mods to check Tony doesnt drink TOO much gin!!


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What about a nice simple sticky post in the int'l forum - a "Forum fuel gauge".

When it's on "full" we have enough in the coffers for 12 months' or more running and all the gin the mods can knock back.

When it's on half, we're stable but without any real slack.

When it's towards empty - start rattling collection tins!

No numbers need be mentioned.

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What about a nice simple sticky post in the int'l forum - a "Forum fuel gauge".

When it's on "full" we have enough in the coffers for 12 months' or more running and all the gin the mods can knock back.

When it's on half, we're stable but without any real slack.

When it's towards empty - start rattling collection tins!

No numbers need be mentioned.

sounds like a good compromise

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What about a nice simple sticky post in the int'l forum - a "Forum fuel gauge".

When it's on "full" we have enough in the coffers for 12 months' or more running and all the gin the mods can knock back.

When it's on half, we're stable but without any real slack.

When it's towards empty - start rattling collection tins!

No numbers need be mentioned.

This is not authoritative, Tony would need to answer that, but by the above measure we have a full tank.

Tony manages the funds very well, none goes on gin so the joke can wear thin, while he is careful to ensure we get a small return from securely depositing the available fund, Every penny counts. Dedicated hosting is our only significant cost (offset by a weak doller) which was not something envisaged so early but it is working out well giving good value for money.

While we may not be actively rattling tins regular monthly income is still required to ensure this security continues and we do not have to resort to seeking sponsorship and end our hard earned independence. So, please, as ever donations however small are always welcome and if (as some of us do) you feel able to set up a regular monthly donation to the fund of as little as £1 or 2 a month it really does make a big difference.

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This is not authoritative, Tony would need to answer that, but by the above measure we have a full tank.

Thanks for that Trev,, reassuring to know the tank's topped up !!

Mo, never for one moment do i , or many others doubt Tony's 100% integrity for the job in hand,

However after 3 years, a outline picture of how thing are would be of interest to quite a few of us, i am sure, and not just a 3 monthly report to the A & M's

This could be just a simple balance sheet, no details of account numbers etc needed and certainly not to be published for general release,, but just e-mailed to those members who may be interested ,

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I don't see that as being a problem Tim, we have had information in A&M in a simple form which gives contributions, deductions for running costs (hosting etc) and then the current balance and I would not have any objection to something similar being provided to "known" users (ie not to new user Kenya419 with 2 posts both spam in the Classifieds!).

The last time I saw a figure the tank was nicely full as Trev indicated.

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I don't see that as being a problem Tim, we have had information in A&M in a simple form which gives contributions, deductions for running costs (hosting etc) and then the current balance and I would not have any objection to something similar being provided to "known" users (ie not to new user Kenya419 with 2 posts both spam in the Classifieds!).

The last time I saw a figure the tank was nicely full as Trev indicated.

Make that 4 :)

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