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Insurance time again :(

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Hi all its that time of year again for me to start thinking about insurance :'(

i have started trying to list all my modifications in view of getting specialist insurance this year with an agreed valuation of some sort so am going to have to declare everything

my list is already 3 pages long!!! jeez

can anybody reccommend a good insurance company for modified landys, i am going to give adrian flux a call this afternoon

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I've been with NFU for the last 5 years, two landys and a trailer with them. Both landys with modifications (both changed from 19J to 200Tdi), the 90 has gone from a pick up to a County, the 110 has a winch, roof rack, veggie conversion. Never had to claim, but they are always helpful, average price and better the devil you know in my view!



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When I bought my Landrover I tried insuring with NFU but they struggled with modifications. It was a few years ago now so things may have changed. Other than that I would have been happy.

For a number of years I was with Flux but they struggled when I changed the engine. I was asked so many questions about the donor vehicle I ended up giving them its registration so they could look up if it was the 'S' or 'SE' version... They also based the increase in premium on the increase in BHP between the two engines.

In the end I went to 2Gether Insurance. They were certainly easy to deal with in terms of modifications and I think I benefited on price as the Landrover isn't my everyday vehicle. No idea what they are like when it comes to paying a claim (and I hope I never need to find out) although they made the same statement that they cover the cost of modifications etc as Flux.

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i have been with the NFU since i started,

we personally know the area head of office and i have no problems with claiming mods;

The TDi put the premium up by £200, which was recovered in fuel savings within a year, the winch and disk brakes didnt change the premium at all. they just noted them down and that was it.

very good in terms of claims, in dads long experiences with them and in mine (i had a crash into an old already fell down wall and the owner of the wall tried to rodger me with a £2000 bill, NFU sorted it and didnt pay out a penny to wall owner who by the way created a fake business and therefore fake quote. i think he got in a bit of trouble)

EDIT: p.s. i think new customers have to be 25 or over, however i got a policy with them at 17 because the family and business were already with them, i guess they have to know you to a certain extent as it is a fairly personal company in comparison to most.

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EDIT: p.s. i think new customers have to be 25 or over, however i got a policy with them at 17 because the family and business were already with them, i guess they have to know you to a certain extent as it is a fairly personal company in comparison to most.

I asked my local office to clarify when I was looking round at workshop insurance... Unless a close family member has a policy, you have to be 25.

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Phone Scott at Academy insurance in Staines

3 pages for me too inc "《cough 5.2》 saw me insure with them again....

bring a whippersnapperpuppy may be an issue ...being an old git I don't know :D

well worth a call v Scott knows his stuff


Can't remember why they couldn't quote for me, I think it was the lack of years going against me.

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Flux just assumed it was ok to up mine by a stupid amount on my 90 in the second year , when i questioned them on it i got the shaved 12 year old monkey who was most upset when i told him had they offered me a decent renewal premium from the start and not the laughable amount they wanted id stayed with them ,i went with Lancaster they seem to be an all right bunch , i did get a lovely sounding young lady though and being an old get that sells it for me ,to be fair after reading insurance gripes on this forum they all seem to be a much as muchness

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I have had my agreed value policy with Lancaster for about 14-years now, previously I had tried with most of the other well known specialist companies and still shop around but ERS are the underwriters and Lancaster always manage to beat the others on cost.

It can be a pain preparing the information for the agreed valuation but certainly worth doing. A full history of the vehicle plus details of the work done & parts fitted over the past 12-months, copies of all reciepts, photos (interior, under-bonnet plus external from all angles) and then my valuation. They usually knock my valuation down by £500 but this year I upped it by £2K as I have carried out a fair bit of work and to my surprise they agreed to it.

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But you can also read in this thread and others of good experiences with 2Gether, Academy, NFU, Lancaster... Why not try and keep this positive and it will benefit more people having people to try and not just a list of those to avoid....

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I went with flux this year as Lancaster refused to reinsure me after being with them for 4 years, when I questioned them about it they could not tell me why, wanted me to take out a new policy with no no claims declared at over a grand and then they could reinsure me, you can guess where I told them to go, flux was a bit of a pain going throu the mods but came out ok in the end.

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thanks for all the replys guys

i spoke to flux yesterday and quoted me £594 with im impressed with, i paid £400 last year but they thought it was standard :ph34r:

gna ring around a couple of other brokers today see what they say, NFU too as im i 25 in january and the company i work for is very 'in' the nfu

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I asked my local office to clarify when I was looking round at workshop insurance... Unless a close family member has a policy, you have to be 25.

They will also insure you if a close family member is a member of the NFU.

I can't fault them, they have always paid up instantly whenever family members have made a claim. They have also allowed me to have 3rd party cover on any vehicle for an extra £100 since the age of 17. Most insurance companies won't allow that until you are 25.

They do struggle with modifications though, my larger tyres and steel modulars went on the policy as 'alloy wheels' despite me specifying exactly what they were. Same with the snorkel which went on as a 'raised exhaust'.

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Phone Scott at Academy insurance in Staines

3 pages for me too inc "《cough 5.2》 saw me insure with them again....

bring a whippersnapperpuppy may be an issue ...being an old git I don't know :D

well worth a call v Scott knows his stuff


I had Academy insurance saved in my favorites with a note to speak only to Scott. Scott doesn't work here anymore was the reply. Still worth a call though.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi all,

Apologies for bringing up a slightly old thread, but wanted to add my 2p here...

I've been with NFU for about 6yrs now, since I bought the 90 (2" raised, hardtop converted to station wagon + a couple of other minor mods). Originally they were very competative but the last 3 years it's gone up by about £100 each year, I phoned them last year and managed to get £50 knocked off, but another £100 hike this year made it £700 with 8yrs no claims!

I phoned Adrian Flux and after taking of the breakdown cover has come in at £300 with all the mods declared so I'm very happy with that. For another £15 I could have sent them photos and got an agreed price, decided not to bother for now.

I tried Peter Best as well, but their 'classic' policy doesn't allow commuting and their standard policy doesn't allow mods...


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