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Mo Murphy

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Everything posted by Mo Murphy

  1. Chris, I hear the Lake District is nice in mid-November Mo
  2. 110s are barges, best thing to do with them is to drive 'em in the canal and fill them with coal :P Mo
  3. Hi Capacity 90? There was one in the mags a while ago, it looked daft. 110 hi-caps on the other hand look quite good, whilst 130 crew cab hi-caps frightfully good I suppose it's all to do with the visual balance (Blimey, that's deep), a 90 hi-cap doesn't have any Mo
  4. I'm at Llanerchindda 12, 13 and 14th. Mo
  5. Try to avoid crashing it if you can, I find that helps Mo
  6. You can try bending the locking tabs to pull the seal tighter to the filler or get another seal from an old cap and put 2 seals on the cap. I found it easiest to buy a new genuine cap (the pattern ones apparently still leak ! ). Job done , no more leaks. HTH Mo
  7. Some kind chap on here made me a flasher for if it can't Mo
  8. Jamie, question - Does the alarm module do the flashing for the alarm led or is the flashing bit in the speedo already or does the led just illuminate without flashing ? Secondly, I suspect that the seond permanent live (9 on Imperadeiro's picture, 3rd row down) may be the one that saves the trip mileage and the decimal place on the main mileage as neither get saved in either of my speedos (when I switch off the ignition) and I'm only using the permanent live in the second row. We'll see on Saturday Mo
  9. Wickes sell them as 4.5 inch multi-purpose cutting disks. They work fine Not cheap though Mo
  10. I used a long extension bar and one of those double jointed sockets, job done Mo
  11. A 3/4 ton Sankey trailer then, Dave ? Mo
  12. Blimey, Turbo, you've broken it already ! Mo
  13. I would imagine that the jimny is so light that a length of twine and a fishing reel should suffice Mo
  14. I had that one in the Pyrenees Makes steering interesting. Mo
  15. I got one of mine from ebay (brand new with zero milage !) and my spare from a fellow forum member along with the binnacle and the temp gauge. bear in mind that if you use the td5 binnacle you'll need to get the warning lights working as the earlier warning light pod won't fit Ralph got his speedo a couple of weeks ago from ebay, I suppose you just need to be patient. Mo
  16. Update on the warning light module - we've got the lights working on the bench, hoping to install this weekend assuming I don't work Friday night overtime I'm going to try the TD5 temp gauge as well, I've been told it runs from the ecu but I'm sure it's only doubled to the ecu for monitoring purposes, since the connections on the back are pretty standard live, earth and ground. Anyone had any luck with a fuel gauge yet ? I'm told the damping mechanism for it is in the speedo, has anyone worked out the connections yet ? And does anyone have a spare TD5 fuel gauge to sell ? Mo
  17. With Jez here, smoghog and a vacpac. I'd rather have a cig than inhale zinc. I also have an allergy - cobalt chloride, which is found in most metals and oils Mo
  18. If I left my missus with James for the day, she wouldn't come back. When can you fit her in, James ? Mo
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