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Steve 90

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Everything posted by Steve 90

  1. No idea what the torque setting would be. I put a normal length 1/2" drive ratchet on them and do them up to what feels right. I think the issue with the standard ones is that the abuse they get causes them to stretch rather than turn loose. so locktight wont help as it tends to be better when things vibrate loose which is also why I dont see any need to do them up mega tight. Its seems the 12.9 don't stretch so they seem to stay tight, My truck gets more abuse, more regularly than most and they have been perfect.
  2. Mine used to come loose every time I drove the truck. Ive now fitted 12.9 cap heads and they have stayed tight for about 14 months.
  3. Ive been reading through all the MS stuff on the forum over the last couple of evenings as I think I have made my mind up and will be going V8 in the next few months :o There is a huge amount of info, my head and eyes both hurt from digging through it, Infact theres too much and im probably more confused now than I was before :rolleyes: Just one question (first of many I feel) which is on a bit of a tangent sorry. Why do people use MS rather than a system like Omex? The people I know in the rallying world and the only experience ive had of a comp safari motor all use Omex. I have no personal experience of either, Know very little about MS and even less about Omex so i'm hoping some of you guys can give me an idea of the pro's and cons. I feel I have a steep learning curve in the next few weeks....again! Cheers. Steve.
  4. I didn't have those tabs on the bar across the front of the rad. I would just slice a bit off till they don't touch any more. At the bulk head they are supposed to be used in conjunction with a roll cage so I think you have some fab work to do there!
  5. Sorry, I agree with Tim, It will run it but not great.
  6. Through actually talking to people and listening to what they are saying. Its quite a new concept but i'm sure it will catch on. Also you might try reading through this thread, Think one or two people have hinted what they feel here!
  7. Not wishing to be negative but surely of you are going to wait for the compressor to build up between uses it would be quicker and easier to just run them off with a decent socket and bar as that only takes seconds! I would certainly go for a cordless over an air wrench with a marginal air supply. mines brilliant for really tight stuff but the cheap ones wont do tight and the good ones need decent air.
  8. Very well put and I think this is exactly how many people feel.
  9. Miserableolgit. When I first posted it was merely to say that I thought it was wrong to lock some of these topics. I have no interest in reading about Tax or insurance but they are both relevant and current topics that are worthy of a place in the forum. I think the ones with a funny content are also quite good for the forum although also not to everyones taste. I do however think there are many threads that are worthy of being locked and removed either for being repetitive or plain and simple basic in the respect that if any one wants to learn about stuff then before asking stupid questions on a forum, Have a look ( I would not mention any particular posts as I don't want to offend people. I am sure you know what I mean). Ive spoken with other forum members who feel the same. I am however very un impressed with the attitude shown in some of Les's replies when its obvious that many members do not agree. Also his unwillingness to discuss any points or answer certain questions about how these choices were made. Steve.
  10. ???? If I was to write a response to the attitude you show with your comments above and here then it would surely be removed!
  11. Thats what annoys me, there are numerous threads that are Landrover related but far from what you would expect of a "Technical" forum. These, In my humble opinion, are the ones I feel should be censored as they do detract from the Forum. The odd bit of banter or a thread with some comedic value is not what detracts from the forum and just makes it a more friendly, enjoyable place to be. Its only a small percentage of the whole, It just makes it a little more light hearted. As for Voting a Forum Admin off I think is a little drastic. They do a very good job, Yourself included Les but they should maybe listen to what the forum members say and use this when making decisions that effect all of us. To come back with a response which basically says "Thats the way I want it so thats what it will be" Just is not good enough. Just as a matter of interest Les, Is this your own decision? A decision taken by a group of mods? or (preferably IMHO) a decision by a group of mods after consulting with a varied cross section of everyday forum users?
  12. I personally think an odd few loosely related but humorous threads only add to the forum and the enjoyment of users. Certainly make me chuckle after a hard day. On the other hand there are heaps of 100% land rover related threads that are either repetitive or insanely simple/moronic that drive myself and many other users crazy to the extent that people are starting to be less fond of the forum. These threads seem to add nothing too the nice, friendly, easygoing feel of the forum but make it a manual for people who cant be bothered too get off there a**e and sort simple things out. There, I don't usually get involved in the politics of the site but Its been annoying me (and others) for ages. But now I've had my rant and feel better ! Steve.
  13. Even the heavy duty rod will bend before anything else, Ive bent loads. Best combo is HD track rod used with Gwyn Lewis's Track rod guard. Try searching as there have been a few similar threads.
  14. Yes loads. What sort of event would you be looking for? He has a Drive round day on the 26th at Wellington or the next round of the Challenge Series at Slindon on the 23rd of August. He should put info up in this section, It would be the Ideal place.
  15. Its all up and running but I hadn't even thought to post any more about it untill a forum member asked if there was any news so heres a few pics. Not the best but you'll get the idea. I'm not sure if its due to the much better (less restrictive) front pipe shape, the fact it has 3" pipe right up to the turbo with a pretty restriction free run or a combination of both but the engine is a lot sharper off the bottom and the Turbo spins up a lot sooner than before giving a much wider spread of power. Its made the truck much nicer to drive. Jase drove it yesterday for quite a while and he also commented on it pulling well and feeling lively at the bottom. Im real pleased with the way it all turned out. Air intake is out of harms way but it is quite noisy on the road if you don't have a rear window.
  16. I dont remember much of it but the bits I do remember were brilliant! The "Taff" In WurzelTaff!
  17. 18 amps raising to 21 just before they come up to full pressure.
  18. Totally agree with the theory but in practice, as long as you use decent cable you wont notice any difference. IMHO you much better off have slightly more cable and have them out of harms way. Ive had them broken when mounted on the front by stray branch's etc.
  19. Bob, makes no difference how far away you have it as long as you use decent cable. No idea if they prefer to be vertical or not, Both my fronts are on their side and seem ok at the moment. To be honest if they are not capable of drawing in at any angle then they certainly are not going to draw in hard enough to make a connection capable of handling the current they need to. So i would have thought they are fine lay down.
  20. Chris, Our Kris (green 90 tray back at 4x4 adventures events) uses wire with a steel hawse after destroying more roller fairleads than you can shake a stick at. The roller ones just fly to bits, The cheap ones are complete rubbish and the expensive ones arn't much better. When they do fly to bits your in a right mess with the winch cable running the edge of your winch tray. He's real pleased, no trouble even on tight side pulls and I very much doubt he'll ever go back.
  21. Excelent, Im with you. Thankyou.
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