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Car tax disc to be axed after 93 years


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Frankly it's still a ridiculous system, why pay the tiny bit extra in tax every year, when a tiny amount added to fuel would cover it easily.

That way the road users who do more miles pay more, which is only fair if you ask me.

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Agree with Pete... Pay by the mile / litre would be a much fairer system and would probably generate more revenue if done cleverly.

Typically high emmission cars use more fuel so would have the came effect as now without the complication of CO2 ratings etc.

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Its a good move, much easier for all. monthly DD too.

But they must be confident in their ANPR network, must really have rolled that out in recent years.

Most of the enforcement will already be happening by ANPR, not only on the street but also in patrol cars. Having a bit of paper glued to the windscreen seems a bit archaic when any copper who stops you will cross-reference you & your reg plate by radio, phone, or computer on the spot anyway. I believe the traffic cars have ANPR cameras that are always scanning as they cruise round.

It may be big brother, but if it catches more uninsured idiots and stolen motors it's hard to grumble too much. Big brother has so many other wonderful ways to track you already anyway it hardly seems worth complaining about poor old plod & the DVLA!

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why should the fuel producers be tax collectors ? thats the governments job,

Hmmm... it is a backdoor method of privatization, it would be a leveler and everyone would have to pay it.

I have a feeling it's a bit of a cash flow accountancy scam by our illustrious chancellor, it means that he'll have a monthly pot rather than a six monthly to a year and he'll be charging us 5 pounds a year extra!

APNR is frankly scary, we do a system at work and it can filter number plates at a rate of knots.

It does concern me a little that we don't have anything physical in the car to show that the car is MOT'd and Taxed.

I won't miss the stupid design of the tax disc... whoever thought that all those perorations was a good idea wants good talking too.

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. It does concern me a little that we don't have anything physical in the car to show that the car is MOT'd and Taxed.

I won't miss the stupid design of the tax disc... whoever thought that all those perorations was a good idea wants good talking too.


In Ireland they have a windscreen system where you display your tax disc, your MOT expiry and your insurance expiry dates, all there for plod to see when you get flagged at the road side stops, save for when it's piddling with rain then the Gaurda won't be doing much but sitting in the car drinking tea :P

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So, if someone leaves a car outside your house and its there ad infinitum, you have no way of knowing whether to make that call.......

And if you live somewhere like me where the Police never go, on foot OR by car, how is it going to be checked ?

Of course the government will be saving money on postage and admin, so I am sure they will be passing the savings on to you/me the consumer....................

Like has been said, should be put on fuel. Much fairer all round. If you want to drive a gas guzzler (like we do) then its your choice. The only flaw with this is, would the extra tax actually be set fairly, or would it cost ALL of us more ?

I wonder

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you will still get a annual or 6 monthly reminder though the post,

the DVLA vehicle enquiry webpage https://www.taxdisc.direct.gov.uk/EvlPortalApp/app/enquiry?execution=e1s1

should be better published so anyone can check if a long term parked vehicle is taxed

more about the disc being abolished here https://www.gov.uk/government/news/direct-debit-and-abolition-of-the-tax-disc

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Don't have a problem with removing tax discs but the database used to back up ANPR is the problem.

I got stopped for no insurance and had no paperwork on me. The vehicle was fully legal but plod made me get a mate to drive, if not it would have been scrapped. Now I have to check the insurance database to make sure it is there when ever I use the Series 1!!!!!!!!!

Historic tax free on line renewal is not a problem even with MOT free to boot.

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I agree that the licence should be on the fuel, these zero rated vehicles still produce road pollution from tire wear, brake dust, they add to the congestion and deterioration of the highways and yet get away with no RFL. I see no reason not to have a disc as visual proof of legality or will they issue every body with anpr readers.

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