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Everything posted by miketomcat

  1. And two sizes of pin type hitch. Nato and commercial (about a 19mm pin). Mike
  2. I'd definitely run it continually and watch the temperature as if it gets to cold it will freeze and not work. It doesn't need to get that cold before it freezes either. Mike
  3. I think the yanks still use a 2" ball but I suspect it's a rtfm issue. Mike
  4. I'm not taking this personally. I have aired down however in the UK off roading is predominantly for fun and short. Out of a 100 mile greenlane trip your likely to do 60 miles on road. A site day there is only likely to be 10% of the site where airing down will make any difference. So yes I'm lazy and don't bother but I also don't bother to drive some where I'm going to spend 4 hours trying to get out of. It does work and makes a big difference but I would only use it on prolonged off road use and probably only drop to 20 psi. Mike
  5. My brother took a car to sva but forgot to tighten his nuts. Half way there a wheel came off all four nuts were a hundred yards back up the road! Glad your OK. Mike
  6. There is an IVA manual and test for building trailers in UK. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/iva-manual-for-categories-01-02-03-and-04-trailers Mike
  7. The only time I've aired down was in Russia at ladoga. The main reason is I can't be bothered and I have no sensible way of pumping them back up. Don't get me wrong it works I know that but we punched 3 tyres off rims in the space of 2 miles. We were running 16psi and believe me putting a tyre back on full of mud, in a rut with an electric compressor is not my idea of fun. Mike
  8. I'd do as tsd says but would also put a dehumidifier in there if you can get one. We had two running in a 50 foot boat for 2 months and drained 120 litres of water out. Mike
  9. If he gives them to me I can back them up with 6 layers of kevlar that way they'll be bulletproof. Mike
  10. Well said that man. I think land rover have completely lost the plot lately but I'm not worried as I'll never need to buy a new one and I don't plan on replacing the ones I have. Mike
  11. I think the general rule is once it's faded to white it has had enough uv to warrant replacement. Mine is also white mind it is 7 years old and could do with replacing though I'll use it for a bit longer yet. Mike
  12. Not without chassis mods the 110 springs are a larger diameter Mike
  13. When they ask for your reg number just start with Q*** *** that will make them panic and give up. On the AA note I phoned them with lunched turbo oil seal they sent a patrolman. He turned up l said "there's no way I'm starting it for you" he took it on faith and called a flatbed taxi. Then listened in disbelief when I told him the wife and kids are staying in Wales while myself and tsd go back with it to change the engine and return two days later. Mike
  14. You could try some heat on it. The bodge way that sometimes works for the drop arm is to loosen the big nut and go for a drive just bear in mind if that nut falls off the drop arm can fall off to! You will feel play in the steering when it all comes loose. Mike
  15. If it helps at all I'll be traveling from Southampton up the A34 next weekend for the adventure overland show and the following weekend to Newbury sort out. Mike
  16. I would expect them to be snug but not stiff the main thing is no play. If it's stiff it will put extra strain on the bolts. Mike
  17. It looks like we'll be up probably with tsd not sure if for the day or camping yet though. Mike
  18. Oddly enough I'll be there hmm night off roading. Mike
  19. Many thanks I have booked into manor Farm not that they really take bookings. Mike
  20. Thanks for the suggestions so far I'm waiting for manor Farm to get back with a price (there website is vague). Teign house is full shame as this looked perfect. Any others? Mike
  21. We are going to Exeter this weekend for a show and figured we'd make a weekend of it. So we are looking for somewhere to stay in the rooftent (possibly with the trailer as well). It will be Saturday night for sure but possibly Friday night to. We are completely self contained so need only a spot and needs to be cheap. Anyone got some recommendations looking to get it sorted asap. Mike
  22. Viscous on 45 and a cheapy electric off ebay on the 110 (only because you can't fit a Viscous on a disco 200 with a 3 bolt steering box). Mike
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