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give a company called glynnwood a try - just took out a policy with them with all my mods declared for £345 fully comp - no claims not used & 7k miles a year. sureterm/lancaster refused to cover me, and everyone else ranged from £500 to the ridiculous end of £1200!! even though i'm 38 with a full clean licence

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Im 26 with adrian flux insured for I think 16,000 miles fully comp, 6 years NCD for £355 last year. Just coming round to renewal time so it will be interesting to see what they have for me....


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It's always so depressing to read about everyone else's insurance premiums. I'm with Footman James TPFT for £1100 at 21 with a clean licence but no NCB (no claims, just not the right policies to gather one). All mods declared, but including 19j upgrade to a 300Tdi resulted in a bhp increase, which of course is such a big deal in a 2 tonne brick.

Quotes from Adrian Flux fully comp were circa £1600 and it's just ridiculous. I'm sure if I just got an Impreza, it'd be cheaper and wouldn't break as often...

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Insurance premiums never make any sense.

A few years ago a friend of mine found it would have been cheaper to insure a 2008 Citroen C2 VTR (a warm hatch i guess) than his 1996 Corsa 1.2 by a hundred quid or so. It was also cheaper to insure a 2005 Clio 1.4 than it was to insure a 2000 Clio 1.4, even though they were exactly the same car.

In my mind, the newer 2005 clio and 2008 Citroen should be more expensive to insure, simply as they're worth far more, yet the Ancient corsa was the most expensive car out of them all. I guess some statistics must show that older cars are more likely to be crashed?!

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Unfortunately lots of young drivers, or dadsbank, can only afford an old motor (ironically because the insurance is astronomical ) and the stats dont lie. Out of our youngest sons mates there was only one lad who didnt write off or badly damage his motor in the first 12 months.

I understood that insurers had been found guilty of sex discrimination on male policy premiums and would have to increase females premiums. Logically this means premiums for chaps should reduce to adjust the balance.

Has this already been put into force because I havent noticed us chaps premiums reducing, or are the insurers just skimming extra profits from female policies??

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Unfortunately lots of young drivers, or dadsbank, can only afford an old motor (ironically because the insurance is astronomical ) and the stats dont lie. Out of our youngest sons mates there was only one lad who didnt write off or badly damage his motor in the first 12 months.

I understood that insurers had been found guilty of sex discrimination on male policy premiums and would have to increase females premiums. Logically this means premiums for chaps should reduce to adjust the balance.

Has this already been put into force because I havent noticed us chaps premiums reducing, or are the insurers just skimming extra profits from female policies??

Ofcourse, but the young 17 year old lad handed the keys to a Citroen VTR is surely more likely to bin it than one handed the keys to a Corsa 1.2 given its got twice the power? Or at least, no LESS likely to bin it... And if/when he does bin it, the corsa gets written off and the payout is less than the excess so you get nowt. The VTR is worth many thousands of pounds so the insurer has to pay out a chunk more cash...

I understand it'll be expensive, i just dont get why a much newer, much faster car is cheaper to insure.

It would be like chopping your mondeo diesel in for a Merc C63 AMG, and getting a refund on the premium because more mondeos get crashed and thus they're more risky...

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Nfu hiked there prices last year and I changed to Adrian flux. Im 21 it cost me £1275 ish to insure my 110 with my old 4.2 Turbocharged v8, I have now insured it this year with my new 5.9 Cummins and is £1399 :) also the Nfu don't like a huge list of modifications and wouldn't insure mine once I fitted a roll cage but Adrian flux are more than happy to take your business with them.

I'm in the same boat. I really rate the NFU, however their prices have gone up recently and despite previous modifications, they grumbled when I asked about fitting a roll cage.

Adrian Flux have given me the best quote so far, but unlike the NFU, they won't give 3rd party cover on any other vehicle until I'm 25.

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I understand it'll be expensive, i just dont get why a much newer, much faster car is cheaper to insure.

