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The End Of Lre Forums

Les Henson

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It all seems a tad petty in light of the explanation, I'm somehow glad that I declined (for the reason that I did not think I could do justice to the task) when asked to participate as a Moderator.

Any institution commercial or otherwise that cannot see the benefit of customer feedback deserves all it gets, I shall be looking hard at my subscription renewal when it arrives.Do we see the seeds of another mag?

The forum has given me a great deal of pleasure, amusement & help over the years, it is a real lifeline of sanity in some of the more remote places I can find myself overseas.

I take my hat off to the guys and ladies (why is my head colder than it was 5 years ago :( ) who put such effort into this and will be happy to do something to add what support I can, God knows I don't need any more T shirts but I can always use a few stickers to cover up the badges on my Co. car :D

On the self promotion front, would it be possible for someone with the expertise to design a small Java aplette that could be tagged as a signature to emails?

Civet de Reynard anyone? :lol:

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Well Done Les, you and the other mods have done a great job trying to make the transition as smooth as possible. In the end I think its LRe's loss. They'll have lost a fair few subscriptions and I know I won't be buying their publication again....

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Just like to add my copmments to this thread... WELL DONE CHAPS! :D

Considering the timescale, I'm mightily impressed that you've managed to get this forum up and running with the number of members it has already... A damn fine job :D

I have already put a link to it from my website (although its' painfully out of date at the mo!! :unsure: )

I'd be right up for any forum merchandise that becomes available, especially any stickers :D so all you designy type bods out there, get yr pencils out... or can we just nick the lre sticker... that was nice and simple.

My only suggestion :rolleyes: , which I think has already been mentioned somewhere else would be a slightly easier/catchier web site address.

I'll happily support this forum as it takes a lot of the monotony out of the everyday struggle of being parked in front of a pooter trying to look busy!!! :lol:

Keep up the good work chaps!

Dan :D

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Another big 'thanks' to all who managed to get us a new place to hang out.....

A great shame about the loss of the archive material - the 'search' button was always my first port of call when I got a new clunk, squeak or rumble........ and when the LR had a problem too!! :lol:


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"Smatter of interest, when did the move to this forum start & what was the vital post I missed "? Was it something like " All Forum Members Read This" or was it something more subtle. Having seen such headings b4 refering to inappropriate ( to who?) postings,etc, I've tended to ignore them, possibly should mend my ways. :huh: Wife has stopped laughing now, she realised her brief spell in the ascendency is over. :D:D

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Thanks for getting a real forum back on line!

I am glad the tech archive was saved, even if the previous submissions are now under a new 'author'!

Specifically, the 'biggy' was mine - 'How to increase the performance of your 200/300 TDI - almost for free!' - at last count this had about 26,000 views, so hopefully it was of use to a few people!

I am really pleased to have a new and remarkably familiar forum to visit. Even though I didn't post much recently on the LRE forum, I did view it daily.

Good luck with it Les and others, and thanks. I will be a regular viewer and perhaps contributor.

Jon Roberts :D

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Have the guys saved all of the Technical Archive??

If it's all there, then this must have been a mamoth task as there was presumably no simple way of doing it.

I hope so - was always my first bolt hole if I couldn't work out how to rectify a fault.....more valuable than RAVE.


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I know I dont comment on the Landie stuff too often now (too busy murdering small animals, oh and doing the GLASS stuff) but it came as a surprise when I was told LRe had died (cheers Oildropper)

Found you via ORRP, and Im glad I did.

The big yellow one WILL be out again soon :rolleyes:

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I would think something along these lines

due to our estimeed leader throwing his toys out of the pram earlier this month and closing the Landrover enthusiast forum I have nothing to write so this space will be taken up next month by another advert for useless tat that we'll be having fitted for gratis and doing a write up on

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Thanks Les for spearheading the new forum.

Guess the LRE will stop coming in the post now, will subscribe to Land magazine and practice my French  :D

Hey Sharky !!

Glad to see you made it over here :)

French? didn't you learn any of that in Canada? :) :)

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My only suggestion :rolleyes: , which I think has already been mentioned somewhere else would be a slightly easier/catchier web site address.

It's in hand - us 'techy types' have a little shovel work to do but we should soon be properly located at Land Rover Addict.

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Well, now that Green has 'screwed the pooch' as they say, so delicately, over here, I can have my say on LRE. I have from time to time in the past written articles for LRE (and for LRM - not sure if I ever did anything for LRO) for example on the Team Saluki boys when I was living in Dubai. The first was a vanity piece on the Tonka, so I was happy with publication and a free subscription (well, not really 'happy' per se) after that I wrote some pieces on Team Saluki and since they were effectively good PR for the team, didn't want remuneration. I then wrote a couple of pieces when I was in Malaysia, for which I incurred some costs for pictures, photo enhancement, mailing etc., and for which I asked the "going rate" for a freelancer. I was told this was 100 quid a page by James Taylor and while I was sure this was under rate, said fine. To this day, I have not been paid for the Malaysian pieces I did, the third of which I held publication on after numerous stories down the phone about the "check is in the mail".

It's a small thing, but it shows the petty-minded fleecing mentality of the outfit. So, glad we're here and f*** 'em at LRE.

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