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Nene Overland Vehicle prices... yikes..


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I was just perusing the rather full to bursting pages of Nene's "used" land rovers. I know they have a very high reputation for bespoke overland vehicles, which I'm not disputing, but just flicking through there pages they have a huge stock of vehicles in excess of 20k... (2nd hand) and a heap of "icon" vehicle that look like improrts or summit as they're all lefty's. And why are a lot of the vehicles POA? is that something to do with the customer base?

I just find it rather berwildering that any of those vehicles actually sell - I guess they must, but blimey some rich folk out there... you buy a cheaper Porsche..

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...and you'd better make sure they are legitimate. He got rumbled for faking V5C documents !

I have looked at that site many times and even back when i was looking and they were top prices then with 300's being 20K or 28K for a new one !. They must sell them though. To be honest i never liked the guy, he just seemed to be arrogant and there were some other prep places that could source a car that were much more helpful. If he'd been a bit more helpful their prices may have been easier to swallow. They aren't the only place that have high prices that didn't want my business though........Livingston being another.

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totally agree,they're all a bit on the arrogant side.they are local to me and i went in there once to see if they were breaking anything and i stood there in front of two of them while they just continued there conversation of what they'd done over the weekend.

He got done again by the police a couple of months ago for falsifying information on V5's.loads of people know that he is dodgy.

I started my own LR business hopefully trying to even take a little of there business so people don't get ripped off with there prices(thats just my opinion).everything they sell is bloody expensive.

what gets me is that people know they are expensive but they still go to them.

i mate of mine bought a 300tdi 90 for nearly 10K(approx 2yrs) which he had no end of complaints about faults and leaks.it had a sprayjob and the paint looks good from about 10yds but when you get close you can see that they just masked off everything and just gave it a blowover.pretty carp when your paying that kind of money.

i personaly wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.


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We can rant about them, but fact is, they create some kind of image in the glossy mags (and are big mates with LRO, hence their cars always show in their fotoshoots) and people buy it. It is a pointless rant, because people on this forum dont buy from them.

The one in fridges piccy impresses certain people that probably have a rangerover sport or hummer as a daily driver and dont think twice of spending 30 k.

I dont feel any envy on nene (unlike some!), they have a busines model that works and are probably doing very well out of it. Good for them, it didn't come falling from the sky did it?

I dont think myself he is dodgy, the V5 was a bit of an off, but in general I think his wares are pretty sound.

I have seen much worse myself, and I personally dont accuse people on a forum like this unless he had one over on me, in which case I made sure he will get burned down to his shoelaces.


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Now, I didn't intend this thread to become anything other than a reflection on vehicles prices, especially in the "ecanomic" enviroment. i could go to my local LR garage and pickup a new truck for the prices Nene charge, I just wondered if they did sprinkle magic fairy dust on them to make them better than a new vehicle, from the answers here I'm guessing not.

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lots of people do rely on some of the big name workshops if they need a car that is going to be fit to take them on a long trip and they aren't mechanicaly minded. Pricing seems to be eye watering to those of us in the know, but I guess if I were to put an hourly rate on what I spent on the driveway it would tot up to a substantial sum as well.

However it is shocking if the work isn't of a good standard, and I've seem some shoddy stuff come out of the big names - for example a prepped 130 double cab that had had the aux power/fuse/relay board fixed behind the rear seat in the cab using 2" woodscrews which projected out the back of the body! And that was one of the 'big 3' (they also made a hash of the solar panel, told customer they didn't know how to fit them :huh: )

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Half my car is held together by self tappers.... :ph34r:

Agree completely though labour soon adds up. Recently i got my bushes done and they said 1 hour per corner...took them 7 hours. They only charged me the 4 hours but even thats £200 at most places. In this case £180 but considering it would have taken me a week to get em out with no press and a carp blowtorch, I thought it was good value. £315 on the other hand is borderline for the 7 hours. Add this onto all sorts of normal service work like wheel bearings (1 hour each at least) and putting in electrics. The price can sky rocket.

All that said have they (nene) actully done the real work or are they just changing the belt and a standard 6000 mile and putting it up for sale. I bet they are. They might do a clutch but that seems to be it. That will be £12500 sir.....

I got mine for £4500 and did the rest myself. (except bushes and clutch) So lets call it £5200.

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lots of people do rely on some of the big name workshops if they need a car that is going to be fit to take them on a long trip and they aren't mechanicaly minded.

Those people either really should be learning how to do it themselves or should be buying a Land Cruiser instead...

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All that said have they (nene) actully done the real work or are they just changing the belt and a standard 6000 mile and putting it up for sale. I bet they are. They might do a clutch but that seems to be it. That will be £12500 sir.....

I went round a lot of a known brands in the south east when I was trying to find my current Defender. They all spoke about a "full service" as if it was the cure of all problems. The minute they would say it I would switch off, thinking they hadn't a clue about what really matters.

You get all the cliches:

  • "Solid chassis"
  • "Pulls like a train"
  • "But they're all like that"
  • "Mechanically sound"

Some of the big brands do well at putting lipstick on a pig. Others just lie and sell a pig with the price of the lipstick included.

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Those people either really should be learning how to do it themselves or should be buying a Land Cruiser instead...

They've even got wimmin driving the bloody things now though, can't teach em anything and thier spindly little arms can't lift special tool no.1.

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I live fairly close to Nene and we had a 90 off them a while ago, albeit for a much better price than they seem to charge nowadays. They were always helpful when there was ever an issue and dad thought their service was very good but at the same time I've had 2 friends that have both bought vehicles from them that turned out to be complete melons, 1 almost resulting in a court case.

Sadly their prices for parts/labour are not far from main dealer prices and they have mucked us around a bit recently so we now use another landy place in peterborough.

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I just find it rather berwildering that any of those vehicles actually sell - I guess they must, but blimey some rich folk out there... you buy a cheaper Porsche..

Poor Chap has solicitor and various legal costs and court fines to pay - take pity on a convicted criminal - buy with "Confidence" :rofl:

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