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Everything posted by Peaklander

  1. I know how to live in the big world @Mo Murphy I am bored with the constant bleating about JLR. Hell we can’t even have a discussion in this thread about the price of the Grenadier without the same old snipes and gripes about JLR. So sad.
  2. Maybe the moderators could open a ‘slag off Tata/JLR’ thread. Then elsewhere we could have sensible debate all the time and anyone who wants to moan, groan, gripe or slag them off can do so in the corner. They could even have as many likes available as they want. I know several ex colleagues and friends who are working their butts off at JLR to improve manufacturing and quality. They have been successful elsewhere and have a huge task now at JLR. They don’t do design, so can’t be blamed for the product. Even in the most senior positions it isn’t possible to steer the ship or change course on your own.
  3. I like to read your posts as most are very informative. However you are not always correct and tarring all the JLR board with the same brush is insulting.
  4. Yes but that’s only if you want to preserve a low current path isn’t it?
  5. Yes, all those prices are NET and the 20% will be additional at the bottom.
  6. Yes I certainly could do with a trip down to SIV and a chat about old times. Arjan already has a route planned for his 'raid' and I believe that as the roof will be close-ish to the M1, that will fit in. Otherwise, yes I could put it on my roof rack. Edit: he beat me to it!
  7. Thanks Ross. I think Arjan’s pickup all hangs on the easing of COVID19 quarantine and the signs in the UK and France aren’t that promising.
  8. Hi Arjan, got your messages. It looks like we have a plan.
  9. Can he wait till the end of Sept? Then I could pick up, as it's about 1 hour away and hold it at a mate's near here (west of Sheffield not far from M1). I can't go sooner as trying to get away on a trip.
  10. Here's an example. I wanted to control a spotlight relay. The +ve was easily available at the relay in the engine bay as it was next to the dip & high beam ones. I just ran a single switch wire from the switch at the right hand side of the dash, with the ground very close to it. Otherwise I'd need a feed wire too. I suppose it just depends whether or not the +ve is as accessible as a ground would be. I think your ECU point is a good bet.
  11. 🤣 I knew as soon as I wrote 'zero resistance' that someone would pick up on it. Switching the ground side does reduce wiring assuming that the ground connection is local to the switch.
  12. The same current flows either way it is fitted (and it's really irrelevant as to which way the electrons move). The volt drop is still across the load, not the switch (which has zero resistance). At the moment before switching, there's a 12 volt drop across the switch whatever way it is connected as no current is yet flowing.
  13. Switching the earth side can make disconnecting a live circuit easier. For example the door pillar switch for the interior lamps is an earth-side switch. If you want to replace or service it, then disconnecting and accidentally touching the wire connecting spade to the metal won't blow a fuse. It just makes the circuit again and the voltage is dropped at the lamps rather than creating a spark of 'uncontrolled' 12v which blows a fuse.
  14. There are three rods to unclip. One at the lock, one at the handle inside and one going up to the locking button. If you shine a torch on them you will see how to prise the clips off these rods. The metal carrier does carry everything but that includes the glass. You need to undo the two bolts at the bottom of the glass (one shown in the second pic) and ideally lift the glass up towards the top of the door and hold it there using another par of hands or duct tape over the top, whilst then removing the metal carrier. if the door is off the vehicle then it's easier with the glass v gravity.
  15. They are quite useful nowadays, not just for leaving at home and never answering them (says he thinking about Very elderly parents) 😁
  16. I agree! I also like the auto compress of quoted content. Plus I really like the logo and had forgotten about the competition and winner.
  17. So maybe the question @Green200tdi is, do you need that sort of flex?
  18. I have been walking in Torridon twice. It's an amazing place. The mountains need to be respected but they are very rewarding. I remember walking over to Lower Diabaig from Upper Loch Torridon; its a beautiful place. From there you can walk along the coast to and from Red Point. More strenuously, you can park halfway down the Glen from Kinlochewe and walk north-west and the around into the corrie to see the Triple Buttress which is a fantastic sight. You can continue along the ridge back towards Kinlochewe but it isn't for the faint hearted. We did it years ago but it's an open-ended walk and I borrowed a tiny (a really tiny) kids bike and freewheeled all the way back down from Kinlochewe to the car, a few miles, with my legs sticking out the whole way. Ben Alligin on the north side of the Loch is spectacular. Pics to whet your appetite, taken in October 2010 when the weather was setting itself up for a particularly snowy pre-Christmas period across the whole of the UK.
  19. I fitted SuperPro bushes to my 110 a few years ago. The ride is great although I don’t have much experience to compare them with. Fitting was done in a big vice, not too hard to do but I needed a second pair of hands on the radius arms as holding them and getting the bush positioned exactly is a bit tricky. They can easily ‘ping’ out and fly off if you squeeze too much with them out of line. Removing the old ones was a nasty job. The rubber tends to melt with any power tool that you put near them, like a drill. Burning helps but that’s horrible too. Careful use of a hacksaw to cut a slot is the last step, used to get the outer sleeve to move.
  20. Is there any truth that a dishwasher tablet popped into the coolant system loosens that sort of crud, so it can be flushed out?
  21. We are planning to meander up the west coast too in Sept. probably going to do some detailed exploring by starting in Dunoon and then following the coast. I know there’s about a million miles of coastline so not sure just how far north we’ll get.
  22. Yes I agree, lots of white space and the text could therefore be larger. Also the mobile app still doesn't show location. Is this in one of our configuration settings because it would be nice? However I appreciate that upgrades are usually for the best. Thank you
  23. The Roamerdrive is 28% and I think that the Fairy is the same. So no difference.
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