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HI all, i was wondering who people use for insurance, i have just renewed my policy with adrian flux, this yr on a classic policy, and it specifically exludes use in trials and other competitions etc, this is no use, so i'll have to cancel it, as i do use my truck for rtv trials each month, i tried Footman james, who said basically the same thing...

So, if you use your truck competitively, who are you insured through, as i clearly need to sort something out asap.....


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Surely that's just the fact that it doesn't cover for competition use, rather than prohibiting it completely? It's not to say that you can't compete, what you do with the car off the public highway is of no concern to them.

I don't think any normal insurer will cover you during the actual events.

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I'm not expecting cover whilst on the event, but footman james said they wouldn;t even insure me once i said i used it offroad, including p&p days, they said, ' we wouldn;t be able to clarify when the damage occured'... which i guess is a valid point, bearing in mind the truck has fully comp cover...........

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Competing off-road without cover & accepting that you won't get paid out for any damage to your own vehicle is one thing - not being covered for third party claims against you is another. Claims for personal injury (or worse still, death) can run into megga money. If an accident was deemed to be your fault you could be financially crippled for life.

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I wonder at time what people expect from insurance. I've yet to see any insurance company offer cover for off road or competing as a normal one.

The organising club MUST have third party insurance to have a permit for the event.

P&P days.

Check with the owner/ organiser if they have third party cover. They should have. If they don't go somewhere else.

If you wish to cover your pride and joy for full comp when playing there are insurabnce brokers who will cover all or part of your car for an event. Look in The Blue Book and you should find a couple. Expect to pay for it though.

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I'm with NFU and they've said i'm not covered for offroad use which is fine as i trial with a club whose alrc membership will give the 3rd party insurance mentioned above. But they didn't not insure me just because i use it offroad.

NFU seem to be pretty good at understanding landrovers and because of that i guess they work on the basis that damage sustained offroad would be different to that of the damage from an accident? Unless of course the tree that i put my wing (or whatever other body panel) into has already had someone else do the same in which case i could end up with their paint on it :unsure::P

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My 110 is insured with NFU too, my certificate/policy states

you are not covered for racing,speed testing,competitions,rallies [other than road safety or treasure hunts] trials or track days,

pretty much a standard clause in UK motor insurance policies.

as said there are specialist who will cover you for motorsport competitive use wheter on or off road.

any clubs holding any events should m have 3rd party/public liability insurance in place & play day sites should have similar cover in place.

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I forgot to update this.........

I am well aware that clubs need cover for events, i'm the treasurer of the local club, and we're alrc affiliated, and we run trials with rac permits, it wasn't cover for use in events that i was concerned about, or looking for, however, i ended up going back to adrian flux, who have now done me a classic policy, that actually does cover me in rtv trials, and can you believe it, even on track days, if i'd be mad enough to do one in a land rover!

I actually rang tham to confirm what i was reading as i didn;t really believe it, but thats what it says.... so thats that i guess....

Cost was 312quid fully comp, agreed value, limited mileage to 5000, but it does have to be over 15yrs old, and garaged.............

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I have my NFU renewal in front of me, £313.05, an increase of £103 from last year, so I'm not terribly happy. (1989 110 CSW, business use, unlimited mileage).

Insurance is always going to be a little contentious as we have to have it. Race day insurance is available but a little pricey, I once paid £75 for a sprint meeting at Curborough, (1 day, 4 runs), but it cost them a lot, as it was the one and only time I had a race day accident!

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  • 4 months later...

Thanks again to this forum for the invaluable info ....... Having read a few threads I rang footman James direct, they called me back with an original quote of £313

I explained performance direct offered £276 ( this had shot up nearly £100 in the space of two years with no claims etc)......

they called back again and offered £230

Then when PD found out theirs went down to £238 !!

So when I rang FJ back, they explained that their policy was with breakdown cover, legal expenses, and FULLY COMP, I snatched their hand off at 2pm today lol :) :)

£230 ain't too bad fully comp with all my mods on it ;)

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