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What is the World Coming to


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your right very wrong indeed... How can they expect to give free train travel for all.. It just doesn't work...


I think the only legal thing that should happen for them is a bullet in the head. then charge the family for the expenses of it all. I love the japs sometimes.. :)

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you gotta love that train travel thing.

what's it all about?

in brief there two main party pledges are the right to sexually abuse anything and free public transport.

I actually think these guys are the moster Raving loony party of Denmark.

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it's not April 1st, is it?

I hope that is an April fools joke, because that is truely wrong. Things are bad enough with these people on the lose, how is that man not in prison already, for admitting to be a pedophile. Also, sex with animals ok, but animal abuse not!? HOW DOES THAT WORK!? are the animals supposed to consent!?

GRR! shouldn't have read that, it just ruined my day

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A sad fact about democracy I am afraid - anyone can campaign for anything he thinks to be right and proper, whatever the rest of us think. I can not see that thay will get many votes though.

Don't some US states have a lower age of consent/mariage than in the UK? I am sure they do in some other countries. Does that make them peadophiles - or just different?


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Well on the face of it it all looks disgusting/degrading/filthy etc etc, but there are never the less important issues within the story.

Someone having sex with an animal is disgusting in a lot of peoples minds, but abuse? To be fair and judge the matter solely on the event, you would have to set aside religion, other peoples views, and your own views as well. You would assume that if an animal is being abused, then it would struggle, cry out, in pain - any of the things that would indicate that it's in distress. If the sheep(?) was just stood there, eating grass, and making no obvious sign that it was alarmed - then how can you say it's being abused?

The Paedophile thing is always a hot topic, with everyone screaming for blood, mutilation, any kind of torture/prolonged and agonising pain for those that commit this awful offence. Just about all recommendations for punishment are a damn-site more illegal than supposed abuse of an animal in having sex with it.

How many of us blokes see a nice figure and think what comes naturally before thinking that maybe she is below the age of consent? It's perfectly feasible that you could meet a girl and sleep with her - not knowing or realising too late that she was 15 or possibly even less than that. You are then technically a rapist and why not a Paedophile too?

I'm not condoning sex with animals or children, but discussing the issue is always ok, regardless of the subject.

The rest of it is utter rubbish, perhaps there should be a political party for burglars, rapists, fraudsters, HFH :P .

Les. :)

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feel ashamed about my country.

It is the modern thinking over there, which means everyone has the right to have their say.

I just realised again one of the reasons why I left.


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It is the right to have your say - even if other people disgree with it - that makes a democracy. Would you rather live in a dictatorship where people are put in prison or executed for expressing their different beliefs?

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire


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It is the right to have your say - even if other people disgree with it - that makes a democracy. Would you rather live in a dictatorship where people are put in prison or executed for expressing their different beliefs?

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire


Yep. its a pretty sad day when the kiddie fiddlers are running for government.

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You have my support on this one, as a father of a Boy & girl 10 & 16.

Lets be clear about this... it is one of the most vile & abusieve things that humans do to children,

pedophiles cause immediate and very long term harm.

Round the pedophiles up and force them to some form of hard labour that will benifit the community, without pay.

as opposed to keeping them free of charge, make them pay for their crime and also the cell....

the future will be run by kids of today... So protect them as we will want them to protect us when we are old and frail.. if we leave them a world worth having.

the above is a personal view.

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