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The Grave yard


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It's one cock-up after another.

I started 'foruming' on LRO and used to spend a lot of time on there. especially when i first started, when i received a lot of really useful help.

Now, I'm able to offer a bit of help in return, and try and do so when i can. I've also made quite a few friendships through meeting people from the forum.

Since they started changing things (badly) i've tended to read more on here. Unless the new forum is heaps better, i'm not sure that i'll be arsed with it anymore.

and yes, the Readers Forum is full of drivel and so much carp it's beyond belief!.

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Come on then MJG...what is your job?

Has been posted on here before.......

But for the record I am one of those 'grey suited NHS bureaucrats' who (according to popular myth and the tabloids) sit around all day counting bandages and pushing piles of paper around.

I am a registered general nurse by background (and actually still am) and of course would get loads of support and sympathy for my plight of I'd remained at the coal face (My last clinical job was a District Charge Nurse), but for some reason we NHS managers don't get a lot of public support or sympathy. We also get 'popped at' at regular intervals.

Stopped losing sleep over that though years ago......

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Someone that offers tech advice and then points out that they sell the item(s) as well is a spammer, clear and simple.

Can't really see why this isn't crystal, but comments made by those of you that have posted on this subject so far have been noted, and as always respectfully thought about and discussed in the 'forum that has loads of porn'.

Les. :)

Personaly couldnt give a F*** im afraid, what does it matter :D

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It's one cock-up after another.

I started 'foruming' on LRO and used to spend a lot of time on there. especially when i first started, when i received a lot of really useful help.

Now, I'm able to offer a bit of help in return, and try and do so when i can. I've also made quite a few friendships through meeting people from the forum.

Since they started changing things (badly) i've tended to read more on here. Unless the new forum is heaps better, i'm not sure that i'll be arsed with it anymore.

and yes, the Readers Forum is full of drivel and so much carp it's beyond belief!.

Hi Matt and Luke,

You have also forgot the downright nastiness and personal attacks as well

Some people think of it as their personal playground and want to evict some forum members.

I will not be forced out, so I enjoy posting photos etc of where I have been with my Land Rovers. Strangely enough that upsets certain people over there. :P

The people who I got a lot of useful advice from on how to equip my 110 etc are in the main not so active over on LRO now.

LRO is the only LR forum that I know where there are unwritten Rules. It's ok if your face fits and you abide by the unwritten rules.

It's much easier posting on here as things are so much simpler and straightforward.



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Brendan It's my signature they don't like I bet.

For those who haven't been on I'm using

"" mike

A real time served mechanic with hands on experience, not a forum armchair one ""

Bet you all.

It's not the site or the server that makes a forum.

It's you and I the users that make it.

Enjoy life please.

mike FOAIK Knickers

I can [especially on one certain forum] cause trouble in an empty house !!!

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wtf is the point of a 1,500kg limit on a crash barrier? even a spec'd up mundano probably exceeds that.

another brilliant report that says a 4x4 cant corner like a sportscar, brilliant but then its not what i brought a 4x4 for. isnt it time these 'experts' extracted their finger from their rear orifice & entered the real world?

are they same eeejits who invented those rope barriers? you know the ones where a motorcyclist slides along them to a post & gets their guts torn out?

besides the impact engergy of a 1,500kg car at 70mph is i'd expect way more than the limit too.

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Someone that offers tech advice and then points out that they sell the item(s) as well is a spammer, clear and simple.

Can't really see why this isn't crystal, but comments made by those of you that have posted on this subject so far have been noted, and as always respectfully thought about and discussed in the 'forum that has loads of porn'.

Les. :)

i dont see how that makes them a spammer if the advice is good. if someone was saying you want 'this' when it was obviously wrong then i'd call it spam as they should be in a posistion to offer good advice. besides i still think David's original post was a whinge at other companies false claims, something all of us post about from time to time.

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Guest diesel_jim

What a bunch of f****** stupid pr!cks! of course high vehicles are more prone to roll over.... duh! they never seen the roads closed to HGVs when it's windy?

So, if a 4x4 is "too heavy" for a crash barrier, what happens when a bus or lorry crash into one? are barriers suddenly "intelligent" and they think to themselves "oooh, here comes a big lorry, i'll brace myself for this one" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I think the important bit is as follows:

Christopher Macgowan, Chief Executive of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders said: "We need to reassure 4x4 owners. Researchers at TRL have demonstrated that drivers of 4x4s and MPVs are less likely to be involved in collisions with safety barriers and that occupants are less likely to be killed or seriously injured in all types of accident."



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Guest diesel_jim

OK, so if this spamming is so bad on the public forum, why don't the mods make a rule that if "a person" on this list happens to sell an item that another person clearly needs to sort his/her problem out, then "a person" can just PM them and tell them so? :unsure:

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IIRC the safety barriers on most bridges is rated at a minimum of 16tonnes & I thought the armco type barriers was somewhere around the 15tonne minimum rating, the Bridon rope barriers are extremely effective at preventing vehicles crossing into the other carriageway or leaving the road but not very good for bikers as mentioned above -- probably none of the barriers presenlty in use is good for bikers.

as for the stupid clowns in the article, it depends entirly on how the vehicle is driven.

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So, if a 4x4 is "too heavy" for a crash barrier, what happens when a bus or lorry crash into one? are barriers suddenly "intelligent" and they think to themselves "oooh, here comes a big lorry, i'll brace myself for this one" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

ROFL! :hysterical:

As for bikers, well I would have thought any biker who falls off in the fast lane of a motorway is probably going to be squished in about 0.3 seconds anyway so the construction of the barrier is probably the least of his worries...

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I am/was a Mod we were never told of any problem and I am in the dark I was posting a reply to someone when the forum was pulled.

I hate the new forum, and some of the poeple that Mod have there heads up their own arse.


PMSL Pete!

I assume that as a Mod, you exempt yourself from your own statement?? :P



PS Thanks for all your advice about my 110. Am planning the next big trip in it!

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I guess that I am going to support David on this occasion.

We have spoken a few times on the phone and the guy is ever helpful …….. just like Dave Ashcroft in many ways……… and doesn’t really try to sell you stuff over the phone ……. just gives honest and knowledgeable opinions. Also gear that I have bought from llama has been good quality.

OK, so perhaps young old Mr Round has a vocal way of posting ………. and I can’t say that I blame him (the guy has to make a living)………………… but I guess it would be a bit harsh to call it spam. Equally, I think Les was right to point it out in order to keep the fine balance that is needed……….

Lets look on the bright side ………….. there aren’t too many forums where you can discuss this stuff in public like we have here without folk getting OTT and stupid ……… I think that says an awful lot for the health of the forum and the quality of the membership (I include mods in the word membership).

Just my 2p …….. call it a draw :rolleyes:;)


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i dont see how that makes them a spammer if the advice is good.

IMHO this hits the nail on the head - you are unlikely to find people like David, Dave A and Si posting up b*ll*cks to try and sell something, they will post tech (EG facts and useful information) that happens to relate to their area of knowledge (which is usually something they sell, but not always).

If people post "Buy my product it's great and solves all your problems!!!" and offer no tech / factual proof or other useful contribution to the forum then yes they're spamming idiots.

I have posted advice about broadband before now - I work for BT so does that make my posts spam? What if I recommend a different BB provider? :ph34r:

I also agree that offering any sort of sponsorship of the forum would be detrimental - the Pirate star system works because it just identifies a poster as a trader and allows them to pimp their wares in their posts legitimately, it's not "proper" advertising.

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