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lending out tools


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  1. 1. do you lend out your tools?

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    • maby

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caught a thread on another forum about lending out equipment and it reminded me of work..........do i lend things out and grit my teeth evereytime i see that person drop my nut runner or tread my spanners......or am i that much of a dick to say "no" and stop someone doing there job

then things comeback broken or in a state that it definatly diddnt go out in. may not matter or effect the performance of the tool but thats not the point!

so do you lend out your tools?

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There are a (very) select few who get to use what little tools I have. It works the other way too. I would rather buy a specific tool to do a job than borrow it wherever possible. And if I do borrow anything, I make sure it goes back cleaned and in serviceable condition.

Just a case of respect for those around you really.

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its all about who is borrowing said tool......someone like myself would return in good order,or replace if i did broke said tool....

some people are not the same.....i lent a snapon lever BJ splitter to friends son wish i hadn't,,,, came back with the treads on the arm mashed.....his answer

"well its snapon so got a life time warranty"

snapon man " abused no warranty "

lesson learnt

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When I have shared a workshop then yes as you can keep an eye on things, but I have built up a tool chest so I don't need to borrow. (do unto others and all that).

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  • 4 months later...

If I borrow tools they go back in the condition they arrived in, or I will replace anything I damage.

generally I'll only lend stuff to people I know to have the same habits. As people with this attitude tend to have a fair sized kit of their own, it's generally only special tools that get lent.

I've had more trouble with people plain losing my tools. I lent a chap a hammer at an event once - he managed to lose it while working under his truck in a grassy field! I feel he probably just couldn't be bothered to look properly.

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If I borrow tools they go back in the condition they arrived in, or I will replace anything I damage.

generally I'll only lend stuff to people I know to have the same habits. As people with this attitude tend to have a fair sized kit of their own, it's generally only special tools that get lent.

I've had more trouble with people plain losing my tools. I lent a chap a hammer at an event once - he managed to lose it while working under his truck in a grassy field! I feel he probably just couldn't be bothered to look properly.

That sucks! Did he replace it or pay up?

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If I borrow tools they go back in the condition they arrived in, or I will replace anything I damage.

generally I'll only lend stuff to people I know to have the same habits. As people with this attitude tend to have a fair sized kit of their own, it's generally only special tools that get lent.

I've had more trouble with people plain losing my tools. I lent a chap a hammer at an event once - he managed to lose it while working under his truck in a grassy field! I feel he probably just couldn't be bothered to look properly.

Same here nowadays, I've had trouble in the past with people not returning tools or deciding that the tools are now theirs as they've kept them for so long and they try to make you feel guilty for asking for them back!

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no! decided not to do it now! ive started a new job putting up allimak hoists (google it), there a temporary hoist that goes on the side of buildings, the shard had an alimak 650 scando up the side of it....anyways each section is held on with 4 bolts with an 1 1/2" nut, i lent my snapon 1 1/2 spanner and 3/4 drive ratchet to someone at the firm and when he was done with them he just threw them on the floor......diddnt place them, diddnt drop them, threw £400 worth of tools on the floor! nearly came to fists over it because he swairs blind he wasnt doing anything wrong. not lending anything out now.

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bloody hell.

excuse my language but thats discraceful.

i only ever lend my tools to my good friends, lent my 10,11,12, and 13mm spanner to a uni flat mate last year, never saw them again, cost me about £30 to replace them.

whenever i borrow tools, even if i get them dirty, they always go back sparkling clean. and woudlnt expect anything less when i recieve tools back that have been borrowed.

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theres only about 3 people i lend tools to because i know they will take care of them. I do have a cheaper halfords socket set that people can use for the first time cause if it comes back damaged its a lot less upsetting than good tools which they then wont get ever.

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That sucks! Did he replace it or pay up?

Errr, nope. He was kinda, 'oh sorry mate, I dunno what happened to it'

Grrrrrrr :rtfm:

That particular occassion I didn't know who I was lending to. One chap goes around asking if anyone has a hammer his mate can use, I thought what damage could he do to a hammer???

That reminds me of another time a lent a good mate my 12oz ball pein hammer, and he returned it with the ball end snapped off! He was apologetic, but I have plenty of hammers so it wasn't the end of the world and I let good mates get away with stuff like that.

I still have that half-hammer. I keep it for throwing at those who ask to borrow tools, :lol:

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I lent and engine crane and an engine stand to an older friend in a car club, as he had a bit of work to do. He always came across as a tidy guy and seemed to look after his things, so I didn`t think twice.

Well after 4-5 weeks I went to collect them as he was out, the engine crane and stand had obviously been left outside in the rain for 4-5 weeks, as the bolts were rusty (I hadn`t got a spot of rust on them in 4 years) and they were soaking, the tray from the engine stand was even used as a base for a disposable bbq.

Lets just say I was absolutely TAMPING!!! He will NEVER have more than a cold off me now!!

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That's disgusting Jim :( I hope everyone else in the car club was told about it.

On a more positive note as well as poor experiences when lending tools I've had plenty of good ones, none that stand out as particularly earth shattering but plenty of cases where tools come back exactly as they were lent (or cleaner ;) ).

On one occaison a good friend broke a cheap tungsten carbide scraper I had lent him, he was mortified and replaced it with one that cost twice the price and spare blades!

So it's not all bad, just it can be difficult to work out which people are which ......

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That's disgusting Jim :( I hope everyone else in the car club was told about it.

On a more positive note as well as poor experiences when lending tools I've had plenty of good ones, none that stand out as particularly earth shattering but plenty of cases where tools come back exactly as they were lent (or cleaner ;) ).

On one occaison a good friend broke a cheap tungsten carbide scraper I had lent him, he was mortified and replaced it with one that cost twice the price and spare blades!

So it's not all bad, just it can be difficult to work out which people are which ......

Not yet but I'm biding my time. Can`t go ape as the guy is one of the "senior" members that has all the influence, so I'm best of picking my moment wisely.

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