My insurance was cheaper to insure with the car valued at what i paid for it (so what it would cost me to replace), than say, what it's worth now/what i would get if i sold it.

Dunno insurers points of view (who does, to be fair :S ), but the way i see it is, in my car (bought for 5k), i look after it and drive it more carefully than i would, say, in the farm Pug 205 - a very cheap car, meaning you can overlook the odd dent etc..(None of them done by me, may i add :P ) So i s'pose insurers think the same, that little prangs will be ignored,..... so they expect a big prang at some point?!..

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Ofcourse, but the young 17 year old lad handed the keys to a Citroen VTR is surely more likely to bin it than one handed the keys to a Corsa 1.2 given its got twice the power? Or at least, no LESS likely to bin it... And if/when he does bin it, the corsa gets written off and the payout is less than the excess so you get nowt. The VTR is worth many thousands of pounds so the insurer has to pay out a chunk more cash...

I understand it'll be expensive, i just dont get why a much newer, much faster car is cheaper to insure.

It would be like chopping your mondeo diesel in for a Merc C63 AMG, and getting a refund on the premium because more mondeos get crashed and thus they're more risky...

I agree that on face value it makes little sense, and I really dont know the full answer. The insurance business works on averages. I am guessing that a much greater number of kids drive older motors which may be less roadworthy but are driven on the edge most of the time, resulting in a lot more smashes from excess speed/mechanical failure/ driver error. Also I guess you have to vector in damage to other vehicles/persons/ property/stationary objects, which can be massively higher than vehicle repair/ write-off costs. Any insurance experts advice appreciated.

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It's always so depressing to read about everyone else's insurance premiums. I'm with Footman James TPFT for £1100 at 21 with a clean licence but no NCB (no claims, just not the right policies to gather one). All mods declared, but including 19j upgrade to a 300Tdi resulted in a bhp increase, which of course is such a big deal in a 2 tonne brick.

Quotes from Adrian Flux fully comp were circa £1600 and it's just ridiculous. I'm sure if I just got an Impreza, it'd be cheaper and wouldn't break as often...

TPFT isn't always cheaper than fully comp - incredible but true.

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TPFT isn't always cheaper than fully comp - incredible but true.

Very true!!!

Ford Fiesta 1998 MY 1.8D fully comp £245 TPFT £315 :o

I just got the shock of my life today after being quoted 1125 euro for a 1992 Disco1 and I am 35 FFS need to shop around a bit more but they better get busy reorganising the decimal points or UK insurance on VIN and a green card for this one :rtfm:

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Although it's often said that Insurance premiums make no sense, they are all based on statistical evidence (though sometimes the evidence itself is weak).

There are too many metrics to measure to give you the 'correct' policy cost, so they group people into different risk bands. (based on broad strokes like hair colour and eyebrow length) The differences between one insurer & another tends just to be down to how they define their bands.

People assume that, because of the high premiums, motor insurers are raking it in, but motor insurance has always been the least profitable and most competitive branch of insurance - which has come to a head in the last few years when many of the underwriters started to make a loss (for various reasons). This lead to a shake up of the bands and an increase for most groups.

Specialist brokers tend to drill more deeply into the bands - so a 'young drivers' specialist for example will ask more questions in that area or look more closely at other factors to determine which young drivers present a greater risk.

How does this help? It means that if your policy it too expensive, you need to find a broker / specialist who knows more about the band you are likely to fall in to - or change your risk profile so you fall in to a different band.

As mentioned above, membership of clubs can be very helpful, or the way you describe your job.

When I were young ;) I bought an Ex RAF Series 2 (Civilian spec, used as a run-about on an airfield) and insured it (through A C Miles) on a military policy. My premium dropped from about £500 TPFT (a lot in them days) to £69 Comprehensive. The only down side was it didn't accrue NCD and had limited mileage (5000 mile IIRC).

I wonder if, since many people are paying more than the LR cost per year in Insurance if it might make economic sense to change the vehicle to one which will reduce the cost? Ex Military or Classic (over 25yo) would seem a good bet?

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