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the whole thing was managed very badly, its now a dogs bollox of a website you even now have to register to have alook. all part of the master plan i suppose to bolster membership numbers to make it appealing to the advertisers for lrm

so i am another one who no longer goes there :rolleyes:

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What has me laugh is the Moderator's forum on LRA - until recently you could view the topics (but not the actual threads) via the Dennis Publishing website.

Would you believe that they were discussing whether or not to buy pink slippers recently?? :lol: :lol: :lol: I would have thought that resigning and disgruntled members might have been a more pressing topic!!!

Sadly the loophole has been closed!!

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I've just got back from a week away.

What a lot of wingers including Les on here now.

Well said Will.

I now have to loging each time I com,e to LR4x4, Whay ???

Most of all I'm reminded of my next door neighbour who wants to run this house of mine......There again it's got sod all to do with her how I live

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Heads up chaps :blink:

FFS - its a F O R U M we are all talking about here, not a life or death NHS crisis situation, its a bit of server space

inside the world wide wait, and nothing more. Forums do by there nature develop a kind of "personality" and "Following"

and for some (who FFS need to get a Life) even dare I say a "Love" of it :moglite: oinky oink oink :moglite:, but

it not a matter of life or death, never will be and really in the flow of things on the internet hardly a big issue.


Forums do cause serious grief, people get very hot under the collar and things do get out of proportion, often due to cliquesness

flaming, unpleasantnes, and or misunderstanding or even attitudes and arrogance getting blown up out of reality.

The other issue is often people wanting to make the forum more of what THEY wnat above what the forum actaully is, and on this basis

I have decided to hit the keyboard .....man :P

LR4x4 is often critised for being too dry and too tech - but thats what it is - I joined as a member after Richard " I will rule the world

and F everyone" Green screwed the last one - and hence the strong lean / death grip / glued with 2 pack LR4x4 is to "Independance" :)

Devon 4x4 is critised for being to Devon4x4 oriented towards a firm - FFS the firm OWNES it and runs

it - so it will be, but, without D4x4 no forum as such would exist

LRO /LRM etc are critised for being owned by the magazines and bias - er "Hello" ? they bl**dy will be

Trev may have not handled the transission as best as could be, but there is prob reasons, time, outside pressures, doing deals

meaning it now not "Hios" but "Theirs" etc etc

Some forums are critised for being Cliquey - they may be...

Some for being Chit chat drivel rooms - often they are - some like this ..

Some (like ORRP) for being vile and base (I look in from time to time and do PMSL at some of the cracking posts their


Find a forum (s) you like, UNDERSTAND what that forum is about, if you like it whoever it is then join and enjoy, and add to the

forum in some way, ie its NOT about making the forum diferent to what it uis to suit you, its fitting in, contributing, and being

part of what it is, not what you think it should be.

Hence the variety, I like D4x4, LR4x4, Pirate and ORRP, all are different and I have to think when I go to each what I get from then and them from

me, not the other way around. If you don't like LR4x4 or LRA or LRM then basically F Tough, thats life, live with it, find the forum(s)

you do like. I like LR4x4 becuase the drivel is OT and IS deleted, the tech and skills here are great I have learnt sooo much over the years,

made friends, and helped otrhers back, its why I stayed and didn't entrench with the others, and now an admin FFS :) all thing are proven

possible :P

Trev may have made the biggest F U Mess of a move, but that forum is still there, it may setlle down it may loose people it may even gain,

it will be what it is, and like it or lump it (I'll lump it as too chit chatty FOR ME) but its a forum out there that ADDS to the choice.

We are

Independant - no masters, for good reasosn

We Have - a rnage of mods and admins with a range of talents, and all enthusiasts and all 100% committed to LR4x4 and what it

is and stands for

We are Financially secure by being true to our charter and having great members who have and do financially support us

We ARE a Tech and non chit chat forum, for some that will be too dry - thats ok, for many we fit JUST A PART of their foruming, and

thats more than OK too, moderation is a whole different issue, but all mods sooner or later get kicked for what they have done

by someone, its part of the turf of being a mod or admin, tough A&M just have to accept it

So, FFS everyone, think about forums all have there place, even if you don't like them

Right sensible hat off, I'm going to go hit something in the workshop from hell



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The Ireland section of LRA acted as a clearing house for gossip, events news etc for us. The change has meant most of us left and have started an all Ireland 4x4 forum that has taken off big time in the last week. As so many deleted their membership, the Ireland forum on LRA can only be seen by registered members :rolleyes:

I like this site for it's level headed (well mostly!) tech side and am a member of too many others but LRA is now dropping off the radar for me.

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Travelling overnight back from Zeebrugger {SP} My eldest then about two started screaming during the night. No doubt frightened by the ferry noise.

There was a woman at the back of the seating area complaining about a screaming child.

By did she shut up when I presented her with said screaming child......Yes she refused but never said another word.

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Yes you are :)

Lots of people in this thread that have been banned from LRA. Perfectly justified perhaps, so we had better keep an eye on all you dodgy characters. :ph34r:

Les :lol:

As an ex-mod on LRA I wasn't only banned, but Clubfoot managed to ban the whole of South Africa :D Haven't had such a good laugh for ages. (See my sig).

I have logged on again on LRA with the usercode 'Jim Attrill strikes again!' we'll see how long that one lasts :rolleyes:

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I dont think its the best transition there's been, but does it really matter? Not in the big scheme of things. There are many, many Land Rover forums and we all make the choice about which we use (much like tv channels).

And so to the winge about LRA.........I dont like the sign in for it, why it needs to be my email addy and not user name is beyond me. My profile also asked way too many questions, which screamed magazine marketing.

But what would I know? Im new here :rolleyes::rofl:

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