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Should I or shouldn't I ??

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I'm not 100% convinced on this. Nothing on any DVLA or VOSA site defines what these things are.

...., there's no way it can be a legal conversion UNLESS it's from before 19-something-I've-forgotten-the-date-again

When I spoke to DVLA regarding vehicles modified before the 1997 implementation of the points system we all know and love, they basically said there was no such watershed and that exactly the same rules have always applied but the points system was intended to make the system simpler to understand.

They were quite specific that even if a vehicle was converted before 1997 and it was inspected today they would apply the points system.

So in the context of the vehicle "as described" here I would walk away.

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Other than the VOSA points, modifying a series chassis to coils is fairly major surgery in safety critical areas - you'd have to be very sure that it's been done well and is safe, which may be tough to tell if you don't know what you are looking for...

Personally, for that money you could get a decent 90, and you will end up with a lot less problems long term - insurance, parts availability etc (eg. what props does it use - are they standard 90 ones, series ones or something cooked up?).

You've not said where you are located, but members on here are generally very helpful and would probably come help you check out any potential purchase and show you the common areas to look out for (chassis rust, engine issues etc) in exchange for a pint afterwards!

Cheeky advert but my 90 is in the for sale section for similar money and is a great buy for someone ;)

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What should I do guys

I'd leave it. There's quite a lot of choice for a similar amount of money about for 'standard' 90's - from something close to how it left the factory to something that's been tastefully/thoughtfully modified.

With a bitsa like that you are always going to be finding things that aren't standard / need special parts etc and unless you did it yourself you aren't going to know what bits were used when building it, so it'll rapidly turn into a nightmare...

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Thanks again for all the advise, think I'm going to keep a look out for either a tastefully modified with good history or a basic and build from there. Thinking about it, any problems I'll just be scratching my head as I do know the basics which have been fitted I'll struggle matching the parts etc. :( shame as the cover of the book looks amazing but as the saying goes blah blah

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From looking it has a n reg 300tdi engine gearbox and transferbox. Props are wrong way round front on back and back on front to allow movement?? They are from a discovery 2. Same applies for all disc etc from disco 2. Chassie unable to say if its original couldn't find a vin. On log book says landrover 88 2.5 engine etc. and engine number matches log book? Still walk away?

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Walk away, far away.

Buy a standard truck you never know how well any modifications have been done and they could cause you a lot of time and money putting right. I suffered from this and I would have been far better off buying a standard truck as it had been put 'together' horrendously. The only positive being I had a good number less bolts to remove when I stripped the car for the rebuild.

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All 90, 110 etc should have the vin stamped into front right hand dumb iron on the chassis ( I've heard it's also stamped somewhere else on the chassis on later models though I can't confirm) plus there should be a vin tag (also has weights) riveted to the brake pedal box just behind the servo. If either are missing I'd want a dam good reason.


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The VIN IS stamped on a series chassis...front right dumbiron. Trouble is they get badly rotted and replaced and the number isn't re stamped.

Still..walk away!

The trouble with these 'hybrids' is they can still pass an MoT whilest being totally illegal. If the paperwork matches what's on the vehicle, VIN and engine number, and everything is 'safe', that's all the tester looks for. Doesn't mean it's legal, testers deal with hundreds of vehicle's of all makes and sizes every day/week/month/year. VOSA will tell you if it's legal...when the Police have pulled you for a simple roadside check, then someones got interested, then someone asks a question/makes a phone call, then a nice man from VOSA takes it away, declares it to not match the original build so here's the details for an IVA test, which you then fail on X + Y + Z, and then just for good measure A + B + C. You then get a mortgage inducing bill for road tax avoidance, a bill for a new registration because it's obviously not a 1975 Series 3 any more, then the nice man from CID comes and pays you a visit because while VOSA had it in they checked axle and gearbox numbers and by the way the engine is from a stolen discovery, the gearbox from a stolen defender, the transfer box from a stolen rangy, the axles from a stolen disco, so now they take it back off you again, and give you a day in front of a judge.

Still, walk away!

Bit extreme perhaps, trying to get a message home. I'm not saying any of this DOES apply to THIS vehicle, and I'm not saying it would all or any happen to you. Potentially they all could, that's one of the reason the DVLA started asking for proof on engine ownership when submitting the V5 for change after a conversion.

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