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Les Henson

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According to them, John Craddock is the worlds No1 series 1 Land Rover expert. I don't think so :(

That title surely belongs to James Taylor.


I watched that program with interest (at first)... but when they put that knackered turbo back into it, I was like urmmm really!? and when they drive it around it leaves a trail of blue smoke... very unimpressed with that build to be honest.

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I expect it still has all the grot sitting on top of the gearbox as well... Pretty cosmetic 'restoration' that only removed and reinstalled a turbo, and put near rear brakes on.... :excl:

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I watched that program with interest (at first)... but when they put that knackered turbo back into it, I was like urmmm really!? and when they drive it around it leaves a trail of blue smoke... very unimpressed with that build to be honest.

Same as that stupid wheeler dealers. Some of the bodges on that program need to be seen to be believed.

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On a related note, could the collective forum do a proper LR SOS feature? not one of those 60minute specials where LLB turns up and wallpapers the dog and the fridge. and puts pink carpet on the walls shows.

A proper tools out, get someone back on the road type effort? or has it been done and dusted and agreed to be a bad idea?

Just Thinking about the possibilities...... JeffR Nige.... at least it would bring £250 in from You've been Framed/Rudetube.


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There's always the "A 4x4 Is Born" series.

I quite enjoy Car SOS, and their other vehicles seem largely well done. Of course, it's always a case of: if you know what it's about, you know it's rubbish, so who knows what they're telling you about the other stuff. Same with the news really, pretty much every time there's a news item about computers I cry a little inside, and you just know they apply about as much journalistic skill on the other topics.

"For The Love of Cars" is pretty nice as well, but focuses less on the technical part.

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Didn't they fit a lot of blue-box parts too? It'll be back for another rebuild before long then :ph34r:

Yep indeed, in fact I think just about every part was in a blue box when displayed the arrangement of parts proudly on the counter...

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Yep indeed, in fact I think just about every part was in a blue box when displayed the arrangement of parts proudly on the counter...

No big surprise if they got them from that extra special specialist Craddocks though.

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....... Same with the news really, pretty much every time there's a news item about computers I cry a little inside, and you just know they apply about as much journalistic skill on the other topics.


That pretty much sums it up really, that and the quote 'In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king'

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