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Mo Murphy

Long Term Forum Financial Supporter
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Everything posted by Mo Murphy

  1. Walfy, change the url in square brackets to img. Yes, you are truly a biff Edited to say done whilst I typed, Bravo ! Mo
  2. The NAS round reversing light is much, much better than the old oblong one Tony. Mo
  3. I'll go with Tony, at the end of the day it's still a C reg 90 and so should be valued accordingly. £4-5000 is now real 300Tdi territory and for that you'll get a 90 10 years younger than that one. Mo
  4. He took a day to get back to me after sending the form. Mo
  5. Could you not use a rope to tether it ? Mo
  6. Yes, I've had confirmation, Tim. Did you book using the form on the website ? Mo
  7. Hmm, I'm also growing fond of the 130 crew cab, is there a bug in the air ? Mo
  8. You could make new mountings that bolt to the engine. Although not done by me, my 300 (bolted to an LT77) is mounted on original 2.5 td chassis mountings using fabricated engine block mountings (with a hole chain drilled to allow access to the oil filter). So I don't see any reason why it couldn't be done the other way round. I could be wrong of course Mo
  9. That's a very thorough guide Gromit, well done ! Mo
  10. Not the best photos but they're what I have on photobucket at the moment. Mo
  11. Reminds me of the demise of the LRE forums. The same attitude from the owners. Thank heavens for LR4x4
  12. This is their email address - auberge-etable@wanadoo.fr . I've gone for half-board as I haven't a clue what the restaurant situation is in the village. Mo
  13. Thank you, James for that heartfelt and frank admission of your guilt. I have gone ahead and made arrangements for myself for the first few days of the trip, namely hotels. I have booked an overnight on the 9th in the Angouleme F1 and I have booked myself into the Auberge de l'étable for the nights of the 10,11,12 and 13th May. Mo
  14. The good old readers forum - what rubbish ! Mo
  15. Erm, erm, wasn't me, it was er, Tim, that's who it was, and James as well. I'm innocent ... allegedly Mo
  16. Bish old boy, do read the whole thread will you, there's a good chap Formule 1 on the first page, Auberge de l'étable in Montory further up on this page I agree, Formule 1 are pretty hard to beat in the cheap and cheerful stakes ! For our southbound group I would suggest a night stop at Angouleme where there is a formule 1 hotel, and from then on to Montory (which is within striking distance of the northernmost 3 days of the roadbook route) for perhaps 4 nights (half board, demi pension). Then on eastwards toward Andorra via the roadbook over the remaining days. I have prepared an Itinery file for tomtom from home to Montory, if anyone wants a copy of it just email; you'll just have to change the first waypoint to your home (easy). Mo
  17. Glad you've got it all sorted now Tony. Mo
  18. Fridge, why does a generator have to be cleaner ? Mo
  19. About 20 quid but I'd be happy to give 30 to help a student get on. There I go again, always thinking of others ... Mo
  20. £40 !!!!!! What a bargain for a piece of moulded plastic !!!!!!!! Mo
  21. I suspect a small generator would do the job better, David, and probably be cheaper too. Mo
  22. I didn't do the t pieces in the bearing cap because I didn't know about them Would they cause the main rear seal to fail ? Les, mine didn't separate but the Britpart one leaked like buggery ! so much so that a week later on the day of a trip to Wales I pulled it all out again to fit a genuine one which didn't leak as much. Mo
  23. Both times that I had to replace my clutch I just eyed the centre up but the engine was hanging on the hoist at the time. Mo
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