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Just watching the latest episode of top gear, A 1 hour film about a road trip, not what I expect from a car Show really. what do you think?

I thought it was cr*p

left the video recording and went to do other things.

Even considered ironing some shirts I was so bored.

Worst Top Gear ever, ever, ever!

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They could correlate sightings of your vehicle from the roadside cameras with data downloaded from your black box. Great fun when you factor in the inevitable increase in cloned numberplates that's bound to happen.

Well, any tracker will meet with an off road incident very swiftly if I have to fit one! They really haven't thought through this idea - it’s utterly ludicrous! I agree something has to be done about roads but what's wrong with toll booths on the busiest roads? Far easier to implement and much easier! Ah, but then it wouldn't make as much money!

I cannot put into words how annoyed I am with the shower of **** that passes for the current government.

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If they really want to cut congestion and reduce emissions all they have to do is ration fuel. It worked perfectly during the fuel blockades.

This chuffing government's answer to everything is to tax it, global warming must have been manna from heaven for Gordon Brown. If gas guzzlers were really a problem then Blair wouldn't drive around in a Rangey and Prescott wouldn't use a Jag.

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I think the whole thing is a fiddle. I signed it, but my name wasn't on the list immediately afterwards, and the number didn't change, the list of names changes each time you refresh the page but the number doesn't change!

I like one of the rejected petitions - "Stop the e-petition team from censoring e-petitions"!!!

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where's that then?

that looks totally brilliant. were you on a tarmac road at the time?

last time i saw snow like that was in the Alps.

Thats just a short piece of road between mine and Marks (Orgasmic Farmer) Places in the Black mountains (Mid Wales) Only 5 mins from my house which was Quality. There was a good few miles of proper deep snow. Both the 90's in the pic are on 36" tyre's which should give some Idea of the depth of snow!

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Like everybody else who jokingly signed up to this one, I have received a reply from 'the minister involved'. Can't believe that they even bothered to answer, but there you go.

The Government has no plans to introduce legislation to force all ramblers/walkers to wave a red flag when walking on a public road.

The Highway Code gives guidance for walkers/ramblers when walking on the road, including the use of high visibility clothing. However, the Government believes that the use of high visibility clothing should remain a matter for individual choice rather than become a legislative requirement.

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Methinks such trivial petitions might devalue the effective punch of more serious debates, such as to skew the cost of motoring in line with CO2 emissions, or regarding the legality of manouvres in minor Middle-Eastern corners... <_<

Here here.....just why should ALL landrovrers be excempt from paying their way.......

Don't know why here and I guess others will be at a loss too.

Happy to pay my way, as I guess loads of others will be too....

This type of B***@*ks distracts us from the REAL fight....

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I have to agree with TC

I don't mind paying road tax as it is better than toll roads


I don't agree with you there Tony. I support road charging as a way to reduce CO2, but only if it's "revenue neutral". Big polluters and congesters pay more, giving the idea of a "responsible" motorist based on when and where he drives, not just what he drives.


The poll is still puerile.

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All my family love Iowa - a traditionally democrat state, which has a tradition of tolerance dating back to the pioneers. California is generally very laid back but the Southern states still have a reputation for intolerance, bigotry and violence. New Orleans was always seen as the sinfull, decadent big city and I am sure that is part of the reason for the slow recovery.

First, as a current resident of the United States, I can assure you that there is no such place as Iowa. Chicago is in fact a 45 min flight from New York, and is virtually in the foothills of the Rockies. During the Cold War, the Americans perpetrated the myth of the "midwest" so that the Soviets would believe that they could not effectively target all the missile silos out in the Corn-n-Bible Belt ( which if it did exist, Iowa would be a firm and fervent part of, by the way). Now they're stuck with it and the Republicans find it handy that they can use these mythical districts to generate votes to offset the ones that the Dems buy in Illinois or all the dead people voting Democrat in Florida.

Second, glad to see such a well informed and open minded approach in your commentary above. It is just this type of insight and lack of biggotry that may bring all those Bible thumpin' Klan members down South into the New Labour fold thereby ensuring World Peace.

Third, I understand that Mayor Nagel, the Reverand Al Sharpton, and several psychiatric experts would like to discuss your views on New Orleans with you. On the other hand Billy Graham, Pat Buchannan and a host of other aging white male Christians are your new best friends.

Finally - does anyone know whether / when it will run on BBC this side of the pond so that I can see what sounds like a very funny episode indeed. :lol:

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