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Reasonable Bench Vice..

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As the time draws near for me to start doing my 200TDi conversion I am starting to draw up a list of tools. Now I have a nice sturdy bench (if I could get to it to use :blink: ) but I have longed to have a vice. Sad but true :( .

Now I have hopefully covered off the threads so I can ask if any one has suggestions for a sensibly priced but sturdy vice for general garage use - holding things whilst sawing, grinding, bending, heating, filing and may be, just may be WELDING :)

Don't ask why but if the vice is available in red so much the better (so it will match my Nato tow hitch when I finish it :blink: ) but I don't know what I should look for..what size is good/bad, is a swivel base good? How big do the jaws need to be, tonnage :blink: etc etc....

I'm sure that my lack of all things mechanically minded will shine through :rolleyes: so be gentle, I'm still learning!


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Personally I would aviod new.

Go with something oldish and built "Brick****House" stylee :)

Record are good, also buy as big as you can accomodate

Not local to you, but a great place for these (they prob would have 30+ records in stock)

is Leeside Tools in Yapton, West Sussex, also a really big HD Record SH vice with svielly

base can be less than some chinese monkey metal nonsense that goes "POP" :blink: when using

it fior UJs in prop repalcements .

Maybe worth a trip down ?

I have a record 8 inch jaws swival base from there, bear in mind jaws etc can all be replaced with new :)



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I've two.

A big old Record in the garage, was my dads. He bought is from a techy teacher when he was at school, the bloke was emigrating to Oz and clearing out. Anyroad it wasn't new then (early 50's) and is still going strong. I've used it to press out trailing arm bushes before now!

The other one in on the bench in my clean workshop (radio shack, darkroom, electronics blowing up room etc). Cost me ten quid from Aldi and much to my surprise I haven't broken it yet.

So, for what you're after I'd go down the old Record route.

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I did up a rusty Record too - it was £10 off eBay and stripping, painting and re-assembling it was very satisfying. For a while it was my pride and joy and regularly got wiped down at the end of the day, but now it just does it's job when needed and hides away under a pile of crp the rest of the time - poor thing!

Mine is only 4" but it does what I need, and anyway - it's how you use it yeah? :ph34r:

Personally I would always go for a quick-release, but you need to make sure that it is secure when tightened hard: I once dropped a heavy 6" hydraulic cylinder when a QR vice let go while being tightened..

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I bought a Clarke Multi-Vice earlier this year and am very pleased with it.


I find the swivel handy for allowing me to rest long items on the bench which helps stop them slipping while I'm working on them, and the pipe grip is handy for exhaust systems - and even allows gearbox shafts to be held securely without using excessive jaw loads and the consequent risk of crushing them.

The locking systems work well - but obviously its not as secure as a fixed vice.

And its RED (well mine was)

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Another vote for Record.

Plenty on ebay.

Quick release is a "nice to have" in my opinion, not a "must have".

They won't be red though, but B&Q can fix that for you ;)

There have been several reports on here of people breaking vices, but IIRC none of them were Record Vices.

You WILL abuse your vice, don't kid yourself otherwise!! so make sure you get one that will take the abuse.

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I got given a FORTIS Steel Co. vice, 6"+ jaws, quick release and very heavy duty (read: able to put Montego wheel bearings in with it, using a scaffold pole on the handle).

Very very pleased with it, had it 10+ years now but it must be 30 years old at a guess.

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Guest noggy

I have 2 records "24"s i believe they have a 5 inch jaw, and they are bloomin good!

I use a small draper vice for smaller jobs!

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Personally I would aviod new.

Go with something oldish and built "Brick****House" stylee :)

Record are good, also buy as big as you can accomodate

Not local to you, but a great place for these (they prob would have 30+ records in stock)

is Leeside Tools in Yapton, West Sussex, also a really big HD Record SH vice with svielly

base can be less than some chinese monkey metal nonsense that goes "POP" :blink: when using

it fior UJs in prop repalcements .

Maybe worth a trip down ?

I have a record 8 inch jaws swival base from there, bear in mind jaws etc can all be replaced with new :)



Well have just had a look on fleaby and found lots ranging from what I can afford to well over what at the moment I can't! Have found this little number - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...alenotsupported so will just have to see if only for the fact that the thought of a Chinese monkey metal thing in my garage going pop or otherwise doesn't fill me with confidence!


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I agree with getting an old Record vice. I was given mine - 5-inch quick release engineers vice. It was rusted and siezed up. I stripped it and cleaned it up and it works perfectly now.


Unfortunately..it always happens to some one else :( - guess I don't know the right people! :rolleyes:

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A BIG thank you to every one who replied.

Looks like I need to find some new friends who have useful stuff they want to give away to a deserving cause like me! Outside of that I have been shown the light and now just need to get the right price on ebay for a nice Record one and then as Bish Bosh said get the colour sorted at B & Q!



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  • 2 weeks later...
A BIG thank you to every one who replied.

Looks like I need to find some new friends who have useful stuff they want to give away to a deserving cause like me! Outside of that I have been shown the light and now just need to get the right price on ebay for a nice Record one and then as Bish Bosh said get the colour sorted at B & Q!



try calling into any old factories that are closing, thats how I got mine its an old 5' record with quick release nice bit of kit :-)


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I have a record 36 6" quuick release vice and can honestly say its the best bit of kit I have ever owned for doing the job it was designed for. These babies have a RRP of over £800 but got mine off Ebay for £80 in very good condition. Had a cheap one before and it wouldn't grip for toffee! Pays your money and takes your choice!

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same as everyone else, I've got a huge old record vice I bought at an auction for £25...

I think the same one new is about £400...

its probably 30 years old but the only thing wrong with it is someone has bent the handle by putting a scaffold tube over it...

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