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Time to sort Parking area


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The area I park the Defender on is getting a little very worse for wear, the time has come

to get a better surface down,I'm thinking some aggregate topped with gravel

any other suggestions, concrete is out as it will look awful and I may change the area in the future with a car port.

Need to get the car from the gravel drive to where it sits in the pic.


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Just got the same problem at the new house we are moving to in March, but have found out that there are some new planning rules where we are going. If you use an "impervious surface" tarmac or concrete etc you need Planning Permission, but agregate and gravel is deemed pervious so no planning needed, might be worth checking if you decide gravel is not going to be the answer.

As it suggests we will be having gravel to put the Rangie on !!

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dig it out a bit, get some builders rubble, and dump a couple of ton of scalpings on it - job done.

Just redo it using one of the many proprietary brands of grass reinforcement like this;

isn't that the same stuff you find lying in the grass verges by where the police set up the mobile speed cameras? :ph34r:

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isn't that the same stuff you find lying in the grass verges by where the police set up the mobile speed cameras? :ph34r:

Yes mate, very similar. The speed camera sites are like concrete cobbles infilled with grass and soil, this is more of a hexagonal mesh.

Putting it down in my garden once the building is finished.

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I saw this stuff at Boscatle (after the floods there)

but the palaver installing it put me off, the ground there is quite soft I was going to remove the grass and a few inches of soil then get

something to put down. the waffles there at the moment have sunk in the mud :(

not really keen on the grass as it then needs cutting.

I guess an estimate of the required volumes would be a good idea as it is looking crappy out there now.

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Are you planning to work on the truck in that position at all Tony? I would not be wanting to lie down under the truck on any of those surfaces for any prolonged period of time - particularly gravel!

Hardcore and scalpings would be my choice, but I would check the regs first...

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No I won't work on it there, I'll move it to the really uncomfortable gravel in front of the house :)

worst case is I can take it to a mates garage to fix it, he has a huge workshop.

this is just for parking it out of mine and Mrs Cs way.

How deep should a I dig it out?

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Dig it out 6-10", put a layer or teram down (like the landscapeing fabric but its white and more industrial) and then cover with crushan run/quarry waste/ type 1 (all the same just like angulat stones mixed with sand) and wackerplate it down.

If its really boggy you might want some hardcore in the bottom. If you do it like that you will be able to put anything you want ontop without having to redo it.


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Why not keep it grass, it looks nice in the pic.

Just redo it using one of the many proprietary brands of grass reinforcement like this;


We have had the concrete variety of reinforcement at the factory for about 8 years, very hard wearing, looks good all year round, took the digger driver a morning to prepare 12x5 metres :P

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Why not give Shaunus a pm , He is an expert on this , And he will do a tidy job .

Me , I would take 10 inches away ,concrete in some nice rounded back edgings, base course rouble such as broken bricks etc , give it a realy good compaction , Sub base Type 1 aggregate ,again more compaction ,Toppings ,if you can get it road planeings ,rake it out level and then a either roll it or a wacker plate .

Or 10mm ashphalt , but at £70 per ton it may be cheaper for the previous option .

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A couple of lengths of temporary alloy track/road as used at outdoor events.

Try a marquee hire company who may have some with minor damage, going cheap.

A handy surface as a base for working under the vehicle too.

Here's an example. http://www.tpa-ltd.co.uk/default.asp?newsc...SubTab=roadways

And another - http://www.groundprotection.co.uk/duradeck/duradeck.php In your favorite finish :P


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Yeh it certainly does, part of the carpark at school is this stuff and has been treacherous lately! although we did have fun pushing/sliding my mates car diagonalling into the corner when he was in a lesson! :P

The last snowboarding/skiing slope I saw was pretty much made out of this stuff. We parked the van at a house on a job, they had this in the drive and the van slid down into the road because there had been a light frost.

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If your putting down stone chip then i would highly recomend putting down a weed layer like Teram, there is a another product called fibro something which if i remember correctly is the cheaper alternative to teram, is superb and well save all your weed problems,

If however your putting type 1 plannings down then these shall prob go down tight enough to stop the weeds, espeically if you mis a little diesel up and put it on top with a brush or nap sac as it sothens up the plannings and makes then stick a little better

you didn't here that here though!!!!

The options are rediculious when it comes to this, just depends on how much you want to spend on it and how good a job you want really. gravel would prob look the best though.

all the best


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