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Wheel Arch "Options" Thread

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Right :(

Wheel arches - specifically for my 90, but same for others in differing LR Marques I am sure

My 90s arches get ripped away dead easy, or split, or both, and they are also not really as wide as I would really like,

they have been trimmed to clear,

and whilst OK the Split / tear / remove is getting on my ****s :)

So, I have looked.

Steve at KAM has the Bigger plastic arches made by someone or other, and they cover wheels / tyres 10/10.

but, hard plastic - which he equally is hacked off with as they crack and shatter worse than std

Then there are the QT D4x4 Plastic arch kits, which seems to be a length of flexi rubber with a lip etc for 90 arch fitting,

and trim to size - seem good, very good, so good I was going to buy some - but - have

you seen what the hell these sell for :rofl:

Jeeez I would want them gold leaf encrusted and fitted by a Brazilian Beaty (who stayed afterwards) for that sort of £s

It occurs to me that is is very unlikely that this special QT / D4x4 Rarerubberonion - its prob

something that is used elasewhere and could be cheeeeeap - so anyone know of what is cheap available where from linkies etc etc

Happy to chop n cut but price of the other "Kits" just makes me :rofl: - hence this post


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Miketomcat's DIY ones work pretty well, rubber strip with some springy SS wire sikaflexed to the underside to hold the shape.

Mine are from eBay as factory seconds from the people who supposedly supply Paddocks et al, but I don't bounce them off trees much so can't really comment on their ultimate strength. Seem well made & IMHO look OK.


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Commercially there are quite a lot of people who do rubber extrusions that might suit- Bothe these companies have catalogues that you could spend hours browsing rubber products if that takes your fancy :ph34r:

Lots of lovely rubber

More lovely lengths of rubber

Although the commercial parts are pricey, I can see the costs of setting up for a relatively low number of sales are going to mean the prices aren't cheap. Been looking at polyurethane sheet (that some of them available are made of)recently and you'de better be sitting down when reading the quote, even for just raw sheet!

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On my lightweight ive used 6mm thick rubber strips attached through the body into 3mm plate drilled and tapped. Short M6 bolts with big penny washers. They're virtually indestructable and ive given them a good testing against trees! Went to my local metal and engineering supplies shop and paid about £20 for the 4 100mm wide strips i bought which were cut off a roll 1.4m wide and i think 100m long so you'd have no limit on what size arch you want!

sorry for poor picture quality, too sunny outside, makes a change!



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we have a couple of lads who turn up at our play day events who have used a band of conveyor belt rubber between the wings and the original spats, they bolt the rubber to the wings using 6mm bolts and penny washers, then rivet the original spats to this extension,

the rubber is thick enough not to leave a ridge,

look good and work well, sorry Nige i've not got any pics, but i hope you get the jist of what i'm on about.


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I have had my original arches on since the first day and never yet damaged one!! Despite SERIOUS abuse that has seen the wings both front and back badly bent and dented, all plastic factory arches are un damaged! other than scratches. I do however need to change the wings now and was going to get some ABS ones, at the same time Padocks etc advertise ABS wings and ABS extended arches, so am going to try these arches also as mine do not cover my tyres.




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The arches that I recon best are the Flexi arches. Haven't got any expierence of them other than their video but in my oppinion look like standard LR arches but are flexable enough... Was thinking of some for the Disco.

Flexi arches

They're not far off the price of the QT/D44 ones but actually have some shape / look to them...


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The arches that I recon best are the Flexi arches. Haven't got any expierence of them other than their video but in my oppinion look like standard LR arches but are flexable enough... Was thinking of some for the Disco.

Flexi arches

They're not far off the price of the QT/D44 ones but actually have some shape / look to them...


Great link thanks!!!

Just ordered some to go with my new plastic wings!!


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When i had to replace mine, i went to a lorry bodybuilders! they cutom make the rear of lorries to suit what you want!

Loads of offcuts / leftover stock ;)

Got some 5inch wide rubber that they use to protect the sliders on curtain sided lorries, enough to do 6 arches & they cut me some ally strip's to bend to suit shape of arch (so no sagging between fixings)

Whole lot £40 Bargain :D:D:D:D:D

I have crushed wings in flat & the rubber just flex's back out again.

would put a picture up but not sure how to do :blink:

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