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Cutting Aluminium Sheet

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Whats the best way to cut large sheets of Ali ?

Want to cut it up to 650mm x 350mm to make some shelves. (only 3 or 4 mm)

Needs to be pretty but not perfect finish.

Am i to suspect a jigsaw is the best way ?

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I have a cheap nibbler that attaches to a drill. I expected it to be rubbish - but it's fantastic! I've tried my best to break / wear it out but a decade on, it's still going strong!


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A wood router does a very good job on aluminium as does a circular saw if it is not too fast. I find jigsaws very noisy and rattley.

I have a nibbler, well a pair of them, too. The sort that punches a crescent shaped 'nibble' out of the sheet as it advances. The little crescents have two razor sharp points on them so clearing the bench of them is definately gloves on.

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looks like i will either be using the Jigsaw or find a nibbler to attach to the drill. I've got most of the sheets delivered cut to exact size so i should only need to radius a few corners and the like. One piece i have to diagonally cut so it might be a guide and the jigsaw. I'll get my brothers as it has variable speed. I'll nip off the the farm shop and get a sealey nibbler which seem to be about £30.

Thanks for the help. I'll let you know how i get on. Should be next week before the sheet is delivered.

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What about dremmel router attachment?

I think it migth work but i got a long cut to do so my dremel wouldn't do the job. I think it would overheat. 3mm is a lot to ask of a little tool.

However it might work on the chamfer / beveled edges. I'll give it a go on a test piece.

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I still think you would be better getting them cut at a metal shop there are loads of small workshops around with a guillotine that will make a lot neater job than any nibbler, I would think if they were looking to CNC it for you I would say they were the wrong type of company that would just do you a quick favour.


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I've just been thinking about the design and can get away with 8 cuts of total lenght of about 500mm. The biggest is 350mm long. The rest are all ~50mm each.

The longest cut is in 3mm sheet. The other ~50mm ones are in 4mm sheet. I'm going to give it a go with the jigsaw. I have the correct blades and i'll use WD40 to assist the cutting. Fingers crossed.

If i had access to a table saw it would be a 10 second job so i'll check the neighbour as i think he has one.

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This is gonna sound daft, but works. I found, by accident (don't ask!) that a thin sheet of polystyrene glued underneath ali acts a good lubricant when cutting it with a jigsaw! really stops the blade clogging

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